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Created August 6, 2016 21:51
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PLAY [all] *********************************************************************
TASK [setup] *******************************************************************
ok: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [Install dependencies] ****************************************************
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=[u'curl', u'git', u'apache2', u'acl'])
TASK [rvm_io.rvm1-ruby : Detect rvm binary] ************************************
ok: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [rvm_io.rvm1-ruby : Detect rvm installer] *********************************
ok: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [rvm_io.rvm1-ruby : Detect current rvm version] ***************************
skipping: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [rvm_io.rvm1-ruby : Install rvm installer] ********************************
changed: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [rvm_io.rvm1-ruby : Configure rvm installer] ******************************
changed: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [rvm_io.rvm1-ruby : Import GPG keys] **************************************
ok: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [rvm_io.rvm1-ruby : Install rvm] ******************************************
changed: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [rvm_io.rvm1-ruby : Update rvm] *******************************************
skipping: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [rvm_io.rvm1-ruby : Configure rvm] ****************************************
changed: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [rvm_io.rvm1-ruby : Detect if rubies are installed] ***********************
ok: [media_choice_dev] => (item=2.3.1)
TASK [rvm_io.rvm1-ruby : Install rubies] ***************************************
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item={'_ansible_item_result': True, u'end': u'2016-08-06 21:45:03.244475', '_ansible_no_log': False, u'stdout': u'', u'changed': False, u'rc': 2, 'item': u'2.3.1', u'cmd': [u'/usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm', u'2.3.1', u'do', u'true'], u'stderr': u'Ruby ruby-2.3.1 is not installed.', u'delta': u'0:00:00.553110', 'invocation': {'module_name': u'command', u'module_args': {u'creates': None, u'executable': None, u'_uses_shell': False, u'_raw_params': u'/usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm 2.3.1 do true', u'removes': None, u'warn': True, u'chdir': None}}, 'stdout_lines': [], 'failed_when_result': False, u'start': u'2016-08-06 21:45:02.691365', u'warnings': [], 'failed': False})
TASK [rvm_io.rvm1-ruby : Detect default ruby version] **************************
ok: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [rvm_io.rvm1-ruby : Select default ruby] **********************************
changed: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [rvm_io.rvm1-ruby : Detect installed ruby patch number] *******************
ok: [media_choice_dev] => (item=2.3.1)
TASK [rvm_io.rvm1-ruby : Install bundler if not installed] *********************
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item={u'changed': False, u'stdout': u'ruby-2.3.1', '_ansible_no_log': False, 'stdout_lines': [u'ruby-2.3.1'], u'warnings': [], '_ansible_item_result': True, u'start': u'2016-08-06 21:47:55.175210', u'delta': u'0:00:00.398892', u'cmd': u'/usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm list strings | grep 2.3.1 | tail -n 1', 'item': u'2.3.1', u'rc': 0, 'invocation': {'module_name': u'command', u'module_args': {u'creates': None, u'executable': None, u'_uses_shell': True, u'_raw_params': u'/usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm list strings | grep 2.3.1 | tail -n 1', u'removes': None, u'warn': True, u'chdir': None}}, u'end': u'2016-08-06 21:47:55.574102', u'stderr': u''})
TASK [rvm_io.rvm1-ruby : Symlink ruby related binaries on the system path] *****
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=bundle)
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=bundler)
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=erb)
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=executable-hooks-uninstaller)
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=gem)
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=irb)
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=rake)
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=rdoc)
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=ri)
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=ruby)
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=testrb)
TASK [rvm_io.rvm1-ruby : Detect if ruby version can be deleted] ****************
skipping: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [rvm_io.rvm1-ruby : Delete ruby version] **********************************
skipping: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [users : setup password-less sudo to change to non-root users] ************
changed: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [users : Create user for deployment] **************************************
changed: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [users : Create directory to hold the RSA keys] ***************************
changed: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [users : Check if ssh key pair already exists] ****************************
ok: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [users : Generate ssh key pair] *******************************************
changed: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [users : Change permissions of the private ssh key] ***********************
changed: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [users : Change permissions of the public ssh key] ************************
changed: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [users : Create users for deployment] *************************************
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=diego)
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=manzo)
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=marcheing)
TASK [users : Create ssh hidden dir for users] *********************************
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=diego)
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=manzo)
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=marcheing)
TASK [users : Create authorized_keys file for users] ***************************
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=diego)
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=manzo)
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=marcheing)
TASK [apache : Install proxy modules] ******************************************
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=proxy)
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=proxy_http)
changed: [media_choice_dev] => (item=ssl)
TASK [apache : Enable and start apache service] ********************************
changed: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [apache : Copy MediaChoice's configuration for Apache2 to the server] *****
changed: [media_choice_dev]
TASK [apache : a2ensite media_choice] ******************************************
changed: [media_choice_dev]
RUNNING HANDLER [apache : reload apache2] **************************************
fatal: [media_choice_dev]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "failure 1 running systemctl show for 'apache2': Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory\n"}
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