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Last active February 4, 2023 19:09
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Map of bivariate spatial correlation in R (bivariate LISA)
# Load data
map <- readOGR(dsn="R:/Dropbox/Dout/Data Dout", layer="test_map")
# Variables to use in the correlation: white and black population in each census track
x <- map$income
y <- map$diffaccess
# Programming some functions
# Bivariate Moran's I
moran_I <- function(x, y = NULL, W){
if(is.null(y)) y = x
xp <- scale(x)[, 1]
yp <- scale(y)[, 1]
W[which(] <- 0
n <- nrow(W)
global <- (xp%*%W%*%yp)/(n - 1)
local <- (xp*W%*%yp)
list(global = global, local = as.numeric(local))
# Permutations for the Bivariate Moran's I
simula_moran <- function(x, y = NULL, W, nsims = 2000){
if(is.null(y)) y = x
n = nrow(W)
IDs = 1:n
xp <- scale(x)[, 1]
W[which(] <- 0
global_sims = NULL
local_sims = matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol=nsims)
ID_sample = sample(IDs, size = n*nsims, replace = T)
y_s = y[ID_sample]
y_s = matrix(y_s, nrow = n, ncol = nsims)
y_s <- (y_s - apply(y_s, 1, mean))/apply(y_s, 1, sd)
global_sims <- as.numeric( (xp%*%W%*%y_s)/(n - 1) )
local_sims <- (xp*W%*%y_s)
list(global_sims = global_sims,
local_sims = local_sims)
# Adjacency Matrix (Queen)
nb <- poly2nb(map)
lw <- nb2listw(nb, style = "B", zero.policy = T)
W <- as(lw, "symmetricMatrix")
W <- as.matrix(W/rowSums(W))
W[which(] <- 0
# Calculating the index and its simulated distribution
# for global and local values
m <- moran_I(x, y, W)
# Global Moral
global_moran <- m[[1]][1]
#> 0.2218409
# Local values
m_i <- m[[2]]
# local simulations
local_sims <- simula_moran(x, y, W)$local_sims
# global pseudo p-value
# get all simulated global moran
global_sims <- simula_moran(x, y, W)$global_sims
# Proportion of simulated global values taht are higher (in absolute terms) than the actual index
moran_pvalue <- sum(abs(global_sims) > abs( global_moran )) / length(global_sims)
#> 0
# Identifying the significant values
alpha <- .05 # for a 95% confidence interval
probs <- c(alpha/2, 1-alpha/2)
intervals <- t( apply(local_sims, 1, function(x) quantile(x, probs=probs)))
sig <- ( m_i < intervals[,1] ) | ( m_i > intervals[,2] )
# Preparing for plotting
# Convert shape file into sf object
map_sf <- st_as_sf(map)
map_sf$sig <- sig
# Identifying the LISA clusters
xp <- scale(x)[,1]
yp <- scale(y)[,1]
patterns <- as.character( interaction(xp > 0, W%*%yp > 0) )
patterns <- patterns %>%
str_replace_all("TRUE","High") %>%
patterns[map_sf$sig==0] <- "Not significant"
map_sf$patterns <- patterns
# Rename LISA clusters
map_sf$patterns2 <- factor(map_sf$patterns, levels=c("High.High", "High.Low", "Low.High", "Low.Low", "Not significant"),
labels=c("High income - High access gain", "High income - Low access gain", "Low income - High access gain","Low income - Low access gain", "Not significant"))
### PLOT
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data=map_sf, aes(fill=patterns2), color="NA") +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("red", "pink", "light blue", "dark blue", "grey80")) +
guides(fill = guide_legend(title="LISA clusters")) +
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@Tito0411 I recommend using the sfdep::moran_bv() function :)

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Hi @JosiahParry ! Thanks for chipping in. I wrote this gist a long time ago in 2016/2017. Lots of things have changed since then and I totally agree the best solution here would be using the sfdep package. BTW, thank you for such a great package !!!

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