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Create Flow Map in R using ggplot2
## This gist shows how to create Flow Maps in R using ggplot2.
## source: This is based on different bits of code from other with amazing R skills:
@ceng_l :
@3wen :
@spatialanalysis :
@freakonometrics :
# Libraries
# Get World map
worldMap <- getMap()
mapworld_df <- fortify( worldMap )
# Read data on airports and flights
airports <- read.csv("",, header=TRUE)
flights <- read.csv("",, header=TRUE)
# get airport locations
airport_locations <- airports[, c("IATA","longitude", "latitude")]
# aggregate number of flights (frequency of flights per pair) <- ddply(flights, c("From","To"), function(x) count(x$To))
# Link airport lat long to origin and destination
OD <- left_join(, airport_locations, by=c("From"="IATA") )
OD <- left_join(OD, airport_locations, by=c("To"="IATA") )
OD$id <-as.character(c(1:nrow(OD))) #create and id for each pair
##### Two Simple Maps #####
# 1. Using straight lines
ggplot() +
geom_polygon(data= mapworld_df, aes(long,lat, group=group), fill="gray30") +
geom_segment(data = OD, aes(x = longitude.x, y = latitude.x, xend = longitude.y, yend = latitude.y, color=freq),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.01, "npc"))) +
scale_colour_distiller(palette="Reds", name="Frequency", guide = "colorbar") +
# 2. Using Curved Lines
ggplot() +
geom_polygon(data= mapworld_df, aes(long,lat, group=group), fill="gray30") +
geom_curve(data = OD, aes(x = longitude.x, y = latitude.x, xend = longitude.y, yend = latitude.y, color=freq),
curvature = -0.2, arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.01, "npc"))) +
scale_colour_distiller(palette="Reds", name="Frequency", guide = "colorbar") +
##### A more professional map ####
# Using shortest route between airports considering the spherical curvature of the planet
# get location of Origin and destinations airports
setDT(OD) # set OD as a data.table for faster data manipulation
beijing.loc <- OD[ From== "PEK", .(longitude.x, latitude.x)][1] # Origin
dest.loc <- OD[ , .(longitude.y, latitude.y)] # Destinations
# calculate routes between Beijing (origin) and other airports (destinations)
routes <- gcIntermediate(beijing.loc, dest.loc, 100, breakAtDateLine=FALSE, addStartEnd=TRUE, sp=TRUE)
class(routes) # SpatialLines object
# Convert a SpatialLines object into SpatialLinesDataFrame, so we can fortify and use it in ggplot
# create empty data frate
ids <- data.frame()
# fill data frame with IDs for each line
for (i in (1:length(routes))) {
id <- data.frame(routes@lines[[i]]@ID)
ids <- rbind(ids, id) }
colnames(ids)[1] <- "ID" # rename ID column
# convert SpatialLines into SpatialLinesDataFrame using IDs as the data frame
routes <- SpatialLinesDataFrame(routes, data = ids, match.ID = T)
# Fortify routes (convert to data frame) +++ join attributes
routes_df <- fortify(routes, region= "ID") # convert into something ggplot can plot
gcircles <- left_join(routes_df, OD, by= ("id"))
### Recenter ####
center <- 115 # positive values only - US centered view is 260
# shift coordinates to recenter great circles
gcircles$long.recenter <- ifelse(gcircles$long < center - 180 , gcircles$long + 360, gcircles$long)
# shift coordinates to recenter worldmap
worldmap <- map_data ("world")
worldmap$long.recenter <- ifelse(worldmap$long < center - 180 , worldmap$long + 360, worldmap$long)
### Function to regroup split lines and polygons
# takes dataframe, column with long and unique group variable, returns df with added column named group.regroup
RegroupElements <- function(df, longcol, idcol){
g <- rep(1, length(df[,longcol]))
if (diff(range(df[,longcol])) > 300) { # check if longitude within group differs more than 300 deg, ie if element was split
d <- df[,longcol] > mean(range(df[,longcol])) # we use the mean to help us separate the extreme values
g[!d] <- 1 # some marker for parts that stay in place (we cheat here a little, as we do not take into account concave polygons)
g[d] <- 2 # parts that are moved
g <- paste(df[, idcol], g, sep=".") # attach to id to create unique group variable for the dataset
df$group.regroup <- g
### Function to close regrouped polygons
# takes dataframe, checks if 1st and last longitude value are the same, if not, inserts first as last and reassigns order variable
ClosePolygons <- function(df, longcol, ordercol){
if (df[1,longcol] != df[nrow(df),longcol]) {
tmp <- df[1,]
df <- rbind(df,tmp)
o <- c(1: nrow(df)) # rassign the order variable
df[,ordercol] <- o
# now regroup
gcircles.rg <- ddply(gcircles, .(id), RegroupElements, "long.recenter", "id")
worldmap.rg <- ddply(worldmap, .(group), RegroupElements, "long.recenter", "group")
# close polys
worldmap.cp <- ddply(worldmap.rg, .(group.regroup), ClosePolygons, "long.recenter", "order") # use the new grouping var
# Flat map
ggplot() +
geom_polygon(data=worldmap.cp, aes(long.recenter,lat,group=group.regroup), size = 0.2, fill="#f9f9f9", color = "grey65") +
geom_line(data= gcircles.rg, aes(long.recenter,lat,group=group.regroup, color=freq), size=0.4, alpha= 0.5) +
scale_colour_distiller(palette="Reds", name="Frequency", guide = "colorbar") +
ylim(-60, 90) +
# Spherical Map
ggplot() +
geom_polygon(data=worldmap.cp, aes(long.recenter,lat,group=group.regroup), size = 0.2, fill="#f9f9f9", color = "grey65") +
geom_line(data= gcircles.rg, aes(long.recenter,lat,group=group.regroup, color=freq), size=0.4, alpha= 0.5) +
scale_colour_distiller(palette="Reds", name="Frequency", guide = "colorbar") +
# Spherical element
scale_y_continuous(breaks = (-2:2) * 30) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = (-4:4) * 45) +
coord_map("ortho", orientation=c(61, 90, 0))
# Any ideas on how to color the oceans ? :)
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PunamA commented Oct 31, 2019

blue <- rgb(190/255, 232/255, 255/255)

then simply add at the end of your ggplot()

theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = blue))

for example:

ggplot() +
  geom_polygon(data=worldmap.cp, aes(long.recenter,lat,group=group.regroup), size = 0.2, fill="#f9f9f9", color = "grey65") +
  geom_line(data= gcircles.rg, aes(long.recenter,lat,group=group.regroup, color=freq), size=0.4, alpha= 0.5) +
  scale_colour_distiller(palette="Reds", name="Frequency", guide = "colorbar") +
  ylim(-60, 90) +
  theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = blue))

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