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Caffe Python Layer

How to create a custom Caffe layer in Python?

This tutorial will guide through the steps to create a simple custom layer for Caffe using python. By the end of it, there are some examples of custom layers.

- Why would I want to do that?

Usually you would create a custom layer to implement a funcionality that isn't available in Caffe, tuning it for your requirements.

- What will I need?

Probably just Python and Caffe installed.

- Is there any downside?

Creating a python custom layer adds some overhead to your network and probably isn't as efficient as a C++ custom layer. However, this way, you won't have to compile the whole caffe with your new layer.

Layer Template

import caffe

class My_Custom_Layer(caffe.Layer):
    def setup(self, bottom, top):
    def forward(self, bottom, top):
    def reshape(self, bottom, top):

    def backward(self, bottom, top):

So important things to remember:

  • Your custom layer has to inherit from caffe.Layer (so don't forget to import caffe);
  • You must define the four following methods: setup, forward, reshape and backward;
  • All methods have a top and a bottom parameters, which are the blobs that store the input and the output passed to your layer. You can access it using top[i].data or bottom[i].data, where i is the index of the blob in case you have more than one upper or lower blob.

- Setup method

The Setup method is called once during the lifetime of the execution, when Caffe is instantiating all layers. This is where you will read parameters, instantiate fixed-size buffers.

- Reshape method

Use the reshape method for initialization/setup that depends on the bottom blob (layer input) size (for example top blob size and internal buffers). It is called before every forward.

- Forward method

The Forward method is called for each input batch and is where most of your logic will be.

- Backward method

The Backward method is called during the backward pass of the network. For example, in a convolution-like layer, this would be where you would calculate the gradients. This is optional (a layer can be forward-only).

Prototxt Template

Ok, so now you have your layer designed! This is how you define it in your .prototxt file:

layer {
  name: "LayerName"
  type: "Python"
  top: "TopBlobName"
  bottom: "BottomBlobName"
  python_param {
    module: "My_Custom_Layer_File"
    layer: "My_Custom_Layer_Class"
    param_str: '{"param1": 1,"param2":True, "param3":"some string"}'
        phase: TRAIN

Important remarks:

  • type must be Python;
  • You must have a python_param dictionary with at least the module and layer parameters;
  • module refers to the file where you implemented your layer (without the .py);
  • layer refers to the name of your class;
  • You can pass parameters to the layer using param_str (more on accessing them bellow);
  • Just like any other layer, you can define in which phase you want it to be active (see the examples to see how you can check the current phase);

Passing parameters to the layer

You can define the layer parameters in the prototxt by using param_str. Once you've done it, here is an example on how you access these paremeters inside the layer class:

def setup(self, bottom, top):
    params = eval(self.param_str)
    param1 = params["param1"]
    param2 = params.get('param2', False) #I usually use this when fetching a bool
    param3 = params["param3"]
    #Continue with the setup
    # ...

Where should I save the class file?

You have two options (at least that I know of). Either you can save the custom layer file in the same folder as you are going to run the caffe command (probably where your prototxt files would be). Another way, also my favorite one, is to save all your custom layers in a folder and adding this folder to your PYTHONPATH.


Bellow are two examples of layers. One of them is a "measure" layer, that outputs the accuracy and a confusion matrix for a binary problem during training and the accuracy, false positive rate and false negative rate during test/validation. Although Caffe already has a Accuracy layer, sometimes you want something more, like a F-measure.

The other is a custom data layer, that receives a text file with image paths, loads a batch of images and preprocesses them. Just a quick tip, Caffe already has a big range of data layers and probably a custom layer is not the most efficient way if you just want something simple.

Measure Layer

This is my with my class definition:

#Remark: This class is designed for a binary problem, where the first class would be the 'negative'
# and the second class would be 'positive'

import caffe
TEST = 1

class Measure_Layer(caffe.Layer):
    #Setup method
    def setup(self, bottom, top):
        #We want two bottom blobs, the labels and the predictions
        if len(bottom) != 2:
            raise Exception("Wrong number of bottom blobs (prediction and label)") 

        #And some top blobs, depending on the phase
        if self.phase == TEST and len(top) != 3:
            raise Exception("Wrong number of top blobs (acc, FPR, FNR)")
        if self.phase == TRAIN and len(top) != 5:
            raise Exception("Wrong number of top blobs (acc, tp, tn, fp and fn)")
        #Initialize some attributes
        self.TPs = 0.0
        self.TNs = 0.0
        self.FPs = 0.0
        self.FNs = 0.0
        self.totalImgs = 0

    #Forward method
    def forward(self, bottom, top):
        #The order of these depends on the prototxt definition
        predictions = bottom[0].data
        labels = bottom[1].data

        self.totalImgs += len(labels)

        for i in range(len(labels)): #len(labels) is equal to the batch size
                pred = predictions[i]   #pred is a tuple with the normalized probability 
                                        #of a sample i.r.t. two classes
                lab = labels[i]
                if pred[0] > pred[1]:
                        if lab == 1.0:
                                self.FNs += 1.0
                                self.TNs += 1.0
                        if lab == 1.0:
                                self.TPs += 1.0
                                self.FPs += 1.0

        acc = (self.TPs + self.TNs) / self.totalImgs
        try: #just assuring we don't divide by 0
                fpr = self.FPs / (self.FPs + self.TNs)
                fpr = -1.0

        try: #just assuring we don't divide by 0
                fnr = self.FNs / (self.FNs + self.TPs)
                fnr = -1.0
       #output data to top blob
       top[0].data = acc
       if self.phase == TRAIN:
           top[1].data = self.TPs
           top[2].data = self.TNs
           top[3].data = self.FPs
           top[4].data = self.FNs
       elif self.phase == TEST:
           top[1].data = fpr
           top[2].data = fnr
    def reshape(self, bottom, top):
        We don't need to reshape or instantiate anything that is input-size sensitive

    def backward(self, bottom, top):
        This layer does not back propagate

And this is an example of a prototxt with it:

layer {
  name: "metrics"
  type: "Python"
  top: "Acc"
  top: "TPs"
  top: "TNs"
  top: "FPs"
  top: "FNs"
  bottom: "prediction"   #let's supose we have these two bottom blobs
  bottom: "label"

  python_param {
    module: "measureLayer"
    layer: "Measure_Layer"
  include {
    phase: TRAIN

layer {
  name: "metrics"
  type: "Python"
  top: "Acc"
  top: "FPR"
  top: "FNR"
  bottom: "prediction"   #let's supose we have these two bottom blobs
  bottom: "label"

  python_param {
    module: "measureLayer"
    layer: "Measure_Layer"
  include {
    phase: TEST

Data Layer

My could be something like:

import caffe

class Custom_Data_Layer(caffe.Layer):
    def setup(self, bottom, top):
        # Check top shape
        if len(top) != 2:
                raise Exception("Need to define top blobs (data and label)")
        #Check bottom shape
        if len(bottom) != 0:
            raise Exception("Do not define a bottom.")
        #Read parameters
        params = eval(self.param_str)
        src_file = params["src_file"]
        self.batch_size = params["batch_size"]
        self.im_shape = params["im_shape"]
        self.crop_size = params.get("crop_size", False)
        ###### Reshape top ######
        #This could also be done in Reshape method, but since it is a one-time-only
        #adjustment, we decided to do it on Setup
        if self.crop_size:
            top[0].reshape(self.batch_size, 3, self.crop_size, self.crop_size)
            top[0].reshape(self.batch_size, 3, self.im_shape, self.im_shape)

        #Read source file
        #I'm just assuming we have this method that reads the source file
        #and returns a list of tuples in the form of (img, label)
        self.imgTuples = readSrcFile(src_file) 
        self._cur = 0 #use this to check if we need to restart the list of imgs
    def forward(self, bottom, top):
        for itt in range(self.batch_size):
            # Use the batch loader to load the next image.
            im, label = self.load_next_image()
            #Here we could preprocess the image
            # ...
            # Add directly to the top blob
            top[0].data[itt, ...] = im
            top[1].data[itt, ...] = label
    def load_next_img(self):
        #If we have finished forwarding all images, then an epoch has finished
        #and it is time to start a new one
        if self._cur == len(self.imgTuples):
            self._cur = 0
        im, label = self.imgTuples[self._cur]
        self._cur += 1
        return im, label
    def reshape(self, bottom, top):
        There is no need to reshape the data, since the input is of fixed size
        (img shape and batch size)
        If we were processing a fixed-sized number of images (for example in Testing)
        and their number wasn't a  multiple of the batch size, we would need to
        reshape the top blob for a smaller batch.

    def backward(self, bottom, top):
        This layer does not back propagate

And the prototxt would be like:

layer {
  name: "Data"
  type: "Python"
  top: "data"
  top: "label"
  python_param {
    module: "dataLayer"
    layer: "Custom_Data_Layer"
    param_str: '{"batch_size": 126,"im_shape":256, "crop_size":224, "src_file": "path_to_TRAIN_file.txt"}'


  1. Christopher Bourez's blog
  2. Caffe Github
  3. StackOverflow
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I tried to implement this code using Anaconda3 on Windows 10.
I got this error,
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dataLayer'
Any suggestion?

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