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Last active October 19, 2018 07:13
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  • Save rafcio2k/c6f8b10298a53b51c9e8ddf847ea1a61 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rafcio2k/c6f8b10298a53b51c9e8ddf847ea1a61 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# This script prepare AwaLWM2M tools and start AWALWM2M client, which connects to CreatorDev Device Server.
# Client is already configured for Prj5_HeatingController project.
# Go to and install virtualbox, virtualbox extension pack and vagrant. Then:
# $ mkdir creatordev-sdk
# $ cd creatordev-sdk
# $ vagrant init CreatorDev/creatordev-vm
# $ vagrant up
# Download Device Server Certificate from and put it in ./creatordev-sdk/myworkspace/deviceserver_cert
# $ vagrant ssh
./daemon/src/client/awa_clientd -b coaps:// -e ClimateMasterController -i 12345 -c ~/myworkspace/deviceserver_cert1 -l ~/myworkspace/awa_clientd_climateMasterController.log -d
./daemon/src/client/awa_clientd -b coaps:// -e ClimateTemperature -i 12346 -c ~/myworkspace/deviceserver_cert2 -l ~/myworkspace/awa_clientd_climateTemperature.log -d
./daemon/src/client/awa_clientd -b coaps:// -e ClimatePresence -i 12347 -c ~/myworkspace/deviceserver_cert3 -l ~/myworkspace/awa_clientd_climatePresence.log -d
./daemon/src/client/awa_clientd -b coaps:// -e ClimateHeater -i 12348 -c ~/myworkspace/deviceserver_cert4 -l ~/myworkspace/awa_clientd_climateHeater.log -d
ps -ef | grep awa | grep -v grep
sleep 5
./tools/awa-client-define -p 12345 -o 20010 -j CustomConfig -m -y multiple -r 3500 -n TimeSchedule -t string -u single -q mandatory -k rw \
-r 3501 -n SensorID -t string -u single -q mandatory -k rw
./tools/awa-client-define -p 12346 -o 3303 -j Temperature -m -y single -r 5700 -n SensorValue -t float -u single -q mandatory -k r
./tools/awa-client-define -p 12346 -o 3308 -j TemperatureDelta -m -y single -r 5900 -n SetPointValue -t float -u single -q mandatory -k rw
./tools/awa-client-define -p 12347 -o 3302 -j Motion -m -y single -r 5500 -n DigitalInputState -t boolean -u single -q mandatory -k r
./tools/awa-client-define -p 12348 -o 3201 -j HeaterState -m -y single -r 5550 -n DigitalOutputState -t boolean -u single -q mandatory -k rw
# temperature
./tools/awa-client-set -p 12346 -c /3303/0
./tools/awa-client-set -p 12346 /3303/0/5700=23.4
./tools/awa-client-get -p 12346 /3303/0/5700
./tools/awa-client-set -p 12347 -c /3302/0
./tools/awa-client-set -p 12347 /3302/0/5500=true
./tools/awa-client-get -p 12347 /3302/0/5500
#heater state
./tools/awa-client-set -p 12348 -c /3201/0
./tools/awa-client-set -p 12348 /3201/0/5550=true
./tools/awa-client-get -p 12348 /3201/0/5550
#custom config (names, schedule)
./tools/awa-client-set -c /20010/0
./tools/awa-client-set -c /20010/1
./tools/awa-client-set -c /20010/2
./tools/awa-client-set /20010/0/3501="ClimateTemperature"
./tools/awa-client-set /20010/1/3501="ClimatePresence"
./tools/awa-client-set /20010/2/3501="ClimateHeater"
./tools/awa-client-set /20010/0/3500="{}"
./tools/awa-client-get /20010/0/3501
./tools/awa-client-get /20010/1/3501
./tools/awa-client-get /20010/2/3501
./tools/awa-client-get /20010/0/3500
#custom config (delta)
./tools/awa-client-set -p 12346 -c /3308/0
./tools/awa-client-set -p 12346 /3308/0/5900=0.25
./tools/awa-client-get -p 12346 /3308/0/5900
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