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Created August 5, 2021 01:11
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ClojoDojo 2021-07-04
(ns exercises.marketplace)
;; there is marketplace of vendors
;; each offering a certain amount of foos for bars
;; want to be able to convert from foos to bars
;; function 1 - show cost of converting some number of foos to bars, via multiple trades in marketplace (ex. 2 foo => 5 bars)
;; function 2 - path to achieve that conversion 1 foo => 4 cats => 2 zigs => 25 bars
(def offers
[{:from [4 :banana]
:to [2 :eagles]
:name "bob"}
{:from [2 :zebra]
:to [2 :eagles]
:name "bill"}])
;; TODO convert offers to lookup
(def lookup
{:bananas {:eagles [4 2]
:apples [1 2]}
:apples {:zebras [2 4]
:monkeys [1 5]}
:eagles {}
:zebras {}
:turtles {}
:monkeys {:turtles [2 4]}})
;; assuming unidirectional offers only
;; assuming there is always a path to be found
;; assuming there is only 1 path to be found
(defn search [path target-unit]
(if (= (last path) target-unit)
(let [current-unit (last path)
options (keys (lookup current-unit))]
(->> options
(map (fn [option]
(search (conj path option) target-unit)))
(remove empty?)
#_(search [:bananas] :eagles)
;; [:banana :eagles]
#_(search [:bananas] :zebras)
;; [:banana :apples :zebra]
#_(search [:bananas] :turtles)
;; [:banana :apples :monkeys :turtles]
(defn convert [[quantity source-unit] target-unit])
#_(convert [5 :apple] :zebra)
;; [6.2 :zebra]
(defn detailed-convert [[quantity source-unit] target-unit])
#_(detailed-convert [5 :apple] :zebra)
;; [[5 :apple] [3 :banana] [2 :eagles] [6.2 :zebra]]
(def planets
{:earth 1
:mars (+ 1 9/12)
:saturn (+ 29 6/12)})
(defn convert-space-age
"Converts age from one planet to another"
[age from-planet-key to-planet-key]
(double (* (from-planet-key planets)
(/ age
(to-planet-key planets)))))
#_(convert-space-age 30 :earth :saturn)
#_(convert-space-age 30 :earth :earth)
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