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Created October 6, 2022 01:06
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(ns demo.ui
[reagent.core :as r]))
(defonce state (r/atom {:game-board [[:x :o :x] [:o nil nil] [nil nil nil]]
:current-player :x}))
;; "how can i represent any moment of my app as a dictionary"
(defn flip0 [player]
(if (= player :x)
(defn flip1 [player]
(case player
:x :o
:o :x))
(def flip
{:x :o
:o :x})
(defn app-view []
(for [[row-index row] (map-indexed vector (:game-board @state))]
(for [[col-index item] (map-indexed vector row)]
[:td {:on-click (fn []
(swap! state assoc-in [:game-board row-index col-index] (:current-player @state))
(swap! state update :current-player flip))}
(case item
:x "❎"
:o "⭕"
(def test-game-state
{:game-board [[\x \o \x] [\o nil nil] [nil nil nil]]
:move-history [[[0 0] \x] [[0 1] \o] [[0 2] \x] [[1 0] \o]]
:current-move-index 3})
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