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Last active May 5, 2022 01:10
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(ns exercises.core
[clojure.walk :as walk]))
;; trie
; "hello"
; "hi"
; "he"
; h
; e
; l
; l
; o
; i
(def trie
{\h {\i {:EOW nil}
\e {:EOW nil
\l {\l {\o {:EOW nil}}}}}})
(defn all-words [trie]
(walk/postwalk (fn [e]
(= e nil) [""]
(= :EOW e) ""
(map? e) (mapcat (fn [[k vs]]
(map (fn [v] (str k v)) vs))
:else e))
(defn subtree [trie query]
(get-in trie query))
#_(map identity "he")
#_(subtree trie "he")
(defn autocomplete [trie query]
(map (partial str query) (all-words (subtree trie query))))
#_(autocomplete trie "he")
(cons "he" ["" "llo"])
["" "llo"]
["he" "hello"]
(map (partial str "he") ["" "llo"])
(mapcat (fn [[k vs]]
(map (fn [v] (str k v)) vs))
{\a ["b" "c"]
\d ["e" "f"]})
"ab" "ac"
"de" "df"
#_(autocomplete trie "he")
; #{"hello" "he"}
(def words ["hello" "hi" "he"])
(defn trie
(reduce (fn [memo word]
(assoc-in memo (conj (vec word) :EOW) nil))
{} words))
#_(assoc-in {} [\a \b \c \d \e] nil)
#_(trie words)
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