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Created February 27, 2015 22:13
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Rewrite of CORS
<div type="div3" xml:id="CORS2"><head>Creating New Reference Systems</head>
<p>If a text has no canonical reference system of its own, a new custom reference
system may be used.</p>
<p>The global attributes <att>n</att> and <att>xml:id</att> may be used to
assign reference identifiers to segments of the text. Identifiers
specified by either attribute apply to the entire element for which they
are given. ID attributes must be unique within a single
document, and ID values must begin with a letter. No such restrictions
are made on the values of <att>n</att> attributes.
<p>Determining a referencing system for a TEI encoding depends on many factors
that may either be derived by textual structure, or influenced by extra-textual
contingencies such as project and file management matters. It is important,
therefore, that the attribute used, the elements which can bear standard
reference identifiers, and the method for constructing standard reference
identifiers, should all be declared in the header as described in section
<ptr target="#HD54"/>.
<p>The Guidelines do not recommend one specific method for creating new referencing
systems; however, the rest of this section lists some possibly useful strategies.</p>
<div type="div4" xml:id="CORS2-1">
<head>Referencing system derived from markup</head>
A new referencing system may be derived from the structure of the electronic
text, specifically from the markup of the text. As with any
reference system intended for long-term use, it is important to see the
reference as an established, unchanging point in the text. Should the
text be revised or rearranged, the reference-system identifiers
associated with any bit of text must stay with that bit of text, even if
it means the reference numbers fall out of sequence. (A new reference
system may always be created beside the old one if out-of-sequence
numbers must be avoided.)
<p>A convenient method of mechanically generating unique values for
<att>xml:id</att> or <att>n</att> attributes based on the structure of
the document is to construct, for each element, a <term>domain-style
address</term> comprising a series of components separated by full
stops, with one component for each level of the document hierarchy.
Two methods may be used. In the <term>typed path</term> form of
identifier, each component in the identifier takes the form of an
element identifier, a hyphen, and a number, for example
<code>p-2</code>. The element name specifies what type of
element is to be sought, and the number specifies which occurrence of that
element type is to be selected. (The hyphen and number may be omitted
if there is only one element of the given type.) In the <term>untyped
path</term> form of identifier, each component consists of a number,
indicating which element in the sequence of nodes at each level is to be
selected. To make the resulting identifier a valid XML identifier, it
may need to be prefixed with an unchanging alphabetic letter.</p>
<p>Identifiers generated with these methods should use the <gi>text</gi>
element as their starting point, rather than the <gi>TEI</gi> or
<gi>body</gi> elements. The <gi>TEI</gi> element may be taken
as a starting point only if identifiers need to be generated for the
<gi>teiHeader</gi>, which is not usually the case; using the
<gi>body</gi> element as a root would prevent assignment of identifiers
for the front and back matter. The component corresponding to the root
element can be omitted from identifiers, if no confusion will result.
In collections and corpora, the component corresponding to the root may
be replaced by the unique identifier assigned to the text or sample.
<p>In the following example, each element within the <gi>text</gi>
element has been given a typed-path identifier as its <att>xml:id</att>
value, and an untyped-path identifier as its <att>n</att> value; the
latter are prefixed with the string <mentioned>AB</mentioned>, which may be
imagined to be the general identifier for this text.
<egXML xmlns=""><text xml:id="Text-1" n="AB">
<front xml:id="Front" n="AB.1">
<div xml:id="Front.div-1" n="AB.1.1">
<p> ... </p>
<titlePage xml:id="Front.titlePage" n="AB.1.2">
<titlePart> ... </titlePart>
<div xml:id="Front.div-2" n="AB.1.3">
<p> ... </p>
<body xml:id="Body" n="AB.2">
<p xml:id="Body.p-1" n="AB.2.1"> ... </p>
<p xml:id="Body.p-2" n="AB.2.2"> ... </p>
<div xml:id="Body.div-1" n="AB.2.3">
<head xml:id="Body.div-1.head" n="AB.2.3.1"> ... </head>
<p xml:id="Body.div-1.p-1" n="AB.2.3.2"> ... </p>
<p xml:id="Body.div-1.p-2" n="AB.2.3.3"> ... </p>
<div xml:id="Body.div-2" n="AB.2.4">
<head xml:id="Body.div-2.head" n="AB.2.4.1"> ... </head>
<p xml:id="Body.div-2.p-1" n="AB.2.4.2"> ... </p>
<p xml:id="Body.div-2.p-2" n="AB.2.4.3"> ... </p>
The typed and untyped path methods are convenient, but are in no way
required for anyone creating a reference system.
<p>If the <att>xml:id</att> attribute is used to record the reference
identifiers generated, each value should record the entire path. If the
<att>n</att> attribute is used, each value may record either the entire
path or only the subpath from the parent element. The attribute
used, the elements which can bear standard reference identifiers, and
the method for constructing standard reference identifiers, should all
be declared in the header as described in section <ptr target="#HD54"/>.
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