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Forked from alkavan/gource-commands.txt
Created April 14, 2010 15:26
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Gource command
gource commands
# basic command for big and long projects
gource --max-user-speed 500 --seconds-per-day 0.05 --file-idle-time 10 -e 0.005 -f --max-files 300 --hide-files
# some easy to understand commands
# for output file
--output-ppm-stream ~/ppm/ppm-kohana
# if a lot of files
--max-files 200
# for keeping users on screen
# more elastic tree
-e 0.01
# longer days:
--seconds-per-day 1
# less files on screen
--max-files 400
# less bloom
--bloom-multiplier 0.70
gource preset
# RAILS full (try) [if "--dont-stop" on need to stop manually]
gource -1280x720 -b 000000 --stop-position 0.80 --disable-progress --max-user-speed 600 --seconds-per-day 0.03 -a 0.5 --file-idle-time 4 -e 0.006 --bloom-multiplier 0.70 --hide-files --multi-sampling --max-files 400 --highlight-user "David Heinemeier Hansson" --highlight-user "Nicholas Seckar" --highlight-user "Leon Breedt" --highlight-user "Jamis Buck" --highlight-user "Sam Stephenson" -f --output-ppm-stream - > ~/ppm/rails-full.ppm &
gource -1280x720 --stop-at-end --disable-progress --max-user-speed 400 --seconds-per-day 0.1 --file-idle-time 2.5 -e 0.006 --bloom-multiplier 0.70 --hide-files --multi-sampling --max-files 400 --output-ppm-stream - > ~/ppm/git.ppm -p 0.5 -f --highlight-user "Linus Torvalds"
# youtube resolution best
ffmepg two pass
So if you wanted to encode using two-pass VBR, the command line would be something like:
#first pass (if needed to check stuff)
#think it can be that "-vcodec mpeg4" for windows
ffmpeg -f image2pipe -i git.ppm -an -pass 1 -vcodec libx264 -vpre fastfirstpass -b 3000000 -threads 0 git.mp4
#you can try "-vpre max" for very high quality "-b <bitrate and time you found in first pass>"
#this one gives good results with -1280x720
ffmpeg -f image2pipe -i git.ppm -vcodec libx264 -vpre hq -threads 0 -mbd rd -flags mv0 -trellis 2 -cmp 2 -subcmp 2 -g 300 -pass 1/2 -b <3000000> git.mp4
# important about ffmpeg and bitrates
overall average bit rate = file size in bytes * bits per byte / duration in seconds
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