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Created April 14, 2021 18:43
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Tmuxp project config example
session_name: acme-api
start_directory: ./
suppress_history: false
- window_name: edit
focus: true
- nvim -S $XDG_DATA_HOME/session/acme-api.vim
- window_name: git
- shell_command:
- git status -sb
- git log --graph --all
--pretty='%C(240)%h%C(reset) -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %C(242)(%an %ar)'
- window_name: api
layout: main-vertical
- shell_command:
- sleep 4
- pgcli -h localhost -U user -d acme
- SET search_path = public;
- \dn; \dt public.*
- docker-compose up db redis
- find . -name '*py' | entr -r docker-compose up api
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