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Last active August 15, 2018 16:49
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A Trie class in python
class TrieNode:
def __init__(self):
self.children = dict()
self.end_of_word = False
def leafNode(self):
return self.end_of_word
def freeNode(self):
return not any(self.children)
class Trie:
def __init__(self):
self.root = TrieNode()
def insert(self, key):
current = self.root
for elem in key:
node = current.children.get(elem)
if node is None:
node = TrieNode()
current.children[elem] = node
current = node
current.end_of_word = True
def find(self, key):
current = self.root
for elem in key:
node = current.children.get(elem)
if node is None:
return False
current = node
return current.end_of_word
def delete(self, key):
if not self.find(key):
raise KeyError('{} does not exist.'.format(key))
self._recursiveDelete(self.root, key, 0, len(key))
# 1. Key present as a unique key i.e no part of key contains another key (prefix), not key itself is prefix to another key in trie. Delete all nodes.
# 2. Key present as a prefix key to another long key in trie. Unmark the leaf node.
# 3. Key present having atleast one other key as prefix key. Delete nodes from the end until first leaf node of longest prefix.
def _recursiveDelete(self, node, key, level, length):
if level == length:
if node.end_of_word:
node.end_of_word = False
return node.freeNode() # if node has no children it can be deleted
child_node = node.children[key[level]]
if self._recursiveDelete(child_node, key, level+1, length):
del node.children[key[level]]
# recursively climb up and delete eligible nodes i.e can not be a leaf node or node has no children
return (not child_node.leafNode() and child_node.freeNode())
return False
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