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Last active March 4, 2020 09:17
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import sigmoid from './sigmoid'
import Connection from './connection'
import Layer from './layer'
class Network {
constructor(numberOfLayers) {
// Create a network with a number of layers. For layers different than the input layer we add a random Bias to each neuron
this.layers =, index) => {
const layer = new Layer(length)
if (index !== 0 ) {
layer.neurons.forEach(neuron => {
return layer
this.learningRate = 0.3 // multiply's against the input and the delta then adds to momentum
this.momentum = 0.1 // multiply's against the specified "change" then adds to learning rate for change
this.iterations = 0 // number of iterations in the training process
toJSON() {
return {
learningRate: this.learningRate,
iterations: this.iterations,
layers: => l.toJSON())
setLearningRate(value) {
this.learningRate = value
setIterations(val) {
this.iterations = val
connectLayers() {
// Connects current layer with the previous one. This is for a fully connected network
// (each neuron connects with all the neurons from the previous layer)
for (var layer = 1; layer < this.layers.length; layer++) {
const thisLayer = this.layers[layer]
const prevLayer = this.layers[layer - 1]
for (var neuron = 0; neuron < prevLayer.neurons.length; neuron++) {
for(var neuronInThisLayer = 0; neuronInThisLayer < thisLayer.neurons.length; neuronInThisLayer++) {
const connection = new Connection(prevLayer.neurons[neuron], thisLayer.neurons[neuronInThisLayer])
// When training we will run this set of functions each time
train(input, output) {
// Set the input data on the first layer
// Forward propagate
// backpropagate
// You can use as a debugger
// console.log( => l.toJSON()))
this.setIterations(this.iterations + 1)
activate(values) {
this.layers[0].neurons.forEach((n, i) => {
run() {
// For now we only use sigmoid function
return this.runInputSigmoid()
runInputSigmoid() {
for (var layer = 1; layer < this.layers.length; layer++) {
for (var neuron = 0; neuron < this.layers[layer].neurons.length; neuron++) {
const bias = this.layers[layer].neurons[neuron].bias
// For each neuron in this layer we compute its output value,
// the output value is obtained from all the connections comming to this neuron
const connectionsValue = this.layers[layer].neurons[neuron].inputConnections.reduce((prev, conn) => {
const val = conn.weight * conn.from.output
return prev + val
}, 0)
this.layers[layer].neurons[neuron].setOutput(sigmoid(bias + connectionsValue))
return this.layers[this.layers.length - 1] => n.output)
calculateDeltasSigmoid(target) {
// calculates the needed change of weights for backpropagation, based on the error rate
// It starts in the output layer and goes back to the first layer
for (let layer = this.layers.length - 1; layer >= 0; layer--) {
const currentLayer = this.layers[layer]
for (let neuron = 0; neuron < currentLayer.neurons.length; neuron++) {
const currentNeuron = currentLayer.neurons[neuron]
let output = currentNeuron.output;
let error = 0;
if (layer === this.layers.length -1 ) {
// Is output layer,
// the error is the difference between the expected result and the current output of this neuron
error = target[neuron] - output;
// console.log('calculate delta, error, last layer', error)
else {
// Other than output layer
// the error is the sum of all the products of the output connection neurons * the connections weight
for (let k = 0; k < currentNeuron.outputConnections.length; k++) {
const currentConnection = currentNeuron.outputConnections[k]
error += * currentConnection.weight
// console.log('calculate delta, error, inner layer', error)
currentNeuron.setDelta(error * output * (1 - output))
adjustWeights() {
// we start adjusting weights from the output layer back to the input layer
for (let layer = 1; layer <= this.layers.length -1; layer++) {
const prevLayer = this.layers[layer - 1]
const currentLayer = this.layers[layer]
for (let neuron = 0; neuron < currentLayer.neurons.length; neuron++) {
const currentNeuron = currentLayer.neurons[neuron]
let delta =
for (let i = 0; i < currentNeuron.inputConnections.length; i++) {
const currentConnection = currentNeuron.inputConnections[i]
let change = currentConnection.change
// The change on the weight of this connection is:
// the learningRate * the delta of the neuron * the output of the input neuron + (the connection change * momentum)
change = (this.learningRate * delta * currentConnection.from.output)
+ (this.momentum * change);
currentConnection.setWeight(currentConnection.weight + change)
currentNeuron.setBias(currentNeuron.bias + (this.learningRate * delta))
export default Network
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