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Last active January 25, 2024 15:47
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Vim function: toggle ".only" on the current jest test
" This function adds ".only" to the nearest "it(..." block above the cursor, or
" removes ".only" if that is already present. If a "describe..." block is
" nearer above the cursor than any "it..." block, ".only" is toggled on it.
function! ToggleJestOnlyGlobal()
let cursor_position = getpos('.')
let current_line = getline('.')
" Search backwards from the current line for the nearest occurrence of it( or describe(
let match_pos_it = search('\v(it|it\.only)\(', 'bcnW')
let match_pos_describe = search('\v(describe|describe\.only)\(', 'bcnW')
" If no match was found in backward search, reset cursor position and echo a message
if match_pos_it == 0 && match_pos_describe == 0
call setpos('.', cursor_position)
echo "No 'it' or 'describe' block found."
" Determine the nearest block to toggle .only
let nearest_match_pos = match_pos_it == 0 ? match_pos_describe : (match_pos_describe == 0 ? match_pos_it : (match_pos_it > match_pos_describe ? match_pos_it : match_pos_describe))
let target_line = getline(nearest_match_pos)
let statement = target_line =~ '^\s*it\(\.only\)\?' ? 'it' : (target_line =~ '^\s*describe\(\.only\)\?' ? 'describe' : '')
if statement == ''
call setpos('.', cursor_position)
echo "No toggleable 'it' or 'describe' block found."
" Perform the toggle on the identified line
if target_line =~ '\<'. statement . '\.only'
let modified_line = substitute(target_line, '\<'. statement . '\.only', statement, '')
let modified_line = substitute(target_line, '\<'. statement . '\>', statement . '.only', '')
" Update the line with the modified content
call setline(nearest_match_pos, modified_line)
" Reset the cursor to its original position
call setpos('.', cursor_position)
nnoremap <leader>jo :call ToggleJestOnlyGlobal()<CR>
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