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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Save rafrombrc/3858a7885e766fbefa61 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sample Heka SandboxFilter emitting graphite format stats from HTTP request data
require "string"
require "math"
require "table"
require "cjson"
local status_codes = {}
local request_times = {}
local ticker_interval = read_config("ticker_interval") or error("must provide ticker_interval")
local percent_thresh = read_config("percent_threshold") or 90
function process_message()
local hostname = read_message("Hostname")
local logger = read_message("Logger")
local status = read_message("Fields[status]")
local request_time = read_message("Fields[request_time]")
local bucket = string.format("%s.nginx.%s.http_%d", hostname, logger, status)
local val = status_codes[bucket] or 0
status_codes[bucket] = val + 1
bucket = string.format("%s.nginx.%s.request_time", hostname, logger)
val = request_times[bucket] or {}
val[#val+1] = request_time
request_times[bucket] = val
return 0
function timer_event(ns)
local now_sec = math.floor(ns / 1e9)
local rate
local num_stats = 0
for bucket, count in pairs(status_codes) do
rate = count / ticker_interval
add_to_payload(string.format("stats.counters.%s.count %d %d\n", bucket, count, now_sec))
add_to_payload(string.format("stats.counters.%s.rate %f %d\n", bucket, rate, now_sec))
status_codes[bucket] = 0
num_stats = num_stats + 1
local count, min, max, sum, mean, rate, mean_percentile, upper_percentile
local cumulative, tmp
for bucket, times in pairs(request_times) do
count = #times
if count == 0 then
min = 0
max = 0
sum = 0
mean = 0
rate = 0
mean_percentile = 0
upper_percentile = 0
rate = count / ticker_interval
min = times[1]
max = times[count]
mean = min
thresh_bound = max
cumulative = {}
cumulative[0] = 0
for i, time in ipairs(times) do
cumulative[i] = cumulative[i-1] + time
if count > 1 then
tmp = ((100 - percent_thresh) / 100) * count
num_in_thresh = count - math.floor(tmp+.5)
if num_in_thresh > 0 then
mean = cumulative[num_in_thresh] / num_in_thresh
thresh_bound = times[num_in_thresh]
mean = min
thresh_bound = max
mean_percentile = mean
upper_percentile = thresh_bound
sum = cumulative[count]
mean = sum / count
add_to_payload(string.format("stats.timers.%s.count %d %d\n", bucket, count, now_sec))
add_to_payload(string.format("stats.timers.%s.count_ps %f %d\n", bucket, rate, now_sec))
add_to_payload(string.format("stats.timers.%s.lower %f %d\n", bucket, min, now_sec))
add_to_payload(string.format("stats.timers.%s.upper %f %d\n", bucket, max, now_sec))
add_to_payload(string.format("stats.timers.%s.sum %f %d\n", bucket, sum, now_sec))
add_to_payload(string.format("stats.timers.%s.mean %f %d\n", bucket, mean, now_sec))
add_to_payload(string.format("stats.timers.%s.mean_%d %f %d\n", bucket, percent_thresh,
mean_percentile, now_sec))
add_to_payload(string.format("stats.timers.%s.upper_%d %f %d\n", bucket, percent_thresh,
upper_percentile, now_sec))
num_stats = num_stats + 1
request_times[bucket] = {}
add_to_payload(string.format("stats.statsd.numStats %d %d\n", num_stats, now_sec))
inject_payload("txt", "statmetric")
type = "SandboxFilter"
filename = "/path/to/http_req_stat_filter.lua"
message_matcher = 'Type == "nginx.access" && Fields[request_time] != NIL && Fields[status] > 0'
ticker_interval = 5
# Yes, you have to put the same ticker_interval value in both places :P
ticker_interval = 5
address = "graphite.cluster:2003"
protocol = "udp"
message_matcher = "Fields[payload_name] == 'statmetric'"
message_matcher = "Type == 'heka.sandbox-terminated'"
encoder = "PayloadEncoder"
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trink commented Apr 2, 2015

Line 4: unused
Lines 15,16: protect against nil values

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@trink I didn't protect against nil values on lines 15 & 16 b/c the message_matcher explicitly ensures that neither of those fields will be nil, but you're right that it's probably safer to do so anyway in case the filter code is used with a different matcher in the future.

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