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Created July 19, 2014 12:31
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# why “DevOps” is “DevOps” rather than “"Dev" and "Ops"”?
### shouldnt there be a space there. because there is a space close to the ground, near the grass-roots.
So, no there is no space between “dev” and “ops”; that's the whole point of DevOps. Development and operations working together in one bullpen to use [XP terminology](
Myself I am all for it and in fact i don't know any other way of doing development than by operation but hey... what does it even mean "development" and "operation" in the first place?
splitting the hair aside the fact is I've been developing for the web for a while now and I am involved in some form of development of commercial software since i was a teenager. In recent years I don't hang out with hardcore programers as much as i used to and that's mostly because i took the idea of looking for the “end user” to heart maybe too much.
The idea was to “get out from the office”, find “end users” and engage them at the grass root level. not surprisingly this “grass root level” ended up being close to the grass. how do you combine this with the “cloud” and all the stuff one can do today just with google docks!
well there seems to be a lot of work ahead.
so here's one of my “correspondence from the front line” series:
### contextual info:
it all started during parents evening in a london primary school. i was given a survey to fill in. i asked whether they have something set up online. i offered that if i could get the document used to print the paper-pencil version i could help to set up a simple google form online so it is easier for them to do … well everything
the next day i received the document,
i spent 15 minutes filled with grumbling at word processors
end ended up with simpliest google form imaginable
i've sent the link as usually one would do
this is what followed:
### raf to sam:
and back to you with completed form. i suggest trying it out yourself
before sending it out
just out of curiosity, what do you normally do with these
responses in paper form? what software do you use to analyse them or
report further?
thanks let me know if you have more :-)
### sam to raf:
Hi Raf,
Thanks for completing the form. Can you send it to me as an attachment - I only use one email address, as it keeps things simple, and as I don't have a gmail account, I can't access your completed form via Google Forms. Many thanks!
At the moment, we have no standard way to process these things. We're trying to develop and improve the school's communication with parents, particularly with regard to consulting on and explaining proposed changes to the school. Perhaps in the future as the approach to communication develops, we'll be able to look into automating these sorts of enquiries; however, it should be noted that wide accessibility is key and, unfortunately, not everyone has easy access to these sorts of facilities, so speaking directly to people is often the best means for soliciting feedback.
Thanks once again for your feedback.
Best wishes,
### raf to sam:
hi there,
thanks for your email. I think we misunderstood each other :-) and i made a lot of assumptions along the way which not always were the correct ones :-) that's learning for me I guess and hey you are a school governor
i absolutely agree with your points and let me explain why I proposed doing this in the first place.
I'm a digital producer and as part of an "open source" "free as in freedom" and "free as in free beer" (you might need to google these as I am writing this on my phone so it's a pain to look for links) co-op i am working with public organisations (like with data visualisation guys at rsa) to open up already existing channels of communication within public sector in terms these organisations communication with the public and within themselves.
I've put your form on google docs because gmail is most widely used and I assumed you will be able to access it as an admin (there is a way of dealing with this that will keep you out of mess that could be a result) and copy the link to the actual form to send it in an email to parents. so i am sorry to disappoint you but I haven't really fill in your questionnaire :-) it was only a test of the functionality I built for you using google docks :-)
so here is what I was originally proposing in most basic terms (please don't get offended with the detail of the steps written below I just cannot assume any tech knowledge and expertise so will try to list every step):
- a short email msg (one maximum two short sentences!!!) with
- a link to the form (not the one I've sent you but the "client facing one") and
- a name
- this would go to all parents on your email list (you probably have something already or if not its maybe a good opportunity to start collecting these emails)
-regardless whether they have a gmail acc or not
- most of them have smartphones and already uses email via phone equipped in a web browser
- they click on the link in the email
- and see survey in the web browser (regardless of the OS)
- they fill in the form on the website
- submit it
- and since its all anonymised the data is automatically published so they can can access the results if the wish.
- all answers are stored in one spreadsheet
- which you can use in any way you wish
- you can download it as text file (be it .csv .json .xml or whatever you need) and use it in any software you use (this is why my question in the original email)
- google will make it all nice and shiny for you to some extent (see here)
- and it doesn't own your data (!!!) and
- there aren't any hooks nor small print ( I come from a community where this is treated very seriously and guys from google are part of this community they know there is no point in messing with this standard as even now when google owns the world there is a whole "deep net" where no one needs google and if they go agains their own "don't be evil" principle we will just move our operations there)
I hope you see where I am going with this. if you need more info, check out "open government" on uk gov website. there is a team who are doing the same thing on governmental scale :-) and they provide a lot of info
but in more practical terms one of my partners is in touch with developer working on schools new website. she will be preparing training material for the school and for the end user so i will feedback to her whatever we would do together with this survey so it is in a way streamlined with the "system"
or you might consider yourself "a test" :-) or the very first user of the new school website even though it doesn't yet exist ;-) ha we beat them to it :-))
ill send you the email how it would look like for a parent and which you could forward to your personal address, open it on your phone and try how it works for a client.
I will then send you graphs and charts that google automatically generated and which you would have to do anyway if you want the results to be meaningful (why would you make a survey in the first place kind of thing)
does this all make sense to you?
### "[And Now for Something Completely Different][1]" or "what's the point"
i know i totally geeked out on poor guy but my point is this,
ability for seting up a mental infrastructure necessery for him to be able to access tools that will put him in a position to thrive with the technology around him.
is beyond his reach.
it requires team work and it is very difficult to achive cohesion within teams and often there are no leaders and no teams to speak of in terms of organisations' strategy etc
> written by [rafszul]( + [weAreThePlayMakers]( with [StackEdit](
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