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Created July 25, 2014 17:21
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dom potter

#dom potter politics

great stuff very clear delivery ;-) “minimum viable ramble” rocks! I seriously admire the directness //reminds me of the other dom's delivery of “coming clean” episode during the programme :-) you both seem like fun guys; why so serious? //did I just made a reference to batman? ;-)

maybe we could make a game together one day! and just to demonstrate i really mean it here's something special for the two of you:

<iframe width="100%" height="415" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> --- most awesome! high school musical rocks!!

so the fun aside I think there is some sense in repeating in a clearer and edited version some text already written elsewhere. it always helps a lot in the process of formulating the most suitable definitions and most viable solutions. it also helps a lot with execution of ideas expressed within the documentation. it's a lot like what programmers do but instead of blogging we use version control software like subversion and the popular GitHub which allows for easy organisation of work on the same code by many participants, from different places, at various times and often speaking in different languages.

there are a lot of issues people face when working together and I'm sure we can all agree on that. in any case programmers figured out how to solve some of these problems with the execution of code written in a 'colaborative' manner or as you would put it, 'together'.

there is a notion that GitHub is fairly easy to use for non coders and does the job from technical perspective and it works like a dream for setting up complex initiatives and allows colaboration regardless of differences with languages, frameworks and technologies. the method is so awesome that writers (, gitbook,draft); lawyers and any profession that works with information in any shape or form could employ similar model of cooperation.

// you get the point if you don't then just check out this video as an example of what i mean:

<iframe src="//" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> ---- better still, the uk government employs a bunch of programers and some of them are like many programers are these days, myself including being brought up and learn to develop software in an open and inclusive manner. some of the people are very well tuned in to the problems big organisations and public services are facing today and they started working on github as it is really proven method for getting stuff done and are currently openning up the government as we are having our nice convo.

there is a lot of great stuff written by uk gov team and they do great work considering the massive scale of the task and ... well the fact that they just might start dismantling this whole government business straight away once they have the possibility :-) and it did happen in the past :-)

but one thing is certain if any process is to remain inclusive, open and community driven it requires among other things //check out human friendly breakdown of some aspects here a lot of documentation - very clear and standardised form of documentation.

So, those still around interested in innovative use of technology in public services and commercial as well check out the digital government initiatives on github. If you don't have an account on github yet, go and get one here. You don't have to use it just yet but please do try.

regerdless how brave you are go and check out some awesome work done by coders all around the world to enable anyone who feels like they want to help and could contribute some time and skills to get up to speed with open government projects quickly and start shaping the future via kind of the backdoor but which soon might be renamed as general entrance

There is a lot of work to do and this is your link ---> and here once you are logged in don't forget to come and say hello to me and hannah :-)

we will keep you in a loop; and since we are curently cracking our heads against the issue of how to make all this geekery available to entrapreneurs like yourselves on we might get you and your crew on some free training ;-)

you know the deal and even if you don't like all this revolutions and piracy you will at least be able to tell what the hell is this stuff all about anyway and make an informed decision.

All in all great kudos to Dom for brave words and his hard work.

//Dom i have this horrible tendency to try and do stuff as i write so i've set up solve repo on playmakers with intention to populate it with info that might be relevant to those who were on the programme with hope i might help them with getting used to the alien world of people thinking in numbers :-) but i also serched for organisation "solve together"; it wasn't anywhere to be seen and the system let me register it ... so ... yeah i just said it. give me a shout and i'll transfer the ownership if you are into all this ownership business but you seem to be saying you are not ... so ... hooray for open and inclusive colaboration :-)

in fact i think we made it!

yes, i have an idea how to turn our colaborative "maximum viable rumble" into a "minimum viable product"! and yes it is the same one i made on the second day of the accelerator!!!

who shall we sell it to?

how about the hub people? i heard they find it difficult to maintain their 60 sites around the world; they might be up for such perpetuum mobile ;-)

take care and take it easy

<script async class="speakerdeck-embed" data-id="03ad1120aa2501313da22a463594f846" data-ratio="1.77777777777778" src="//"></script>

written by rafszul + weAreThePlayMakers with StackEdit

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