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\\TouchDesigner glsl TOP
uniform int numLights;
uniform vec3 viewDirection; // camera location
uniform vec3 specularColor;
uniform float shininess;
uniform sampler2D samplerPos;
uniform sampler2D samplerNorm;
uniform sampler2D samplerColor;
uniform sampler2D samplerUv;
uniform samplerBuffer lightPos; // position as xyz
uniform samplerBuffer lightColor; // color as rgb
uniform samplerBuffer lightFalloff; // falloff constant, linear, quadratic
uniform samplerBuffer lightLookat; // lookat position xyz
uniform samplerBuffer lightCone; // angle, delta, and falloff
out vec4 fragColor;
#define PI 3.14159265359
void main()
vec2 screenSpaceUV =;
vec2 resolution = uTD2DInfos[0];
// parse data from g-buffer
vec3 position = texture( sTD2DInputs[0], screenSpaceUV ).xyz;
vec3 normal = texture( sTD2DInputs[1], screenSpaceUV ).xyz;
vec4 color = texture( sTD2DInputs[2], screenSpaceUV );
vec2 uv = texture( sTD2DInputs[3], screenSpaceUV ).rg;
vec3 cameraVec = normalize(viewDirection - position);
// set up placeholder for final color
vec3 finalColor = vec3(0.0);
// loop through all lights
for ( int light = 0; light < numLights; ++light ){
// parse lighitng data based on the current light index
vec3 currentLightPos = texelFetchBuffer( lightPos, light ).xyz;
vec3 currentLightColor = texelFetchBuffer( lightColor, light ).xyz;
vec3 currentLightFalloff = texelFetchBuffer( lightFalloff, light ).xyz;
vec3 currentLightLookat = texelFetchBuffer( lightLookat, light ).xyz;
vec3 currentLightCone = texelFetchBuffer( lightCone, light ).xyz;
// cone attributes
float uConeAngle = currentLightCone.x;
float uConeDelta = currentLightCone.y;
float uConeRolloff = currentLightCone.z;
// calculate the distance between the current fragment and the light source
float lightDist = length( currentLightPos - position );
vec3 lightVec = normalize( currentLightPos - position );
// spot
float fullcos = cos(radians((uConeAngle / 2.0) + uConeDelta));
fullcos = (fullcos * 0.5) + 0.5;
float scale = 0.5 / (1.0 - fullcos);
float bias = (0.5 - fullcos) / (1.0 - fullcos);
vec2 coneLookupScaleBias = vec2(scale, bias);
vec3 spot = normalize( currentLightLookat - currentLightPos );
float spotEffect = dot( spot, -lightVec );
float coneAngle = radians( uConeAngle / 2.0);
float ang = acos(spotEffect);
float dimmer;
if( ang > coneAngle )
dimmer = 0.0;
dimmer = texture( sTDSineLookup, 1.0 - ( ang / coneAngle ) ).r;
vec3 toLight = normalize( currentLightPos - position );
vec3 diffuse = max( dot( normal, toLight ), 0.0 ) * color.rgb * currentLightColor;
float diffuseDot = clamp(dot(lightVec, normal), 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 colorSum = diffuseDot * currentLightColor;
vec3 halfAng = normalize((cameraVec + lightVec).xyz);
float specDot = pow(clamp(dot(halfAng, normal), 0.0, 1.0), shininess);
colorSum += specDot * currentLightColor * 0.3 * diffuse;
colorSum *= dimmer;
// accumulate lighting
finalColor += colorSum;
// final color out
fragColor = TDOutputSwizzle( vec4( finalColor, color.a ) );
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