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Last active June 18, 2017 09:31
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Generating sequences using iterators and without integers or arrays
// Generating "A Sequence Problem" using iterators, without integers or arrays //
// See //
// Generic things useful for working with interables and iterators //
// 1. These operations produce repeatable iterables.
function * infinitelyMany (element) {
while (true) {
yield element;
function list () {
let elements = arguments;
return ({
*[Symbol.iterator] () {
yield * elements;
function flatList () {
const lists = arguments;
return ({
*[Symbol.iterator] () {
for (const list of lists) {
yield * list;
const EMPTY = list();
const finiteCopy = iterable => list(...iterable);
// Example of a repeatable iterable:
const ayyBeeCee = list('a', 'b', 'c');
//=> ['a', 'b', 'c']
//=> ['a', 'b', 'c']
// 2. These operations do not produce repeatable iterables
function * mapWith (fn, iterable) {
for (const element of iterable) {
yield fn(element);
function * from(fn, iterable) {
let latch = false;
for (const element of iterable) {
if (latch = latch || fn(element)) {
yield element;
function * upTo (fn, iterable) {
for (const element of iterable) {
yield element;
if (fn(element)) break;
// Example of an operation returning an unrepeatable iterable:
const oneTwoThree = (function * () {
yield 1;
yield 2;
yield 3
const oneFourNine = mapWith(x => x * x, oneTwoThree);
//=> [1, 4, 9]
//=> []
// 3. Operations that don't produce iterables
function find (fn, iterable) {
for (const element of iterable) {
if (fn(element)) return element;
function join (iterable) {
let str = '';
for (const element of iterable) {
str = str + element;
return str;
// Domain-specific code for producing sequences without integers or arrays //
// 1. Pretty-printing
const isIterable = something => typeof something !== 'string' && typeof something[Symbol.iterator] === 'function';
const deepEqual = (a, b) => {
if (isIterable(a) && isIterable(b)) {
const aa = a[Symbol.iterator]();
const bb = b[Symbol.iterator]();
while (true) {
const { value: aValue, done: aDone } =;
const { value: bValue, done: bDone } =;
if (aDone && bDone) {
return true;
} else if (aDone || bDone) {
return false;
} else if (!deepEqual(aValue, bValue)) {
return false;
} else if (!isIterable(a) && !isIterable(b)) {
return a === b;
} else return false;
function pp (something) {
if (isIterable(something)) {
return join(
mapWith(pp, something),
} else {
return something.toString();
function sp (something, level = 1) {
if (isIterable(something) && level === 0) {
return '…';
} else if (isIterable(something)) {
return join(
mapWith(x => sp(x, level - 1), something),
} else {
return something.toString();
// 2. repeating an action a number of times, given by a representation of the number
function timesDo (number, fn) {
for (const count of upTo(e => deepEqual(e, number), numbersFromOne())) {
// 3. Overlaying one iterable lazily on top of another, given a period specified as
// a number in the prepresentation. Example in pseudocode using strings:
// i1 = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz...
// i2 = 123456789...
// three = list('*', '.')
// overlayPeriodic(three, i2, i1)
// //=> ab1de2gh3jk4mn5pq6st7vw8yz...
function * overlayPeriodic (period, overlayIterator, baseIterator) {
while (true) {
for (const number of numbersFromOne()) {
if (deepEqual(number, period)) break;
// 4. Overlay exponents on a base iterable. Using arabic numbers as an example,
// The base starts as 0000000000000000000000...
// Given a period of three, we want to overlay that with
// 112112113112112113112112114..., which produces:
// 001001002001001002001001003...
// Only, naturally, we want the representations, so it's more like:
// ..*..*..(*)..*..*..(*)..*..*..(*.)..
// This is, for a given prime, the progression of exponents in the representation
// of every number. Where do we get 112112113112112113112112114 from?
// By overlaying 223223224223223224223223225... on top of 1111111111111...
// And where do we get 223223224223223225 from? By overlaying 334334335...
// on top of 2222222... It's exponents of turtles all the way down.
function * exponents (prime, numberIterator, baseIterator) {
const baseExponent =;
const allExponents = exponents(prime, numberIterator, infinitelyMany(baseExponent));
yield * overlayPeriodic(prime, allExponents, baseIterator);
// 5. Create the numbers, managing the exponents for each prime and creating new primes
// when the exponents for all previously seen primes are zero.
function * numbers () {
const zero = '.';
yield zero;
const one = '*';
yield one;
// exponents by prime
let exponentSequences = EMPTY;
while (true) {
const factorization = finiteCopy(mapWith(s =>, exponentSequences));
// it is a new prime if there are no exponents not equal to a dot.
// this includes the empty case
const isaNewPrime = !find(e => e !== '.', factorization);
if (isaNewPrime) {
const prime = flatList(list('*'), factorization);
// yield it first so we can recursively get all the numbers up to this prime.
yield prime;
const exponentsOfPrime = exponents(prime, numbersFromOne(), infinitelyMany(zero));
// remove the first numbersofprime, as we have already counted them
timesDo(prime, () =>
exponentSequences = flatList(list(exponentsOfPrime), exponentSequences);
} else {
// not a prime, so return the exponentiations, trimming the lead:
const trimmed = from(e => e !== '.', factorization);
yield trimmed;
// 6. The numbers from one
function * numbersFromOne () {
yield * from(e => e === '*', numbers());
// Example
const thirtyOne = list('*', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.');
for (const number of upTo(e => deepEqual(e, thirtyOne), numbers())) {
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