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Last active April 1, 2017 13:35
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Save raganwald/51c55cb55aa33fb114a21f22def79669 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Compiler that translates a program for a Turing Machine with arbitrary marks, into a program for a Turing Machine that only uses ones and zeroes
// binary encode a possibly unflattened instruction set with
// marks beyond 0 and 1
function binaryEncoded ({ description: descriptionWithMarks, tape: tapeWithMarks = [], LEFT, RIGHT, HALT, Write, Move }) {
const recognizeStates = new Set();
const marks = new PseudoSet();
for (const [currentState, currentMark, nextState, ...instructions] of descriptionWithMarks) {
for (const instruction of instructions) {
if (instruction instanceof Write) {
for (const cell of tapeWithMarks) {
const markToNumber = new PseudoMap();
const numberToMark = new PseudoMap();
const numbers = marks
.filter(m => typeof m === 'number')
.sort((a,b) => a < b ? -1 : (a === b ? 0 : 1));
for (const number of numbers) {
markToNumber.set(number, number);
numberToMark.set(number, number);
let lastNumber = 0;
const strings = marks.filter(m => typeof m === 'string');
for (const string of strings) {
while (numbers.includes(lastNumber)) ++lastNumber;
markToNumber.set(string, lastNumber);
numberToMark.set(lastNumber, string);
const others = marks.filter(m => typeof m !== 'string' && typeof m !== 'number');
for (const other of others) {
while (numbers.includes(lastNumber)) ++lastNumber;
markToNumber.set(other, lastNumber);
numberToMark.set(lastNumber, other);
// for (const key of markToNumber.keys()) {
// console.log(key.toString(), markToNumber.get(key));
// }
const bits = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(Math.log2(markToNumber.size)));
// console.log(`bits: ${bits}`)
const toReverseBinary = n =>
n.toString(2).split('').map(b => '01'.indexOf(b)).reverse();
const fromReverseBinary = array =>, i) => bit * Math.pow(2, i)).reduce((_, __) => _+__);
const toPaddedReverseBinary = (n, length = bits) => {
const rb = toReverseBinary(n);
const padN = length - rb.length;
for (let i = 0; i < padN; ++i) {
return rb;
// for (const { key, value } of markToNumber.mappings) {
// console.log(`${key} ${value} ${toPaddedReverseBinary(value).join('')}`)
// }
const paddedReverseBinarySuffix = (prb) =>
prb.length === 0 ? '' : `__${prb.join('')}`;
let description = [];
for (const [currentState, currentMark, nextState, ..._instructions] of descriptionWithMarks) {
if (markToNumber.has(currentMark)) {
const currentMarkNumber = markToNumber.get(currentMark);
const prb = toPaddedReverseBinary(currentMarkNumber);
const recognizeMark = prb.pop();
const recognizeState = `${currentState}${paddedReverseBinarySuffix(prb)}`;
let lastState = recognizeState;
const approachDescriptions = []
while (prb.length > 0) {
const approachMark = prb.pop();
const approachState = `${currentState}${paddedReverseBinarySuffix(prb)}`;
if (!description.find(([currentState, currentMark]) => currentState === approachState && currentMark == approachMark)) {
approachDescriptions.unshift([approachState, approachMark, lastState, Move(RIGHT)]);
} // or can probably break
lastState = approachState;
for (const d of approachDescriptions) {
// move back to beginning
const moveBackToBitZero = times(bits - 1).map(() => Move(LEFT));
// translated instructions
const translatedInstructions = flatMap(_instructions, instruction => {
if (instruction instanceof Move) {
return times(bits).map(() => instruction);
} else if (instruction instanceof Write) {
const markNumber = markToNumber.get(instruction.mark);
const prb = toPaddedReverseBinary(markNumber);
return flatMap(prb, bit => [Write(bit), Move(RIGHT)])
} else {
console.log(`Don't know how to binary encode ${instruction}`);
throw 1;
// optimize away Move[LEFT], Move[RIGHT] and vice-versa
const instructions = [...moveBackToBitZero, ...translatedInstructions].reduce(
(acc, instruction) => {
if (acc.length === 0) {
} else {
const last = acc[acc.length - 1];
if (instruction instanceof Move && last instanceof Move && instruction.direction !== last.direction) {
} else {
return acc;
description.push([recognizeState, recognizeMark, nextState, ...instructions]);
const chunk = (array) =>
Array(Math.ceil(array.length/bits)).fill().map((_,i) => array.slice(i*bits,i*bits+bits));
const tape = flatMap(
cell => {
const n = markToNumber.get(cell);
const rb = toReverseBinary(n);
const padN = bits - rb.length;
for (let i = 0; i < padN; ++i) {
return rb;
const after = (tape) =>
.map(cell => numberToMark.get(cell));
// pd('binary:', description)
console.log(`markToNumber size: ${markToNumber.size}`)
return {
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This is a snippet from my book-in-progress Tooling for Turing Machines.

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