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Last active November 21, 2023 15:33
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Turing and Post Machine Love
// a post machine emulator
function validatedAlphabet({ description: { A } }) {
if (A == null) throw new Error('description missing alphabet');
return A;
function validatedDeletionNumber({ description: { m } }) {
if (m == null) throw new Error('description is missing its m');
if (typeof m !== 'number' || isNaN(m)) throw new Error(`${m} is not a number`);
if (m <= 0) throw new Error(`${m} must belong to ℕ+`);
if (m !== Math.floor(m)) throw new Error(`${m} must belong to ℕ+`);
return m;
function validatedHeadSymbol({ description, word }) {
const A = validatedAlphabet({ description });
if (word == null) throw new Error(`word missing`);
const [head,] = word;
if (head == null) throw new Error(`word empty`);
if (!A.includes(head)) throw new Error(`alphabet ${A.join(', ')} does not contain ${head}`);
return head;
function validatedHaltingSymbol({ description }) {
const { H } = description;
if (H == null) return null;
const A = validatedAlphabet({ description });
if (!A.includes(H)) throw new Error(`alphabet ${A.join(', ')} does not contain halting symbol ${H}`);
return H;
function validatedProductionRules({ description: { P, H } }) {
if (P == null) throw new Error('description missing production rules');
if (H != null && Object.hasOwn(P, H)) throw new Error('the halting symbol ${H} should not have a production rule');
return P;
function isHaltingWord({ description, word }) {
const m = validatedDeletionNumber({ description });
// too short
if (word.length < m) return true;
const head = validatedHeadSymbol({ description, word });
const H = validatedHaltingSymbol({ description });
// leads with the halting symbol
if (H != null && head === H) return true;
const P = validatedProductionRules({ description });
// has no production rules
return !Object.hasOwn(P, head);
function validatedProduction({ description, word }) {
const A = validatedAlphabet({ description });
const P = validatedProductionRules({ description });
const head = validatedHeadSymbol({ description, word });
if (!A.includes(head)) throw new Error(`alphabet ${A.join(', ')} does not contain ${head}`);
return P[head];
function transformation({ description, word }) {
// no change if halted
if (isHaltingWord({ description, word })) return { description, word };
// our definition of a halting word includes a word
// that has a head without a production rule
const p = validatedProduction({ description, word });
const m = validatedDeletionNumber({ description });
return { description, word: word.concat(p).slice(m) };
function * compute({ description, word }) {
yield word;
while (!isHaltingWord({ description, word })) {
({ word } = transformation({ description, word }));
yield word;
// hard coded to zero and 1
const tmSymbol = (prefix, state, suffix = null) =>
suffix == null
? `${prefix}-${state}`
: `${prefix}-${state}-${suffix}`;
const tmAlphabet =
(states) => states.flatMap(
state => [
// let [write, move, nextState] = instruction;
const encodeTmRule = ({ currentState : k, read: z, write, move, nextState: kPrime }) => {
const postRules = {};
const a = (move === 0 && write === 1);
const b = (z === 0)
const c = (move === 1 && write === 1);
const d = (move === 1);
const e = (move === 0);
const Hkz = tmSymbol('H', k, z);
postRules[Hkz] = [];
if (a) {
tmSymbol('R', kPrime, '*'),
tmSymbol('R', kPrime, '*')
if (b) {
tmSymbol('H', kPrime)
tmSymbol('H', kPrime)
if (c) {
tmSymbol('L', kPrime),
tmSymbol('L', kPrime)
const Lkz = tmSymbol('L', k, z);
postRules[Lkz] = [ tmSymbol('L', kPrime) ];
if (d) {
tmSymbol('L', kPrime),
tmSymbol('L', kPrime),
tmSymbol('L', kPrime)
const Rkz = tmSymbol('R', k, z);
postRules[Rkz] = [ tmSymbol('R', kPrime) ];
if (e) {
tmSymbol('R', kPrime),
tmSymbol('R', kPrime),
tmSymbol('R', kPrime)
return postRules;
const encodeTmState = (state, stateDescription) =>
(Object.keys(stateDescription).length === 0)
? {}
: Object.entries(stateDescription).reduce(
(acc, [read, [write, move, nextState]]) =>
currentState: state,
[tmSymbol('H', state)]: [
tmSymbol('H', state, 1),
tmSymbol('H', state, 0)
[tmSymbol('L', state)]: [
tmSymbol('L', state, 1),
tmSymbol('L', state, 0)
[tmSymbol('R', state)]: [
tmSymbol('R', state, 1),
tmSymbol('R', state, 0)
[tmSymbol('R', state, '*')]: [
tmSymbol('R', state),
tmSymbol('R', state)
const encodeTmStateMap = (stateMap) =>
(acc, [state, stateDescription]) =>
...encodeTmState(state, stateDescription)
function compileTmToPostMachineDescription ({ stateMap, start, n: m }) {
const states = Object.keys(stateMap);
const A = tmAlphabet(states);
const P = encodeTmStateMap(stateMap);
const H = null;
return { m, A, P, H };
function tmStartToStartingWord({ startTape, startPosition, startState, n }) {
const repeat = (array, times) => new Array(times).fill(array).flat();
// ----------
// Borrowed from the encoded TM implementation
// encodes a tape as three numbers representing two stacks and
// a register, representing the tape to the left, the tape
// to the right, and the register
// thought to be broken, fundamental problem is not
// fully understanding the mechanisms
function validatedSymbolNumber (s, n) {
if (s >= n || s < 0) throw new Error(`${s} must be >= 0 and < ${n}`);
return s;
function encodeTape (tapeArray, n) {
return tapeArray.reduce(
(accumulator, currentValue, currentIndex) =>
accumulator + (
validatedSymbolNumber(currentValue, n) * Math.pow(n, currentIndex)
// ----------
const leftTape = startTape.slice(0, startPosition).reverse();
const leftEncoded = encodeTape(leftTape, n);
const rightTape = startTape.slice(startPosition);
const rightEncoded = encodeTape(rightTape, n);
console.log({ leftEncoded, rightEncoded });
// first crack (probably broken)
const startingWord = [
tmSymbol('H', startState, 1),
tmSymbol('H', startState, 0),
[tmSymbol('L', startState, 1), tmSymbol('L', startState, 0)],
[tmSymbol('R', startState, 1), tmSymbol('R', startState, 0)],
return startingWord;
function decodeWord (word, n) {
function decodeTape (code, n) {
const tape = [];
while (code > 0) {
const remainder = code % n;
const quotient = Math.floor(code / n);
code = quotient;
return tape;
const lefts = word.filter(s => s.startsWith('L')).length;
const rights = word.filter(s => s.startsWith('R')).length;
const decodedLeft = decodeTape(lefts, n);
const decodedRight = decodeTape(rights, n);
const leftHead = decodedLeft.length > 0
? decodedLeft[0]
: 0;
const rightHead = decodedRight.length > 0
? decodedRight[0]
: 0;
const leftTape = decodedLeft.slice(1).reverse();
const rightTape = decodedRight.slice(1);
if (leftHead > 0 && rightHead > 0) throw new Error(
`${leftHead} and ${rightHead} can't both be the head`
const head = leftHead + rightHead;
const tape = leftTape.concat([head]).concat(rightTape);
const position = leftTape.length;
return { tape, position };
try {
const tmDefinition = {
stateMap: {
start: {
0: [1, 1, 'halt'],
1: [0, 1, 'start']
halt: {}
start: 'start',
n: 2
const { n } = tmDefinition;
const description = compileTmToPostMachineDescription(tmDefinition);
// const startingWord = tmStartToStartingWord({
// startTape: [0, 0],
// startPosition: 0,
// startState: tmDefinition.start,
// n
// });
const startingWord = [
const tapes = [];
const words = [];
for (let word of compute({ description, word: startingWord })) {
if (word != null) {
const { tape, position } = decodeWord(word, n);
const lastTape = tapes.slice(-1)[0];
const lastWord = words.slice(-1)[0];
// for (let tape of tapes) {
// console.log(tape);
// }
} catch (e) {
// A minimal turing machine compute function based on godel encoding the tape
// The equivalence of this and an "ordinary" Turing Machine is useful for showing that
// recursive functions are Turing-complete and for showing that other machines are
// Turing-complete my showing they can emulate a godel-encoded TM.
// This machine dispenses with symbols, and instead requries that symbols from the alphabet
// are encoded with blank being zero, and all other symbols encoded as consecutive
// natural numbers starting with 1.
// This machine also does not have an explicit halt. It halts when there is no rule to
// match the symbol under the tape-head in the current state. The degenerate case is
// when we create a state that has no rules, it MUST halt when it reachest that state.
// N.B. The godel-encoded machine is limited to emulating the behaviour of machines that
// are bootstrapped with aa finite number of symbols. There are techniques for emulating
// machines with an infinite number of symbols that are periodic in nature.
function validatedSymbolNumber (s, n) {
if (s >= n || s < 0) throw new Error(`${s} must be >= 0 and < ${n}`);
return s;
function encodeTape (tapeArray, n) {
return tapeArray.reduce(
(accumulator, currentValue, currentIndex) =>
accumulator + (
validatedSymbolNumber(currentValue, n) * Math.pow(n, currentIndex)
// n is number of symbols
// position is the location of the tape head
function encodeTapeAndPosition (tapeArray, position, n) {
const leftTape = tapeArray.slice(0, position).reverse();
const left = encodeTape(leftTape, n);
const head = validatedSymbolNumber(tapeArray[position], n);
const rightTape = tapeArray.slice(position + 1);
const right = encodeTape(rightTape, n);
return { left, head, right };
function next ({ definition, state, left, head, right }) {
const rules = definition.stateMap[state];
if (rules == null) throw new Error(`#{state} is not defined`);
const { n } = definition;
if (n == null) throw new Error(`n is not defined`);
const instruction = rules[head];
// if no instruction for a symbol, halt
if (instruction == null) return null;
let [write, move, nextState] = instruction;
if (move === 0) {
// left
const nextHead = left % n;
const nextLeft = (left - nextHead) / n;
const nextRight = (right * n) + validatedSymbolNumber(write, n);
return {
state: nextState,
left: nextLeft,
head: nextHead,
right: nextRight
} else if (move === 1) {
const nextHead = right % n;
const nextRight = (right - nextHead) / n;
const nextLeft = (left * n) + validatedSymbolNumber(write, n);
return {
state: nextState,
left: nextLeft,
head: nextHead,
right: nextRight
} else throw new Error(`${move} should be 0->L or 1 ->R`);
function * compute({ definition, left, head, right}) {
let state = definition.start;
if (state == null) throw new Error('definition lacks a start state');
yield { state, left, head, right };
let updated = null;
while (updated = next({ definition, state, left, head, right })) {
({ state, left, head, right } = updated);
yield { state, left, head, right };
try {
// this machine does a really naive "addition"
// by assuming that the two numbers are encoded
// as finite sequences of 1s separated by a single 0.
// The "addition" is p[erformed by erasing the first 1,
// scanning right until it encounters a 0, and then writing a 1.
// 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1
// 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1
// 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
const definition = {
stateMap: {
start: {
0: [0, 1, 'halt'],
1: [0, 1, 'scan']
scan: {
0: [1, 1, 'halt'],
1: [1, 1, 'scan']
halt: {}
start: 'start',
n: 2
const { left, head, right } =
[1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1],
const output = [];
for (let { state, left, head, right } of compute({ definition, ...encodeTapeAndPosition(
[1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1],
) })) {
output.push(`${state}: ${left}, ${head}, ${right}`);
} catch (e) {
// a post machine emulator
function validatedAlphabet({ description: { A } }) {
if (A == null) throw new Error('description missing alphabet');
return A;
function validatedDeletionNumber({ description: { m } }) {
if (m == null) throw new Error('description is missing its m');
if (typeof m !== 'number' || isNaN(m)) throw new Error(`${m} is not a number`);
if (m <= 0) throw new Error(`${m} must belong to ℕ+`);
if (m !== Math.floor(m)) throw new Error(`${m} must belong to ℕ+`);
return m;
function validatedHeadSymbol({ description, word }) {
const A = validatedAlphabet({ description });
if (word == null) throw new Error(`word missing`);
const [head,] = word;
if (head == null) throw new Error(`word empty`);
if (!A.includes(head)) throw new Error(`alphabet ${A.join(', ')} does not contain ${head}`);
return head;
function validatedHaltingSymbol({ description }) {
const { H } = description;
if (H == null) return null;
const A = validatedAlphabet({ description });
if (!A.includes(H)) throw new Error(`alphabet ${A.join(', ')} does not contain halting symbol ${H}`);
return H;
function validatedProductionRules({ description: { P, H } }) {
if (P == null) throw new Error('description missing production rules');
if (H != null && Object.hasOwn(P, H)) throw new Error('the halting symbol ${H} should not have a production rule');
return P;
function isHaltingWord({ description, word }) {
const m = validatedDeletionNumber({ description });
// too short
if (word.length < m) return true;
const head = validatedHeadSymbol({ description, word });
const H = validatedHaltingSymbol({ description });
// leads with the halting symbol
if (H != null && head === H) return true;
const P = validatedProductionRules({ description });
// has no production rules
return !Object.hasOwn(P, head);
function validatedProduction({ description, word }) {
const A = validatedAlphabet({ description });
const P = validatedProductionRules({ description });
const head = validatedHeadSymbol({ description, word });
if (!A.includes(head)) throw new Error(`alphabet ${A.join(', ')} does not contain ${head}`);
return P[head];
function transformation({ description, word }) {
// no change if halted
if (isHaltingWord({ description, word })) return { description, word };
// our definition of a halting word includes a word
// that has a head without a production rule
const p = validatedProduction({ description, word });
const m = validatedDeletionNumber({ description });
return { description, word: word.concat(p).slice(m) };
function * compute({ description, word }) {
yield word;
while (!isHaltingWord({ description, word })) {
({ word } = transformation({ description, word }));
yield word;
try {
const description = {
// deletion number
m: 2,
// alphabet
A: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'H'],
// production rules
P: {
a: 'bc'.split(''),
b: 'a',
c: 'aaa'.split('')
// halting symbol, not used in this machine
H: 'H'
const startingWord = 'aaaaa'.split('');
const output = [];
for (let word of compute({ description, word: startingWord })) {
if (word != null) output.push(word.join(''));
for (let line of output) {
} catch (e) {
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