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Last active March 9, 2019 20:28
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Code from "Enumerations, Denumerables, and Cardinals"
// See:
// combinators
function slice (generator, n, limit = Infinity) {
return function * sliced () {
let i = 0;
for (const element of generator()) {
if (i++ < n) continue;
if (i > limit) break;
yield element;
const take = (generator, n) => slice(generator, 0, n);
function count (generator) {
let i = 0;
for (const element of generator()) ++i;
return i;
function whileWith (predicate, generator) {
return function * whiled () {
for (const element of generator()) {
if (predicate(element)) {
yield element;
} else {
function merge (...generators) {
return function * merged () {
const iterables = => g());
while (true) {
const values =
.map(i =>
.filter(({done}) => !done)
.map(({value}) => value)
if (values.length === 0) break;
yield * values;
function zip (...generators) {
return function * zipped () {
const iterables = => g());
while (true) {
const values = =>;
if (values.some(({done}) => done)) break;
yield{value}) => value);
function concatenate (...generators) {
return function * concatenated () {
for (const generator of generators) {
yield * generator();
function concat (generatorOfGenerators) {
return function * concated () {
for (const generator of generatorOfGenerators()) {
yield * generator();
function mapWith (fn, g) {
return function * () {
for (const e of g()) yield fn(e);
function at (generator, index) {
let i = 0;
for (const element of generator()) {
if (i++ === index) return element;
function prod2 (g1, g2) {
return function * () {
for (const sum of naturals()) {
for (const [i1, i2] of zip(upTo(0, sum), downTo(sum, 0))()) {
yield [at(g1, i1), at(g2, i2)];
function prod (first, {
if (rest.length === 0) {
return mapWith(
e => [e],
} else {
return mapWith(
([eFirst, eRests]) => [eFirst].concat(eRests),
prod2(first, prod(
function cons (head, generator) {
return function * () {
yield head;
yield * generator();
function just (...elements) {
return function * () {
yield * elements;
const flatten =
denumerableOfDenumerables =>
([denumerables, index]) => at(denumerables, index),
prod2(denumerableOfDenumerables, naturals)
function uniq (generator, keyFn = x => x) {
return function * uniqued () {
const seen = new Set();
for (const element of generator()) {
const key = keyFn(element);
if (seen.has(key)) {
} else {
yield element;
const exponent = (generator, n) => prod( Array(n).fill(generator));
const exponentsOf =
generator =>
p => exponent(generator, p),
upTo(1, Infinity)
const products = generator => cons([], flatten(exponentsOf(generator)));
function combination (generator, k) {
if (k === 1) {
return mapWith(
e => [e],
} else {
return flatten(
index => {
const element = at(generator, index);
const rest = slice(generator, index + 1);
return mapWith(
arr => (arr.unshift(element), arr),
combination(rest, k - 1)
const subsets =
generator =>
k => combination(generator, k),
// enumerations of numbers
function upTo (start, limit, by = 1) {
return function * upTo () {
for (let i = start; i <= limit; i += by) yield i;
function downTo (start, limit, by = 1) {
return function * downTo () {
for (let i = start; i >= limit; i -= by) yield i;
const naturals = upTo(0, Infinity);
const negatives = downTo(-1, -Infinity);
const positives = upTo(1, Infinity);
const integers = merge(naturals, negatives);
const evens = upTo(0, Infinity, 2);
const odds = upTo(1, Infinity, 2);
const rationals = mapWith(
([numerator, denominator]) => `${numerator}/${denominator}`,
prod2(naturals, positives)
const exp =
n =>
p => Math.pow(n, p),
upTo(1, Infinity)
// counter-examples
function nprod2 (g1, g2) {
return function * () {
for (const e1 of g1()) {
for (const e2 of g2()) {
yield [e1, e2];
// examples
function * fibonacci () {
yield *
([a, b]) => a + b,
zip(fibonacci, slice(fibonacci, 1))
function isFib (n) {
const fibsUpToN = whileWith(x => x <= n, fibonacci);
for (const f of fibsUpToN()) {
if (f === n) return true;
return false;
function * productsOfProducts () {
yield * cons([],
// given a tree of nested arrays, returns a finie enumeration
// of adding a single new array in each possible place
// e.g. given [[], []], returns an enumeration of:
// [[], [], []]
// [[[]], []]
// [[], [[]]]
function plusOne (tree) {
const deepClone = tree =>;
return function * plused () {
yield deepClone(tree).concat([[]]);
for (let index = 0; index < tree.length; ++index) {
const child = tree[index];
for (const plussedChild of plusOne(child)()) {
yield tree.slice(0, index)
.concat([ plussedChild ])
.concat(tree.slice(index + 1));
// given a generator that returns trees, returns an enumeration of all the ways to plus one all the trees
const plusOneAll = generator =>
concat(mapWith(plusOne, generator)),
// build recursively
function * treesBySize () {
yield * cons(just([]),
mapWith(plusOneAll, treesBySize)
// an enumeration of all tree topologies, ordered by number of nodes
const trees = concat(treesBySize);
function pp (array) {
return `(${'')})`;
const lispy = mapWith(pp, trees);
const asForest = array =>'')
const balanced = mapWith(asForest, trees);
function isBalanced (str) {
const balancedUpToStrLength = whileWith(b => b.length <= str.length, balanced);
for (const b of balancedUpToStrLength()) {
if (b === str) return true;
return false;
function test (recognizer, examples) {
for (const example of examples) {
console.log(`'${example}' => ${recognizer(example)}`);
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