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Reg Braithwaite raganwald

View GitHub Profile
let Person = (() = > {
let firstNameProperty = Symbol('firstName'),
lastNameProperty = Symbol('lastName'),
renameMethod = Symbol('rename');
return class Person {
constructor (first, last) {
this[renameMethod](first, last);
fullName () {
raganwald / bound.js
Last active December 18, 2015 12:29 — forked from seidtgeist/bound.js
function bound(object, fn) {
return object[fn].bind(object);
raganwald /
Created November 17, 2012 20:42
Speaker Proposal

Be different, be unique, be yourself. Inspire us.

I've already proposed Succeeding with Ruby in a Post-Rails World. This is a second proposal. I'm quite prepared to deliver either or both of these talks.

The subject of this talk is Everything you always wanted to know about Ruby Combinators, but were afraid to ask. It will begin with a review of combinatory logic and some of the straightforward applications in Ruby such as .tap, .into, and hopelessly egocentric null objects.

The first part of the talk is covered in "Kestrels, Quirky Birds, and Hopeless Egocentricity" (If you are a conference organizer, and you haven't read it, please email and I'll send you a copy). The second part of the talk will move in some new directions, talking about applying combinators to contemporary patterns such as DCI and method combinators.

raganwald /
Created November 17, 2012 17:01
Speaker Proposal

Be different, be unique, be yourself. Inspire us.

Hello, this is Reg Braithwaite, also known to Rubyists as raganwald. You may know me from such conferences as RubyFringe, Stack Overflow Tech Days, CUSEC, and Øredev. I'm passionate about programming and I'll go anywhere to share that passion, like Microsoft Tech Days and True North PHP where I delivered a keynote.

Enough about me. Here's my talk: Succeeding with Ruby in a Post-Rails World.

I propose to talk about working with Ruby in a world where Rails has become a legacy application, where JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Go, and TypeSafe vying to become the new hotnesses, and the patterns we learned writing Rails applications seem dated in a world where programmers are thinking in promises, reactive programming, and big data.

raganwald / gist:3976679
Created October 29, 2012 21:33 — forked from thejohnnybot/gist:3976278
Date Issue
class Store
constructor: () ->
@services = []
@reservations = []
@requests = []
class Service
constructor: (@name, @time) ->
class Request
raganwald / gist:1653890
Created January 21, 2012 20:27 — forked from panicsteve/gist:1641705
Form letter template for open source abandonware
Dear soon-to-be-former user,
We've got some fantastic news! Well, it's great news for us anyway. You, on
the other hand, are fucked.
We've just been acquired by:
[ ] Facebook
[ ] Google
[ ] Twitter
merb_core = macros {
if Merb.logger.level == Merb::Logger::DEBUG
def debug(string)
Merb.logger.debug "Foo"
def debug(string) end
with(define_macros) {
if Merb.logger.level == Merb::Logger::DEBUG
def debug(string)
Merb.logger.debug "Foo"
def debug(string) end