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Created February 23, 2018 17:46
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Get your Comcast data usage stats for the month and (optionally) display it in i3blocks
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.024;
use Mojo::UserAgent;
use DateTime;
# User configurables
use constant {
USER => 'YourUserName',
PASSWORD => 'YourPassword',
# For determining current date/time to calculate percent of period elapsed.
# time zone string, eg: 'America/Denver', 'America/Los_Angeles'
TIME_ZONE => 'America/Denver',
# Comcast static URLs
use constant {
URL_LOGIN => '',
# required for full "authentication" to happen
URL_OAUTH => '',
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new->max_redirects(5);
$ua->post(URL_LOGIN, form => { user => USER, passwd => PASSWORD })->result;
form => {
client_id => 'my-account-web',
redirect_uri => '',
response_type => 'code',
my $usage = $ua->get(URL_USAGE_API)->result->json;
# for i3blocks
my $full_text = 'error';
my $color;
if ($usage->{error}) {
$color = '#FF0000';
} else {
my $current_usage = $usage->{usageMonths}[-1];
my $used = $current_usage->{homeUsage};
my $allowable = $current_usage->{allowableUsage};
my $units = $current_usage->{unitOfMeasure};
my $now = DateTime->now(time_zone => TIME_ZONE);
my $last_day_of_month = DateTime->new(
year => $now->year,
month => $now->month,
day => 1,
time_zone => TIME_ZONE,
)->add(months => 1)
->subtract(days => 1)
if (defined $used && defined $allowable) {
$full_text = "$used$units / $allowable$units";
if ($allowable > 0 && $used / $allowable > 0.95) {
$color = "#DD0000";
} elsif ($used / $allowable > $now->day / $last_day_of_month) {
$color = "#FFFFFF";
# i3blocks specific output
say $full_text;
say $full_text;
say $color if defined $color;
# Sample data
\ {
additionalBlocksUsed 0,
additionalCostPerBlock 10,
additionalIncluded 0,
additionalPercentUsed 0,
additionalRemaining 0,
additionalUnitsPerBlock 50,
additionalUsed 0,
allowableUsage 1024,
billableOverage 0,
currentCreditAmount 0,
devices [
[0] {
usage 222
endDate "06/30/2017",
homeUsage 222,
maxCreditAmount 0,
overageCharges 0,
overageUsed 0,
policy "limited",
policyName "1 Terabyte Data Plan",
startDate "06/01/2017",
unitOfMeasure "GB"
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