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Created August 2, 2017 09:04
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function rel_to_abs(url){
/* Only accept commonly trusted protocols:
* Only data-image URLs are accepted, Exotic flavours (escaped slash,
* html-entitied characters) are not supported to keep the function fast */
return url; //Url is already absolute
var base_url = location.href.match(/^(.+)\/?(?:#.+)?$/)[0]+"/";
if(url.substring(0,2) == "//")
return location.protocol + url;
else if(url.charAt(0) == "/")
return location.protocol + "//" + + url;
else if(url.substring(0,2) == "./")
url = "." + url;
else if(/^\s*$/.test(url))
return ""; //Empty = Return nothing
else url = "../" + url;
url = base_url + url;
var i=0
while(/\/\.\.\//.test(url = url.replace(/[^\/]+\/+\.\.\//g,"")));
/* Escape certain characters to prevent XSS */
url = url.replace(/\.$/,"").replace(/\/\./g,"").replace(/"/g,"%22")
return url;
function replace_all_rel_by_abs(html){
/*HTML/XML Attribute may not be prefixed by these characters (common
attribute chars. This list is not complete, but will be sufficient
for this function (see */
var att = "[^-a-z0-9:._]";
var entityEnd = "(?:;|(?!\\d))";
var ents = {" ":"(?:\\s|&nbsp;?|&#0*32"+entityEnd+"|&#x0*20"+entityEnd+")",
/* Placeholders to filter obfuscations */
var charMap = {};
var s = ents[" "]+"*"; //Short-hand for common use
var any = "(?:[^>\"']*(?:\"[^\"]*\"|'[^']*'))*?[^>]*";
/* ^ Important: Must be pre- and postfixed by < and >.
* This RE should match anything within a tag! */
@name ae
@description Converts a given string in a sequence of the original
input and the HTML entity
@param String string String to convert
function ae(string){
var all_chars_lowercase = string.toLowerCase();
if(ents[string]) return ents[string];
var all_chars_uppercase = string.toUpperCase();
var RE_res = "";
for(var i=0; i<string.length; i++){
var char_lowercase = all_chars_lowercase.charAt(i);
RE_res += charMap[char_lowercase];
var char_uppercase = all_chars_uppercase.charAt(i);
var RE_sub = [char_lowercase];
RE_sub.push("&#0*" + char_lowercase.charCodeAt(0) + entityEnd);
RE_sub.push("&#x0*" + char_lowercase.charCodeAt(0).toString(16) + entityEnd);
if(char_lowercase != char_uppercase){
/* Note: RE ignorecase flag has already been activated */
RE_sub.push("&#0*" + char_uppercase.charCodeAt(0) + entityEnd);
RE_sub.push("&#x0*" + char_uppercase.charCodeAt(0).toString(16) + entityEnd);
RE_sub = "(?:" + RE_sub.join("|") + ")";
RE_res += (charMap[char_lowercase] = RE_sub);
return(ents[string] = RE_res);
@name by
@description 2nd argument for replace().
function by(match, group1, group2, group3){
/* Note that this function can also be used to remove links:
* return group1 + "javascript://" + group3; */
return group1 + rel_to_abs(group2) + group3;
@name by
@description 2nd argument for replace(). Parses relevant HTML entities
var slashRE = new RegExp(ae("/"), 'g');
var dotRE = new RegExp(ae("."), 'g');
function by(match, group1, group2, group3){
/*Note that this function can also be used to remove links:
* return group1 + "javascript://" + group3; */
group2 = group2.replace(slashRE, "/").replace(dotRE, ".");
return group1 + rel_to_abs(group2) + group3;
@name cr
@description Selects a HTML element and performs a
search-and-replace on attributes
@param String selector HTML substring to match
@param String attribute RegExp-escaped; HTML element attribute to match
@param String marker Optional RegExp-escaped; marks the prefix
@param String delimiter Optional RegExp escaped; non-quote delimiters
@param String end Optional RegExp-escaped; forces the match to end
before an occurence of <end>
function cr(selector, attribute, marker, delimiter, end){
if(typeof selector == "string") selector = new RegExp(selector, "gi");
attribute = att + attribute;
marker = typeof marker == "string" ? marker : "\\s*=\\s*";
delimiter = typeof delimiter == "string" ? delimiter : "";
end = typeof end == "string" ? "?)("+end : ")(";
var re1 = new RegExp('('+attribute+marker+'")([^"'+delimiter+']+'+end+')', 'gi');
var re2 = new RegExp("("+attribute+marker+"')([^'"+delimiter+"]+"+end+")", 'gi');
var re3 = new RegExp('('+attribute+marker+')([^"\'][^\\s>'+delimiter+']*'+end+')', 'gi');
html = html.replace(selector, function(match){
return match.replace(re1, by).replace(re2, by).replace(re3, by);
@name cri
@description Selects an attribute of a HTML element, and
performs a search-and-replace on certain values
@param String selector HTML element to match
@param String attribute RegExp-escaped; HTML element attribute to match
@param String front RegExp-escaped; attribute value, prefix to match
@param String flags Optional RegExp flags, default "gi"
@param String delimiter Optional RegExp-escaped; non-quote delimiters
@param String end Optional RegExp-escaped; forces the match to end
before an occurence of <end>
function cri(selector, attribute, front, flags, delimiter, end){
if(typeof selector == "string") selector = new RegExp(selector, "gi");
attribute = att + attribute;
flags = typeof flags == "string" ? flags : "gi";
var re1 = new RegExp('('+attribute+'\\s*=\\s*")([^"]*)', 'gi');
var re2 = new RegExp("("+attribute+"\\s*=\\s*')([^']+)", 'gi');
var at1 = new RegExp('('+front+')([^"]+)(")', flags);
var at2 = new RegExp("("+front+")([^']+)(')", flags);
if(typeof delimiter == "string"){
end = typeof end == "string" ? end : "";
var at3 = new RegExp("("+front+")([^\"'][^"+delimiter+"]*" + (end?"?)("+end+")":")()"), flags);
var handleAttr = function(match, g1, g2){return g1+g2.replace(at1, by).replace(at2, by).replace(at3, by)};
} else {
var handleAttr = function(match, g1, g2){return g1+g2.replace(at1, by).replace(at2, by)};
html = html.replace(selector, function(match){
return match.replace(re1, handleAttr).replace(re2, handleAttr);
/* <meta http-equiv=refresh content=" ; url= " > */
cri("<meta"+any+att+"http-equiv\\s*=\\s*(?:\""+ae("refresh")+"\""+any+">|'"+ae("refresh")+"'"+any+">|"+ae("refresh")+"(?:"+ae(" ")+any+">|>))", "content", ae("url")+s+ae("=")+s, "i");
cr("<"+any+att+"href\\s*="+any+">", "href"); /* Linked elements */
cr("<"+any+att+"src\\s*="+any+">", "src"); /* Embedded elements */
cr("<object"+any+att+"data\\s*="+any+">", "data"); /* <object data= > */
cr("<applet"+any+att+"codebase\\s*="+any+">", "codebase"); /* <applet codebase= > */
/* <param name=movie value= >*/
cr("<param"+any+att+"name\\s*=\\s*(?:\""+ae("movie")+"\""+any+">|'"+ae("movie")+"'"+any+">|"+ae("movie")+"(?:"+ae(" ")+any+">|>))", "value");
cr(/<style[^>]*>(?:[^"']*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'))*?[^'"]*(?:<\/style|$)/gi, "url", "\\s*\\(\\s*", "", "\\s*\\)"); /* <style> */
cri("<"+any+att+"style\\s*="+any+">", "style", ae("url")+s+ae("(")+s, 0, s+ae(")"), ae(")")); /*< style=" url(...) " > */
return html;
var result = replace_all_rel_by_abs(document.documentElement.innerHTML);
document.documentElement.innerHTML = result;
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