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Last active November 8, 2017 07:16
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function getElementByXpath(src_xpath){
var ele = document.evaluate(src_xpath, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
return ele;
function replaceNode(new_html, src_xpath){
var elem = getElementByXpath(src_xpath);
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function addNode_link(text, url, add_loc, src_xpath){
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function addTooltip(new_tt, src_xpath){
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function wrapInner(parent, wrapper) {
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function convertCurrency(orig, target, conv_rate, str){
// function for currency conversion between different forex.
// possible conversions (orig to target)
// 'inr' to 'usd'
// 'usd' to 'inr'
var inr_regex = /(Rs|rs|₹)(\.| )*[0-9]+(\/\-)*(INR)*/g;
var usd_regex = /(\$)(\.| )*[0-9]+(\.)*[0-9]*(\/\-)*(USD)*/g;
var regex2 = /[0-9]+/;
var dict = {};
value1 : {
"usd": {
"value": ,
"inr": {
"value": ,
value2 : {
"usd": {
"value": ,
"inr": {
"value": ,
function fillDict(inp){
//console.log('in fillDict');
var value = parseFloat(regex2.exec(inp)[0]);
dict[value] = {};
dict[value]['orig_string'] = inp;
if(orig == 'inr'){
dict[value]['inr'] = {};
dict[value]['inr']['value'] = value;
dict[value]['inr']['str'] = 'INR ' + dict[value]['inr']['value'];
dict[value]['usd'] = {};
dict[value]['usd']['value'] = value/conv_rate;
dict[value]['usd']['str'] = 'USD ' + dict[value]['usd']['value'];
if(orig == 'usd'){
dict[value]['usd'] = {};
dict[value]['usd']['value'] = value;
dict[value]['usd']['str'] = 'USD ' + dict[value]['usd']['value'];
dict[value]['inr'] = {};
dict[value]['inr']['value'] = value*conv_rate;
dict[value]['inr']['str'] = 'INR ' + dict[value]['inr']['value'];
// get list of all possible match
var a = 'a';
while(a != null) {
//console.log('in whileloop');
if(orig == 'inr') a = inr_regex.exec(str);
else if(orig == 'usd') a = usd_regex.exec(str);
if(a) fillDict(a[0]);
//console.log(dict + a);
for(var i=0; i<Object.keys(dict).length; i++){
var dict_obj = dict[Object.keys(dict)[i]];
str = str.replace(dict_obj['orig_string'], dict_obj['orig_string'] + ' (' + dict_obj[target]['str'] + ')');
return str;
//var str = "Freq Used: $5, $10.23, ₹20.00, ₹50.5, ₹100, ₹500 INR, ₹2000";
//console.log(convertCurrency('usd', 'inr', str))
function inject(){
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function deleteNode(src_xpath){
var elem = getElementByXpath(src_xpath);
// inject();
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