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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Trying out Futures in scala with callbacks
* Created by init on 4/4/15.
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
// implicit execution context
object ScalaFuture extends App {
def getAPIResponse() ={
val result = Source.fromURL("");
adding bad API token to test failure callback
val result = Source.fromURL("");
def sleep(duration: Long) { Thread.sleep(duration) }
println("Hello Scala World")
// create a future which will make the API call
// Future is of type T
// so it expects the type as a param
// this also signifies the type returned by the future
val f : Future [String] = Future {
val res = getAPIResponse()
// use the onComplete callback on the future f, to get the result
// the result can be success / failure
// handle response based on success / failure
f onComplete {
case Success(apiResponse) => println(apiResponse)
case Failure(t) => println("An error occured "+t.getMessage())
// keep JVM alive till future returns
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