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Created May 21, 2019 09:39
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Aggregate times
import java.util.Calendar;
cal = Calendar.getInstance();
def currentYear = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) % 100;
s = ctx.getJCRSession("foflinks");
n = s.getNode("/")
println ("at root")
// consolidate years first
yearPeriod = 17..(currentYear-1)
yearPeriod.each() {
println(" consolidating year " + it)
def searchedPeriod = "" + it
def newPropName = "count"+searchedPeriod+"1231_23-59-59"
consolidateCount(searchedPeriod, n, newPropName);
println(" done")
// months next
(1..<(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1)).each() {
month = String.format("%02d", it)
println(" consolidating " +currentYear + "-" + month)
def searchedPeriod = "" + currentYear + month
def newPropName = "count"+searchedPeriod+"31_23-59-59"
consolidateCount(searchedPeriod, n, newPropName);
println(" done")
// days last
(1..<(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))).each() {
month = String.format("%02d", cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1)
day = String.format("%02d", it)
println(" consolidating " +currentYear + "-" + month + "-" + day)
def searchedPeriod = "" + currentYear + month+day
def newPropName = "count"+searchedPeriod+"_23-59-59"
consolidateCount(searchedPeriod, n, newPropName);
println(" done")
def consolidateCount(period, parent, newPropName) {
def iter = parent.getNodes()
while (iter.hasNext()) {
node = iter.nextNode();
if (!(node.isNodeType("link") || node.isNodeType("mgnl:folder"))) {
println("looking for count props in " + node.getName())
propIter = node.getProperties("count"+period+"*");
long count = 0
long consolidatedCount = 0
while (propIter.hasNext()) {
prop = propIter.nextProperty()
count += prop.getLong();
if (prop.getName().endsWith("_23-59-59")) {
// was possibly already consolidated
consolidatedCount = prop.getLong();
} else {
println("for [" + node.getName() + "] found total of " + count)
if (count > 0 && count != consolidatedCount) {
node.setProperty(newPropName, count);
consolidateCount(period, node, newPropName)
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