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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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##javascript in Freenode
<bamboozle> ljharb, maybe i need a queue of some kind then
<kLoooa2> Do you realize that basically after age 20 your body starts rotting, being worse and worser at everything? and that includes your brain too? you will eventually be stupid and naive just like children. or worse - you can get alzheimer's disease. If you are alive now, I guarantee you that you will die eventually. And it can be really painful dying. Just read news or statistics how many people die in what ways DAILY. You will become one of them event
<kLoooa2> ually. One of that statistics number. nothing more.
* rcyr plays violin for stupid people being offtopic.
<boogyman> kLoooa2: ##chat is more appropriate for non-JS related topics
<ljharb> kLoooa2: congrats on stating some pretty mild and unsurprising facts that every human should know already.
<kLoooa2> ljharb: if they know, how they live?
<ljharb> pretty easily
<kLoooa2> how it is to live knowing you will end up horrible for 100%?
<ljharb> pretty easy
<ljharb> it's the way every human forever has always lived. nobody actually believes they're immortal
<ljharb> is that new information for you?
<kLoooa2> yes most people dont think about their death
<kLoooa2> they are in denial
<kLoooa2> every day on earth thousands of people suffer and die horribly
<ljharb> ok, so what's your point
<kLoooa2> we need to stop that
<ljharb> stop what
<ljharb> not thinking about death?
<asteele> everyone from dying :P
<kLoooa2> stop humans, stop suffering, stop death
<ljharb> lol
<ljharb> kLoooa2: death is part of life. life is meaningless unless it ends.
<rahat> I just got here, but did kLoooa2 just start spontaneously start preaching about death or did something provoke him
<ljharb> kLoooa2: if you want to stop that, go invent immortality. talking about it anywhere, but especially in a JS chatroom, is pretty stupid.
<kLoooa2> ljharb: if death is part of life, let's destroy life then
<ljharb> rahat: spontaneously
<rahat> excellent
<kLoooa2> rahat: yes they provoked me
<ljharb> kLoooa2: lol what
<Jahm> 'You'll never know you're alive unless you have died.' -Unknown
<ljharb> kLoooa2: if you say death is bad, then how can you say life shouldn't exist if death does. that's ridiculous.
<kLoooa2> ljharb: we can stop suffering by stopping life
<asteele> all that does is crerate more suffering
<ljharb> kLoooa2: suffering is good. how do you think life happens.
<kLoooa2> ljharb: if we stop life, we wont have no more deaths
<ljharb> deaths are good too.
<kLoooa2> asteele: no.
<kLoooa2> asteele: producing children is making more deaths
<asteele> at least in the future there is a chance to not have the suffering of death, if you end it all now, then we still deal with suffering x 7 billion and it was all in vain
<ljharb> kLoooa2: seriously tho, go talk about this with a therapist or a priest or something. this is a javascript channel.
<kLoooa2> asteele: we need to stop it as soon as possible. it wont get better. even in 2015 thousands of people die horrible every day
<kLoooa2> ljharb: we need to stop it
<asteele> thousands dying when many more are born is a winning battle
<ljharb> kLoooa2: no, we don't
<ljharb> kLoooa2: and we won't. so you go ahead and talk about it elsewhere. do you have a javascript question?
<kLoooa2> ljharb: so you like suffering and making other hurt?
<asteele> the population is going up, not down
<kLoooa2> asteele: no. smart people like japanese are dying off. most people that reproduce are africa and stupid people
<austincheney> kLoooa2: people that have children do not produce more deaths unless those people are also killing somebody
<kLoooa2> j201: exactly. smart people will die, stupid will reproduce = world bad, suffering, poverty
<austincheney> just because death occurs does not mean somebody is to blame
<kLoooa2> thats why we need to stop it fast before it happens
<kLoooa2> austincheney: people who produce child, also produce death
<asteele> this is just bad trolling, go watch idiocracy - even idiots deserve to live
<kLoooa2> and suffering
* j201 waits quietly for an op
<kLoooa2> asteele: they idiots suffer
<kLoooa2> people who produce kids are monsters
<ljharb> kLoooa2: ok now you're being racist. stop, or leave.
<austincheney> i am putting you on ignore dude
<ljharb> kLoooa2: smart people don't suggest ending life to stop death.
<rcyr> Nobody to take out the trash?
<kLoooa2> ljharb: smart people are dying on their own without doing children
<ljharb> Sorella, you still around?
<kLoooa2> as they know its unmoral
<ljharb> kLoooa2: wtf do morals have to do with it. you are off topic. shut up or leave.
<asteele> unmoral eh
<kLoooa2> ljharb: you produce child = you produce death and suffering
<austincheney> heh
<kLoooa2> that child will get old and can die in burning alive
<ljharb> kLoooa2: you're producing suffering right now with your words. go away.
<kLoooa2> ljharb: only temporary
<ljharb> kLoooa2: nope, it's permanent.
<kLoooa2> after we fix problem there wont be suffering
<ljharb> kLoooa2: you're a bad person. stop being a bad person and shut up.
<kLoooa2> I need some help thought
asteele> there are none of those professionals here
<kLoooa2> ljharb: you and other are bad, because you produce other and produce suffering
<ljharb> kLoooa2: i'm sure hitler or Dr. Doom will help you
<kLoooa2> we need to stop you
<ljharb> kLoooa2: oh or maybe Ultron or Thanos or Sauron
<ljharb> i hear they share your ideas
<ljharb> i can keep listing people if that will help
* austincheney places his vote on Thanos and the cool glove
<ljharb> lol
<kLoooa2> its actually possible hitler was good and wanted to end suffering
<kLoooa2> we need to repeat that but this time with better success
<kLoooa2> EVERY PERSON WHO PRODUCES CHILD = PSYCHOPATH that produces death and suffering
<asteele> not even entertaining trolling anymore kLoooa2 , you are just acting like a mad 4chan kid now, tell us more about how evil you are
<kLoooa2> asteele: its not trolling, its TRUTH
<ljharb> kLoooa2: luckily you won't have a problem with that.
<ljharb> kLoooa2: it isn't truth, and it's trolling whether it is or not.
<kLoooa2> ljharb: those are facts
<kLoooa2> ljharb: produce a child = that child will die eventually
<ljharb> kLoooa2: no, they're not. but even if they were, you're still an off-topic troll. go away.
<kLoooa2> we need to stop that happening
<ljharb> kLoooa2: start with yourself. you're going to die eventually too.
<asteele> kLoooa2 the best course of action it seems is for you to start us off - end the suffering? :o
<rcyr> kLoooa2: End our suffering, get the fuck out of this channel. KTHX>
<kLoooa2> if I will end others won't, they will continue to reproduce and suffer
<kLoooa2> I need to help others too
<ljharb> kLoooa2: that's their choice, not yours.
<kLoooa2> because I have compassion
<austincheney> i wonder if this something like isis recruitment
<kLoooa2> ljharb: they live in denial, they hide truth, but it will come to them eventually
<boogyman> kLoooa2: this discussion is off topic here. please take it elsewhere
<asteele> kLoooa2 and it wont matter any more, we will go on suffering and you will be in blizz - no more suffering, or thinking about them pathetic earthlings
<kLoooa2> asteele: but other people will suffer
<kLoooa2> asteele: dont be so egoist
<ljharb> kLoooa2: you're being that. what makes you think you can cause any of the change you hope to?
<ljharb> kLoooa2: that's pretty egotistical.
<kLoooa2> ljharb: I want to help all humans to stop suffer and die
<kLoooa2> It won't repeat if we solve it
<ljharb> kLoooa2: you can't do that here. go somewhere else.
<kLoooa2> ljharb: I can wherever I want
<boogyman> !ops
<ecmabot> boogyman: The ##javascript ops are: buu inimino gkatsev Agamemnus Maxdamantus dilvie Sorella. In case of an emergency requiring op attention, activate !emergency
<ljharb> no, you can't. if there's an op around, you'll be permanently banned.
<kLoooa2> We need to stop life
<ljharb> kLoooa2: you've already violated the channel rules. you're not allowed here.
<kLoooa2> ljharb: so will have to change vpn server?
<kLoooa2> ljharb: Im here for good for all of us
<rcyr> !emergency
<ecmabot> rcyr: Emergency! buu inimino gkatsev Agamemnus Maxdamantus dilvie Sorella
<ljharb> kLoooa2: then we'll make the channel invite-only
<ljharb> kLoooa2: you will NOT be permitted to be here for long.
<ljharb> kLoooa2: leave.
<kLoooa2> ljharb: good for you then
<kLoooa2> ljharb: I promise you will die one day
<kLoooa2> and it will be painful
<ljharb> kLoooa2: death and suffering are good. that's how growth happens. trying to stop that is pretty fucked up, and it's a shitty goal.
<ljharb> kLoooa2: good. pain and death is how we grow and improve.
<kLoooa2> We dont need growth
<ljharb> kLoooa2: now go away.
<kLoooa2> when we stop humans we won't need growth
<ljharb> lol
<ljharb> ok, time to ignore.
<kLoooa2> We need to stop suffering and death
<kLoooa2> with one simple solution
<asteele> kLoooa2 stopping humans wont do it. eventually another species will evolve and do the same thing. You need to kill all life. And not just on Earth - in the universe.
<asteele> good luck!
<kLoooa2> asteele: yes, thats what we need to do
<kLoooa2> end it totally
<kLoooa2> so it wont happen again
<boogyman> Stop feeding the troll
<j201> kLoooa2: this is a debate that's come up in academia, and it's going to be hard to contribute without significant experience in the field, which it doesn't sound like you have. here's a good place to start, with references you can follow up on:
<asteele> ksry
<kLoooa2> boogyman: we will see "trolling" when you die in horrible accident and pray that you die faster
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to Sorella
<kLoooa2> j201: thanks will check hat
<kLoooa2> that
<kLoooa2> Sorella: Do you realize that basically after age 20 your body starts rotting, being worse and worser at everything? and that includes your brain too? you will eventually be stupid and naive just like children. or worse - you can get alzheimer's disease. If you are alive now, I guarantee you that you will die eventually. And it can be really painful dying. Just read news or statistics how many people die in what ways DAILY. You will become one of
<kLoooa2> them eventually. One of that statistics number. nothing more.
<ljharb> thank you sorella
* Sorella has kicked kLoooa2 from ##javascript (kLoooa2)
<ljharb> please permaban this one.
<rcyr> Woohoo
* kLoooa2 (~kLoooaFge@ has joined ##javascript
<rcyr> Time to take out the trash.
<kLoooa2> Do you realize that basically after age 20 your body starts rotting, being worse and worser at everything? and that includes your brain too? you will eventually be stupid and naive just like children. or worse - you can get alzheimer's disease. If you are alive now, I guarantee you that you will die eventually. And it can be really painful dying. Just read news or statistics how many people die in what ways DAILY. You will become one of them event
<kLoooa2> ually. One of that statistics number. nothing more.
<Sorella> Geez, sorry.
<kLoooa2> Do you realize that basically after age 20 your body starts rotting, being worse and worser at everything? and that includes your brain too? you will eventually be stupid and naive just like children. or worse - you can get alzheimer's disease. If you are alive now, I guarantee you that you will die eventually. And it can be really painful dying. Just read news or statistics how many people die in what ways DAILY. You will become one of them event
<kLoooa2> ually. One of that statistics number. nothing more.
<ljharb> just kill the ip, and then also the name.
<kLoooa2> Do you realize that basically after age 20 your body starts rotting, being worse and worser at everything? and that includes your brain too? you will eventually be stupid and naive just like children. or worse - you can get alzheimer's disease. If you are alive now, I guarantee you that you will die eventually. And it can be really painful dying. Just read news or statistics how many people die in what ways DAILY. You will become one of them event
<kLoooa2> ually. One of that statistics number. nothing more..
* Sorella has kicked kLoooa2 from ##javascript (kLoooa2)
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to Maxdamantus
<asteele> lol
* kLoooa2 (~kLoooaFge@ has joined ##javascript
<kLoooa2> Do you realize that basically after age 20 your body starts rotting, being worse and worser at everything? and that includes your brain too? you will eventually be stupid and naive just like children. or worse - you can get alzheimer's disease. If you are alive now, I guarantee you that you will die eventually. And it can be really painful dying. Just read news or statistics how many people die in
* Maxdamantus has kicked kLoooa2 from ##javascript (kLoooa2)
* kLoooa2 (~kLoooaFge@ has joined ##javascript
<kLoooa2> ually. One of that statistics number. nothing more.!
* Maxdamantus removes ban on dismist!*@*
* Maxdamantus sets ban on *!*@
* Maxdamantus has kicked kLoooa2 from ##javascript (kLoooa2)
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