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Created June 28, 2020 01:32
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An assembly code for converting BCD code to Hexadecimal and store them in memory. This is run on 8086 microprocessor.
;CALL scan_num ; CX.
;CALL pthis
;DB 'A string', 0
;CALL print_num ; AX.
include ''
ORG 100h
jmp start
value dw ?
digits dw ?,?,?,?
result dw 0
clp dw 4H
mask dw 000FH
; call pthis
; db 'input max 4 digit bcd number : ',0
; call scan_num
mov cx,4596H
call BTH
mov ax,result
; GOTOXY 0,1
; MOV AX,result
; call pthis
; db 'the hex is stored in AX or in result variable.',0
jmp ending
BTH proc near
;The source will be in CX
lea di,digits
mov value,cx
mov dx,0
mov cl,0
mov ax,value
and ax,mask
ror ax,cl
mov [di],ax
inc di
inc di
add cl,4
mov ax,mask
mov bx,0010H
mul bx
mov mask,ax
dec clp
cmp clp,0
ja loop1
lea di,digits
mov bx,1
mov cx,4
mov ax,[di]
mul bx
add result,ax
mov ax,bx
mov bx,10
mul bx
mov bx,ax
inc di
inc di
loop loop2
BTH endp
; macros to define procs
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