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Last active June 20, 2022 13:12
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This is a gist for implementing Concurrency in Golang
package main
import (
// wg is used to wait for the program to finish.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// threadProfile is a profile of threads created by the program.
var threadProfile = pprof.Lookup("threadcreate")
func concurrencyInAction() {
// defer the call to wg.Done().
defer wg.Done()
// sleep for a second.
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
// init is called before main.
// init is predefined function in go like main(), but it is not mandatory to use it.
func init() {
// set the number of CPUs to use.
// By default, the number of CPUs is the number of CPUs on the machine.
// Just to show we can change the number of CPUs
// I have added this below command.
func main() {
// define the number of goroutines to use.
count := 10
// add the number of goroutines to wait for.
// log the number of threads created.
log.Println("Before thread count : ", threadProfile.Count())
// loop through the number of goroutines.
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
// call the concurrencyInAction function.
go concurrencyInAction()
// wait for the goroutines to finish.
// log the number of threads created.
log.Println("After thread count : ", threadProfile.Count())
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