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Last active February 14, 2020 09:02
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Hyperledger Fabric

diffrent scenario where you could get the MVCC_READ_CONFLICT error

1stcase : try to update same key multiple time simultenously in same block.

Result :
endorsement :Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
commitment : [ { status: 'SUCCESS', info: '' },
              { event_status: 'MVCC_READ_CONFLICT',
               tx_id: 'b00927a980d3be17721beea9a3f0a7adc40530ad0ed235f4cb79fab27dfc5c7d' } ]
 in such case all transaction would be invalid except the last one.
but only first transaction would get
   [ { status: 'SUCCESS', info: '' },
     { event_status: 'VALID',
       tx_id: '125ac6c31020cd000b6152eff21479e0447a1fe3a0d3837a52c50469b1be0fde' } ]
 Note : in ledger only last transaction values would reflect in couchdb all
earlier transaction would be invalid

2ndcase : entering new unique record with different values multiple time in same block.

Result : 1st trnasaction output
[  { status: 'SUCCESS', info: '' },
   { event_status: 'VALID',
   tx_id: '21f7c40ab29e2b778fa96425fa913fa10fde53298ed370a0ad18d8ecdf022479' } ]
all other transactions output would get :
result : [ { status: 'SUCCESS', info: '' },
{ event_status: 'MVCC_READ_CONFLICT',
  tx_id: 'b00927a980d3be17721beea9a3f0a7adc40530ad0ed235f4cb79fab27dfc5c7d' } ]
Note : entry committed on peer successfully but but only values in last transaction reflects in DLT.
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