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Created September 28, 2020 09:16
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# This script will run from ec2 user data
# and it will deattach secondary network interface(ENI)
# from previous instance if any old instance found
# If ENI is not attach then it will not run deattach command
# at the last it will run eni attach command to add eni in current instance
# Note: Make sure to update ENI Name Tag in variable NAME_TAG
# exit if anything goes wrong
set -e
# Configure Value of Name tag for ENI
INSTANCE_ID=$(curl -s
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=$(curl -s | \
awk 'BEGIN { FS="\""; RS="," };/region/{ print $4}')
# Get Network Interface ID
ENI_ID=$($AWS_CMD ec2 describe-network-interfaces \
--filters Name=tag:Name,Values=$NAME_TAG \
--query NetworkInterfaces[].NetworkInterfaceId \
--output text)
# Attachment ID
ENI_ID=$($AWS_CMD ec2 describe-network-interfaces \
--filters Name=tag:Name,Values=$NAME_TAG \
--query NetworkInterfaces[].NetworkInterfaceId \
--output text)
# Get Active Instance ID for Interface
ENI_ATTACHMENT_ID=$($AWS_CMD ec2 describe-network-interfaces \
--filters Name=tag:Name,Values=$NAME_TAG \
--query NetworkInterfaces[].Attachment[].AttachmentId \
--output text)
# Deattach ENI assuming that it was attach to old instance
# in autoscaling group
$AWS_CMD ec2 detach-network-interface \
--attachment-id $ENI_ATTACHMENT_ID \
# Attach ENI
$AWS_CMD ec2 attach-network-interface \
--instance-id $INSTANCE_ID \
--network-interface-id $ENI_ID
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