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Last active August 10, 2016 17:24
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Bitbar Menubar script to track the daily performance and total worth of your stock portfolio.
import urllib2
import json
import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US')
RED = "#ff0000"
GREEN = "#00af00"
def bitbar_main(portfolio):
query = ','.join([k for k,v in portfolio.iteritems()])
url = "" + query
response = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
o = json.loads(response[4:-1])
today_change_total = 0.0
today_percent_total = 0.0
all_change_total = 0.0
all_percent_total = 0.0
total_investment = 0.0
total_inv_value = 0.0
results = { }
for ticker in o:
name = ticker["t"]
current = float(ticker["l"])
t_change = float(ticker["c"])
t_percent = float(ticker["cp"])
stock_value = 0.0
bought_at = 0.0
today_change_total += t_change
today_percent_total += t_percent
trades = portfolio[name.upper()]
for trade in trades:
stock_value += float(trade[0]) * current
bought_at += float(trade[0]) * float(trade[1])
total_investment += bought_at
total_inv_value += stock_value
profit_loss = stock_value - bought_at
profit_loss_percent = profit_loss / bought_at * 100
results[name] = (name, current, t_change, t_percent, stock_value, profit_loss, profit_loss_percent)
today_percent_total = today_percent_total / len(o)
all_change_total = total_inv_value - total_investment
all_percent_total = all_change_total / total_investment * 100
print "%.2f|color=%s" % (today_change_total, GREEN if today_change_total > 0 else RED)
print "---"
print "TOTAL: %s -> %s" % (intWithCommas(total_investment), intWithCommas(total_inv_value))
print "Hold ALT for all-time stats"
print "---"
print "Today"
print "All Time|alternate=true"
print "---"
print "%+.2f (%+.2f%%)|color=%s" % (today_change_total, today_percent_total, GREEN if today_change_total > 0 else RED)
print "%+.2f (%+.2f%%)|color=%s alternate=true" % (all_change_total, all_percent_total, GREEN if all_change_total > 0 else RED)
print "---"
# show individual stocks
for result in results.values():
print "%s %s (%+.2f, %+.2f%%)|color=%s" % (result[0], result[1], float(result[2]), float(result[3]), GREEN if float(result[2]) > 0 else RED)
print "%s %s (%+.2f, %+.2f%%)|color=%s alternate=true" % (result[0], float(result[4]), float(result[5]), float(result[6]), GREEN if float(result[5]) > 0 else RED)
print "---"
print "Refresh|refresh=true"
def intWithCommas(x):
return locale.format("%d", x, grouping=True)
## Define your portfolio manually:
## For example we bought 10 shares of AAPL at 100, and 3 at 101
## And 5 shares of GOOG at 123, and 13 more at 234
## {
## 'AAPL': [(10, 100), (3, 101)],
## 'GOOG': [(5, 123), (13, 234)]
## }
portfolio = {
'AAPL': [(10, 100), (3, 101)],
'GOOG': [(5, 123), (13, 234)]
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