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Last active April 9, 2019 09:24
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Fast set union w/ type-level lists
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies
, DataKinds
, PolyKinds
, UndecidableInstances
, DeriveGeneric
, TypeOperators #-}
module Main where
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits
import Prelude
newtype X0 = X0 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X1 = X1 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X2 = X2 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X3 = X3 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X4 = X4 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X5 = X5 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X6 = X6 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X7 = X7 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X8 = X8 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X9 = X9 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X10 = X10 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X11 = X11 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X12 = X12 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X13 = X13 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X14 = X14 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X15 = X15 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X16 = X16 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X17 = X17 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X18 = X18 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X19 = X19 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
type R0_to_9 = '[
, X1
, X2
, X3
, X4
, X5
, X6
, X7
, X8
, X9
type R10_to_19 = '[
, X11
, X12
, X13
, X14
, X15
, X16
, X17
, X18
, X19
type R0_to_19 = '[
, X1
, X2
, X3
, X4
, X5
, X6
, X7
, X8
, X9
, X10
, X11
, X12
, X13
, X14
, X15
, X16
, X17
, X18
, X19
verify :: (R0_to_19 :<>: R10_to_19 ~ R0_to_19) => ()
verify = ()
type family TypeName a :: Symbol where
TypeName Double = "Double"
TypeName Int = "Int"
TypeName String = "String"
TypeName (M1 D ('MetaData name _ _ _) f ()) = name
TypeName a = TypeName (Rep a ())
type family Cmp (a :: k) (b :: k) :: Ordering where
Cmp a b = CmpSymbol (TypeName a) (TypeName b)
type family Sort (xs :: [k]) :: [k] where
Sort xs = SortHelper xs '[]
type family SortHelper (xs :: [k]) (ys :: [k]) :: [k] where
SortHelper '[] ys = ys
SortHelper (x ': xs) '[] = SortHelper xs '[x]
SortHelper (x ': xs) (y ': ys) = SortHelper2 (NotEqual (Cmp x y) GT) x xs y ys
type family NotEqual (a :: k) (b :: k) :: Bool where
NotEqual a a = True
NotEqual a b = False
type family SortHelper2 (b :: Bool) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]) (y :: k) (ys :: [k]) :: [k] where
SortHelper2 False x xs y ys = SortHelper xs (x ': y ': ys)
SortHelper2 True x xs y ys = SortHelper xs (y ': InsertSorted x ys)
type family InsertSorted (x :: k) (ys :: [k]) :: [k] where
InsertSorted x '[] = '[x]
InsertSorted x (y ': ys) = InsertSortedHelper (NotEqual (Cmp x y) GT) x y ys
type family InsertSortedHelper (b :: Bool) (x :: k) (y :: k) (ys :: [k]) :: [k] where
InsertSortedHelper False x y ys = x ': y ': ys
InsertSortedHelper True x y ys = y ': InsertSorted x ys
type family Nub (xs :: [k]) :: [k] where
Nub '[] = '[]
Nub (a ': a ': as) = Nub (a ': as)
Nub (a ': as) = a ': Nub as
type family (:<>:) (xs :: [k]) (ys :: [k]) :: [k] where
xs :<>: ys = Nub (Sort (xs :++: ys))
type family (:++:) (xs :: [k]) (ys :: [k]) :: [k] where
xs :++: '[] = '[]
(x ': xs) :++: ys = x ': (xs :++: ys)
main :: IO ()
main = print "Hello"
module Main where
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits
import Prelude
newtype X0 = X0 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X1 = X1 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X2 = X2 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X3 = X3 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X4 = X4 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X5 = X5 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X6 = X6 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X7 = X7 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X8 = X8 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X9 = X9 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X10 = X10 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X11 = X11 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X12 = X12 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X13 = X13 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X14 = X14 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X15 = X15 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X16 = X16 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X17 = X17 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X18 = X18 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype X19 = X19 Int deriving (Generic, Show)
type R0_to_9 = '[
, X1
, X2
, X3
, X4
, X5
, X6
, X7
, X8
, X9
type R10_to_19 = '[
, X11
, X12
, X13
, X14
, X15
, X16
, X17
, X18
, X19
type R0_to_19 = '[
, X1
, X2
, X3
, X4
, X5
, X6
, X7
, X8
, X9
, X10
, X11
, X12
, X13
, X14
, X15
, X16
, X17
, X18
, X19
verify :: ( SetEquals (Union R0_to_19 R10_to_19) R0_to_19 ~ True
, SetEquals (Union R10_to_19 R0_to_19) R0_to_19 ~ True
, SetEquals (Union R0_to_9 R10_to_19) R0_to_19 ~ True
, SetEquals (Union R10_to_19 R0_to_9) R0_to_19 ~ True )
=> ()
verify = ()
type family SetEquals (xs :: [k]) (ys :: [k]) :: Bool where
SetEquals '[] '[] = True
SetEquals '[] ys = False
SetEquals (x ': xs) ys = SetEquals xs (Delete x ys '[])
type family Delete (x :: k) (ys :: [k]) (zs :: [k]) :: [k] where
Delete x '[] zs = zs
Delete x (x ': ys) zs = Delete x ys zs
Delete x (y ': ys) zs = Delete x ys (y ': zs)
type family Union (xs :: [k]) (ys :: [k]) :: [k] where
Union '[] ys = ys
Union xs '[] = xs
Union xs ys = UnionHelper xs ys '[]
type family UnionHelper (xs :: [k]) (ys :: [k]) (zs :: [k]) :: [k] where
UnionHelper xs '[] zs = zs :++: xs
UnionHelper '[] ys zs = zs :++: ys
UnionHelper (x ': xs) ys zs = UnionHelper xs (Delete x ys '[]) (x ': zs)
type family (:++:) (xs :: [k]) (ys :: [k]) :: [k] where
'[] :++: ys = ys
(x ': xs) :++: ys = x ': (xs :++: ys)
main :: IO ()
main = print "Hello"
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