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Last active February 4, 2017 19:08
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Save raibread/4448483 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a oneline torch7 installation script (including dependencies) for macosx -- Adapted from: -- It has been tested in parts but not as a whole.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script installls Torch7 and it's various dependencies.
# The script is adapted from:
# The above didn't quite work for me on macosx (10.8.2) so the following adjustments were made:
# (1) install gcc 4.7.2 and set as compilers used in Torch build so open OpenMP works
# (2) brew install a previous version of zeromq (2.2) since Torch7 doesn't play well
# with the version 3.2 yet
# (3) install xquartz package since X11 is no longer included with macosx >= 10.8
# (4) update luarocks config file so macosx defaults.variables.MAKE="make" not
# "gmake" -- This was changed in the luarocks development code (see:
# but isn't reflected in the 2.0.12 release (which is the release that
# the homebrew formula uses)
# NOTE: I removed the Linux option since I'm not running any Linux machines right now
if [[ `uname` == 'Darwin' ]]; then
# Install Homebrew (pkg manager):
if [[ `which brew` == '' ]]; then
ruby <(curl -fsSkL
# Install git:
brew install git
# Install gcc (4.7.2 -- necessary for OpenMP functionality of Torch):
brew install --enable-gxx --enable-fortran
# install other dependencies:
brew install readline cmake wget qt
brew install libjpeg imagemagick
# zeromq 3.x doesn't work with Torch yet -- use 2.2 (brew versions zeromq will provide the zeromq 2.2 checkout):
git checkout 6a2e6ef /usr/local/Library/Formula/zeromq.rb
brew install zeromq
# install gnuplot:
if [[ `which X` == '' ]]; then
echo 'downloading X11'
curl > ~/xquartz.dmg
echo 'mounting X11 disk image'
hdiutil ~/xquart.dmg
echo 'installing xquartz'
sudo installer -verbose -pkg "/Volumes/XQuartz-2.7.4/XQuartz.pkg" -target /
hdiutil detach /Volumes/XQuartz-2.7.4
if [[ `which X` == '' ]]; then
echo 'error installing xquartz package, aborting...'
brew install gnuplot
# install lua and luarocks (lua package manager)
brew install lua luarocks
# macosx uses make not gmake like other BSDs
if [[ $(awk -v w=0 '/if detected.macosx then/, /^\s*end\s*/ {if ($0 ~ /defaults\.variables\.MAKE[ *]=[ *]"make"/) w += 1}
END {print w}' /usr/local/Cellar/luarocks/2.0.12/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cfg.lua) == 0 ]]; then
sed 's/if[ *]detected\.macosx[ *]then/if detected\.macosx then\
defaults.variables.MAKE = "make"/' /usr/local/Cellar/luarocks/2.0.12/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cfg.lua > TEMPcfg.lua
mv TEMPcfg.lua /usr/local/Cellar/luarocks/2.0.12/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cfg.lua
# Use more recent gcc (>=4.6) to compile Torch, etc.
export CC=/usr/local/Cellar/gcc/4.7.2/bin/gcc-4.7
export CXX=/usr/local/Cellar/gcc/4.7.2/bin/g++-4.7
# Create custom config file for Luarocks
mkdir -p ~/.luarocks
echo "rocks_servers = {" > ~/.luarocks/config.lua
echo " [[]]," >> ~/.luarocks/config.lua
echo " [[]]," >> ~/.luarocks/config.lua
echo "}" >> ~/.luarocks/config.lua
echo "rocks_trees = {" >> ~/.luarocks/config.lua
echo " home..[[/.luarocks]]," >> ~/.luarocks/config.lua
echo " [[/usr/local]]" >> ~/.luarocks/config.lua
echo "}" >> ~/.luarocks/config.lua
# Install Torch7, with LuaJIT support, and extra packages
luarocks install torch WITH_LUA_JIT=1
luarocks install penlight
luarocks install image
luarocks install parallel
luarocks install optim
luarocks install json
# Unsupported
echo '==> platform not supported, aborting'
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