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Last active October 26, 2017 22:27
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Using Coyoneda to improve performance in Idris
module Main
Strictness always bothers me a little, since it forces you to do
things like fusion manually. This prohibits code reuse. I won't
elaborate on this too much since there is already a great blog
post about this:
Playing around with Coyoneda I realized that some of these issues
can be worked around using the Coyoneda lemma.
Coyoneda gives rise to a functor to any arbitraty `f` you feed it.
Mapping over this simply composes all the functions you are mapping
without applying them directly to the thing you have lifted giving
you fusion for free! This can have drastic preformance benefits.
||| Carries around an `f` and a function that is applied when
||| you use `lowerC`
data Coyoneda : (f : Type -> Type) -> (a : Type) -> Type where
Coyo : (b -> a) -> f b -> Coyoneda f a
||| `Coyoneda` gives rise to a `Functor` for any `f`
instance Functor (Coyoneda f) where
map g (Coyo k f) = Coyo (g . k) f
||| Take any `f` and lift it to a `Coyoneda`
liftC : f a -> Coyoneda f a
liftC f = Coyo id f
||| Take a `Coyoneda` and lower it to an `f`, here `f`
||| needs to have a `Functor` instance.
lowerC : Functor f => Coyoneda f a -> f a
lowerC (Coyo k f) = map k f
||| Transforms `f` to `g`. This is useful if `f` does not
||| have a `Functor` instance but `g` has.
transformC : ({b : Type} -> f b -> g b) -> Coyoneda f a -> Coyoneda g a
transformC t (Coyo k f) = Coyo k (t f)
||| A list we are going to use to throw `map` at.
list : List Integer
list = [10..20]
||| Our favorite `fib` function. Lets be super slow here!
fib : Integer -> Integer
fib 0 = 1
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)
||| Take some `f` with a `Functor` instance and do some mapping.
||| `List` and `Coyoneda` both have `Functor` instances so both
||| will work just fine here.
test : Functor f => f Integer -> f Integer
test = map fib . map (*2)
||| Apply `test` to `list` and take 2 elements from the result.
||| This will take a lot of time since we are mapping over all
||| elements of `list`, keep in mind that `fib` is pretty darn slow.
slowtest : List Integer
slowtest = take 2 (test list)
||| Apply `test` to `list` and take 2 elements from the result.
||| Here we are wrapping `list` in `Coyoneda`.
||| We are not applying our functions to every element of `list`
||| here. This is one of the beauties of `Coyoneda`.
fasttest : List Integer
fasttest = lowerC (transformC (take 2) (test (liftC list)))
||| using slowtest
||| » time -p ./coyo
||| [10946, 28657]
||| real 11.35
||| user 11.34
||| sys 0.00
||| using fasttest
||| » time -p ./coyo
||| [10946, 28657]
||| real 0.00
||| user 0.00
||| sys 0.00
main : IO ()
main =
-- print slowtest
print fasttest
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@raichoo Another thing you can do that's a bit cheaper is to "collect" all your maps using id (since functions are functors), and map the resulting composition:

fasttest = take 2 (map (test id) list)

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raichoo commented Aug 18, 2015

Functions are not functors in Idris (->) is not a constructor so you'd need to some wrapping to make that work at least if I understand you correctly.

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raichoo commented Aug 18, 2015

There has been some relevant input about this on twitter I'd like to post here for completeness:

@raichoo As a note, for this effect to work, the function in transformC
needs to be commutative in respect to the coyo's composed function.

@raichoo BTW, It's not the coyoneda that gave the performance boost in this case,
but the swapped order of (take 2) and (map (fib . (*2))).

Credit goes to: Ilan Godik

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