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Conjugate Gradient with Diagonal Scaling
# Solves Ae x = be
# using GC and Diagonal Scaling.
# tol is the tolerance.
function DSCG(Ae::SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int64},be::Array{Float64},tol::Float64)
# Number of equations
const n = size(be,1)
# Diagonal Scaling
const d = diag(Ae)
const P = sqrt(d)
const Pi = 1./P
# Changes b
const b = Pi.*be
# Changes A
const AUX = spdiagm(Pi)
const A = AUX*Ae*AUX
# First iteration: Simple Gradient Method
const r0 = zeros(n)
const d1 = zeros(n)
@inbounds for i=1:n
r0[i] = -b[i]
d1[i] = -r0[i]
const up = dot(r0,r0)
const ad1 = A*r0
const down = dot(r0,ad1)
const alpha = up/down
const x = d1*alpha
# Next residue
const r1 = zeros(n)
@inbounds for i=1:n
r1[i] = r0[i] - alpha*ad1[i]
# GC iterations
for k = 2:n
# Deflection
const tc = dot(r1,r1)
const tb = dot(r0,r0)
const bet = tc/tb
# Direction
@inbounds for i=1:n
d1[i] = -r1[i] + bet*d1[i]
# VErify the norm
const norma = norm(r1)
if norma<tol
return Pi.*x
end #if
ad1 = A*d1
# Step
tc = dot(r1,r1)
tb = dot(d1,ad1)
const alpha = tc/tb
# New solution
@inbounds for i=1:n
x[i] = x[i] +alpha*d1[i]
# translate
@inbounds for i=1:n
r0[i] = r1[i]
r1[i] = r0[i]+alpha*ad1[i]
end # k
println("Its not possible to obtain the solution withing tolerance tol")
return Pi.x
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