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Last active January 10, 2017 01:34
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Version checker
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import click
from netmiko import ConnectHandler
def normalize(v):
Converts strings with dot separation to lists
return [int(x) for x in re.sub(r'(\.0+)*$','', v).split(".")]
def version_compare(a, b):
Compares 2 dot separated versions and determines less than, equal to, or greater
The return value is negative if a < b, zero if a == b and strictly positive if a > b.
a = normalize(a)
b = normalize(b)
return (a > b) - (a < b)
def check_fw_version(required_version, **target):
fw = ConnectHandler(**target)
output = fw.send_command('get system status')
for line in output.split('\n'):
if line.startswith('Version:'):
reg = re.compile('\d\\.\d\\.\d')
result =
machine_version = normalize(
print("Target firmware version is: " + machine_version)
same_version = version_compare(required_version, machine_version)
if same_version == 0:
print('Firmware version is: ' + fwversion)
elif same_version == 1:
print('Firmware version is: ' + fwversion +'\nThis should be downgraded unless there is a special case.')
elif same_version == -1:
print('Firmware version is: ' + fwversion +'\nPlease consider upgrading.')
@click.option('--version', '-v', help='Firmware version to check.', default='5.2.4') #current firmware target, 5.2.4 as of 1/6/17
@click.option('--host', '-h', help='IP address to target', default='')
@click.option('--user', '-u', help='Username', default='admin')
@click.option('--password', '-p', help='Password.')
@click.option('--device', '-d', help='Device type.', default='fortinet')
def main(version, host, user, password, device):
target = {
'ip': host,
'device_type': device,
'username': user,
'password': password,
check_fw_version(version, **target)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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