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Created November 29, 2023 17:46
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function fixSerialNumbers(data) {
// Functions for number conversions
const toEn = (n) => n.replace(/[০-৯]/g, (d) => "০১২৩৪৫৬৭৮৯".indexOf(d));
const toBn = (n) => n.replace(/\d/g, (d) => "০১২৩৪৫৬৭৮৯"[d]);
// A helper function to pad the serial number with leading zeros
const padSerial = (num) => num.toString().padStart(4, "0");
// Set to keep track of used serial numbers
let usedSerials = new Set();
// Iterate through the data and fix serial numbers
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
let base;
// For the first 15 entries, follow the initial pattern
base = (i % 5) * 3 + Math.floor(i / 5) + 1;
while (usedSerials.has(toBn(padSerial(base)))) {
base += 3;
let expectedSerial = toBn(padSerial(base));
usedSerials.add(expectedSerial); // Add to used serials
console.log(`${expectedSerial} ---- ${data[i]["Serial Number"]}`);
// Fix the serial number if it doesn't match the expected pattern
if (data[i]["Serial Number"] !== expectedSerial) {
data[i]["Serial Number"] = expectedSerial;
return data;
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