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Last active November 13, 2016 15:11
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Modules to atoms in codewars
pushAtom = (stack, atom, index) ->
# push previous element if exists
a = {}
a[atom] = Number(index) if atom isnt '' and index isnt ''
a[atom] = 1 if atom isnt '' and index is ''
stack.push (a) if a[atom]
pushMoleculeBtwBrackets = (stack, openBracket, closeBracket, index) ->
moculeStack = []
for i in [stack.length - 2..0] by -1
if stack[i] is openBracket then break
else moculeStack.push(stack[i])
moculeStack = moculeStack.reverse()
for i in [0...index]
stack.push (openBracket)
for e in moculeStack
stack.push (e)
stack.push (closeBracket)
pushAtomOrMolecule = (stack,atom, index) ->
if atom isnt '' then pushAtom(stack, atom, index)
# push complex molecule
else if atom is '' and index isnt ''
closeBracket = stack[stack.length - 1]
repeatedCount = (Number(index) - 1)
if closeBracket is ']'
pushMoleculeBtwBrackets stack, '[', ']', repeatedCount
else if closeBracket is ')'
pushMoleculeBtwBrackets stack, '(', ')', repeatedCount
else if closeBracket is '}'
pushMoleculeBtwBrackets stack, '{', '}', repeatedCount
parseMolecule = (formula) ->
# do your science here
openBrackets = [ '[', '{', '(' ]
closeBrackets = [ ']', '}', ')' ]
molecules = {}
atom = ''
index = ''
stack = []
for i in [0...formula.length]
token = formula[i]
if token in openBrackets
# push previous atom or complex mocule if exists
pushAtomOrMolecule(stack, atom, index)
atom = ''
index = ''
# push bracket in
stack.push (token)
else if token in closeBrackets
pushAtomOrMolecule(stack, atom, index)
atom = ''
index = ''
stack.push (token)
else if token in '01234567890'
# number. maybe it is more than 1 digit
index = index + token
# push previous atom or complex mocule if exists
pushAtomOrMolecule(stack, atom, index)
atom = token
index = ''
else if token in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
# part of element name
atom = atom + token
pushAtomOrMolecule(stack, atom, index)
for e in stack
if e not in openBrackets and e not in closeBrackets
for k,v of e
molecules[k] = molecules[k] + v if molecules[k]?
molecules[k] = v if !molecules[k]?
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