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Created January 26, 2014 20:54
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Sketch for a Lion Chases Princess Game
module PrincessVsLion where
import Keyboard
-- character positions
princess = foldp inc 4 (pressesOf
lion = foldp inc 0 (fps 2)
-- combined game state
gameState = lift2 makeState princess lion
-- main function
main = lift asText gameState
-- helpers
pressesOf key = keepIf id False key
inc _ prev = prev + 1
makeState p l = { princess= p, lion= l }
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phadej commented Jan 27, 2014

If I understand Elm right, you just end up having single "whole world state", if you want to be able to alter it as single entity (e.g. reset to defaults). Using Bacon.js vocabulary: you work (almost) only with Properties. You don't really have flatMap for Properties there either.

And you can accumulate state with Applicative instance of Signal only.

import Keyboard

pressesOf key = keepIf id False (Keyboard.isDown key)

spaces = lift (\_ -> Just 10) (pressesOf 32) -- Space
resets = lift (\_ -> Nothing) (pressesOf 82) -- R
incs   = lift (\_ -> Just 1) (pressesOf 65) -- A

events : Signal (Maybe number)
events = merges [spaces, incs, resets]

count : Signal number
count = foldp countUpdate 0 events

countUpdate : Maybe number -> number -> number
countUpdate next prev = 
  let c = maybe 0 ((+) prev) next
   in if c > 100 then 0 else c -- over 100, reset as well

main = lift asText count

I guess monadic bind would make sense in use cases if eg HTTP.sendGet would be of type string -> Signal (Response String), but it's cleverly made into Signal string -> Signal (Response String). Applicative is enough there as well.

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Now it works!

@phadej you're right, there has to be a function proceeding the "whole world state". And you have to forget almost everything you've learn about Rx/Bacon.js conventions. There's no temporal composition. Just a big state machine. Yet, the end result is quite nice. Except it's still not restartable.

module PrincessVsLion where
import Keyboard

data GameState = Ongoing Int Int | LionWon | PrincessWon

proceedGame keyPresses state = case state of
  LionWon -> LionWon
  PrincessWon -> PrincessWon
  Ongoing princess lion ->
      check ((keyPresses `div` 2) + 4) (lion + 1)

check princess lion =
  if | lion == princess -> LionWon
     | princess >= 13 -> PrincessWon
     | otherwise -> Ongoing princess lion

input = sampleOn (fps 2) (count
initState = Ongoing 4 0

gameState = foldp proceedGame initState input

main = lift asText gameState

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Pow pow pow, now it's restartable.

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