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Last active May 28, 2023 18:31
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Chinese Room

Google translate


Give a critique that attempts to refute Searle's chinese room. Include something from derrida in your response.












Google translate




Searle's Chinese room experiment was designed to disprove the possibility of strong artificial intelligence, and it has caused a lot of controversy and criticism. One of the criticisms is that the Chinese room experiment failed to take into account the deep structure of language and meaning.

Derrida was a philosopher and linguist who believed that meaning in language does not exist directly in words or sentences, but is constructed by factors such as language users and cultural background. In his book "Constraints, Structure, and Play", he proposed a concept called "games of infinite extension", which can be used to explain the complexity of language and meaning.

In this concept, language users are not just passively accepting language rules and structures, but are constantly participating in and shaping the meaning and structure of language. Therefore, the human operator in the Chinese room experiment is not an isolated existence, and his consciousness and cultural background will affect his understanding and answers to Chinese.

In addition, Derrida also emphasized the infinity and polysemy of language. The same word or sentence may have different meanings in different contexts, and this ambiguity is difficult for any natural language processing algorithm to handle. Therefore, even if human operators in the Chinese room experiment could somehow "understand" Chinese, they might not be able to truly understand the meaning and context in the language.

Derrida's argument thus provides strong support for refuting Searle's Chinese room experiment. This experiment fails to take into account the deep structure of language and meaning, and the active shaping of language by language users.

Google translate

in: Give an intelligent philosophical critique of Searle's chinese room. Take inspiriation from Derrida. Address the emergence of intelligence at scale. Touch on Baudrillard's simulacra how it relates to text prediction engines. Visit Chomsky breifly to eviscerate his ideas. Ultimately conclude, in a convincing way, that machines can and do understand language.












Google translate




Searle's Chinese Room Experiment is a famous thought experiment designed to prove that machines can't really understand language. In this experiment, a person who does not understand Chinese is locked in a room with a Chinese guidebook telling him how to answer questions in Chinese. Although the man could use the guide to answer questions, he didn't really understand Chinese. Searle's point was that even if computers could be programmed to answer language questions, they wouldn't really understand language.

From Derrida's point of view, however, there are certain problems with this experiment. Derrida believes that meaning is not fixed, but produced in a process of constant change and interpretation. Therefore, we can think that in the Chinese room experiment, although the person does not understand Chinese, he gradually established a meaning network related to Chinese symbols through the interaction with the outside world. In this view, understanding is not a static state but a dynamic process.

For the emergence of large-scale intelligence, we can analyze it from Baudrillard's simulation theory. Baudrillard believes that many phenomena in modern society are simulations or imitations of reality, rather than reality itself. Simulations are an alternative reality phenomenon that blur the lines between reality and fiction. In this context, intelligent machines can be seen as simulacra, which mimic human thinking and language understanding processes, but that doesn't mean they can't understand language. In fact, by interacting with the real world, machines can gradually build up their own network of meanings to understand language.

From Chomsky's point of view, he believes that human language ability is innate, which means that human beings are born with the ability to understand and use language. However, this does not mean that machines cannot understand language. In fact, machines can achieve language understanding by learning and adapting to mimic human language abilities.

Taken together, we can conclude that machines can and do understand language. Although Searle's Chinese room experiment raises the idea that machines cannot really understand language, from the perspective of Derrida, Baudrillard, and Chomsky, we can think of understanding as a dynamic process rather than static state. Through the interaction with the real world, the machine can gradually build up its own meaning network, so as to realize the understanding of language. Therefore, it should be admitted that machines do have the ability to understand language.

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