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Created May 30, 2017 14:22
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paiza テストケースすべて通過
using System;
public class Hello{
public static void Main(){
// 自分の得意な言語で
// Let's チャレンジ!!
var allExaminee = System.Console.ReadLine();
int allExamineeNum = Int32.Parse(allExaminee);
//2次元要素一つ目は0なら理系, 1なら文系
//[生徒のインデックス, 0、英語、数学、理科、国語、地理歴史] 理系
//[生徒のインデックス, 1、英語、数学、理科、国語、地理歴史] 文系
int[,] examineeResult = new int [allExamineeNum,6];
for(int c1=0; c1< allExamineeNum; c1++){
string testResult = System.Console.ReadLine();
string [] tmp = testResult.Split(' ');
for(int c2=0; c2< tmp.Length; c2++){
if(tmp[c2] == "l"){
examineeResult[c1,0] = 1;
}else if(tmp[c2] == "s"){
examineeResult[c1,0] = 0;
examineeResult[c1,c2] = Int32.Parse(tmp[c2]);
int passingMarkManCount =0;
for(int c1 = 0; c1 < allExamineeNum; c1++){
int plusEachTestResult = 0;
for(int c2 = 1; c2 < 6; c2++){
//all plus is more than 350?
plusEachTestResult += examineeResult[c1, c2];
if(plusEachTestResult < 350){ continue; }
//理系の受験者: 数学,理科をたして160点以上なら合格
if(examineeResult[c1, 0] == 0){
int r = examineeResult[c1, 2] + examineeResult[c1, 3];
if(r >= 160) passingMarkManCount += 1;
//文系の受験者: 国語,地理歴史をたして160点以上なら合格
else if(examineeResult[c1, 0] == 1){
int r = examineeResult[c1, 4] + examineeResult[c1, 5];
if(r >= 160) passingMarkManCount += 1;
System.Console.WriteLine("{0}", passingMarkManCount);
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