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Created November 18, 2016 18:20
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module Main where
import Control.Monad (forM, when)
import Data.Array.IArray ((!))
import qualified Data.Array.IArray as A
-- input
-- budget
-- parties
-- output
-- cost
-- fun
knapsack :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> (Int, Int)
knapsack parties totalBudget = knapsack' 0 totalBudget
cantParties = length parties
parties' :: A.Array Int (Int, Int)
parties' = A.listArray (0, cantParties) parties
bounds = ((0, 0), (cantParties, totalBudget))
memo :: A.Array (Int, Int) (Int, Int)
memo =
A.listArray bounds
[knapsack' i b | (i, b) <- A.range bounds]
-- knapsack' :: idx -> budgetRest -> (costFin, funFin)
knapsack' _ 0 = (0, 0)
knapsack' idx budget
| idx == cantParties = (0, 0)
| budget < partyCost = nextWithBudget budget
| otherwise =
let (a, b) = nextWithBudget budget
(c, d) = nextWithBudget (budget - partyCost)
(c', d') = (c + partyCost, d + partyFun)
in if b == d' && (a > c' || b > d')
then (a, b)
else (c', d')
(partyCost, partyFun) = parties' ! idx
nextWithBudget b = memo ! (succ idx, b)
main :: IO ()
main = do
str <- getLine
let w1:w2:_ = words str
totalBudget = read w1 :: Int
cantParties = read w2 :: Int
when (totalBudget /= 0 && cantParties /= 0) $ do
listParties <- forM [1..cantParties] ( \_ -> do
str <- getLine
let w1:w2:_ = words str
partyCost = read w1 :: Int
partyFun = read w2 :: Int
return (partyCost, partyFun))
_ <- getLine -- the blank after parties data
let (r1, r2) = knapsack listParties totalBudget
putStrLn (show r1 ++ " " ++ show r2)
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