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Last active August 3, 2018 19:14
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Read heroku log output with bunyan

Read heroku logs output w/ bunyan

The stuff before the JSON in heroku logs output has to be cut off for bunyan to work.

$ heroku logs | sed -l 's/.*app\[web\..*\]\: //' | bunyan

Flag -l makes the output buffered by line.


alias bunyan-heroku="sed -l 's/.*app\[web\..*\]\: //' | bunyan" 
$ heroku logs --tail | bunyan-heroku -o short

Previously used cut and awk, but found a better solution, for which a credit goes to @kennbrodhagen.

Excluding heroku[router]

One might not want to see the non-bunyan log output that comes from heroku[router].

In that case, pipe through grep:

alias buh="grep --line-buffered --color=none 'app\[web.\d\+\]' | sed -l 's/.*app\[web\..*\]\: //' | bunyan" 
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@f03lipe: the same for me. Looks like a sed vs gnu sed issue.

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thanks this looks useful

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Thank you very much! :) On Windows this was what I used to get it working:

heroku logs --tail --remote heroku | sed -u 's/.*app\[web\..*\]\: //' | node_modules/.bin/bunyan

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