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Created August 12, 2009 18:12
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require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.administrationpage.php');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.eventmanager.php');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.sectionmanager.php');
Class contentBlueprintsEvents extends AdministrationPage{
function __viewNew(){
function __viewEdit(){
function __viewInfo(){
function __form($readonly=false){
$formHasErrors = (is_array($this->_errors) && !empty($this->_errors));
if($formHasErrors) $this->pageAlert(__('An error occurred while processing this form. <a href="#error">See below for details.</a>'), Alert::ERROR);
case 'saved':
'Event updated at %1$s. <a href="%2$s">Create another?</a> <a href="%3$s">View all Events</a>',
URL . '/symphony/blueprints/events/new/',
URL . '/symphony/blueprints/components/'
case 'created':
'Event created at %1$s. <a href="%2$s">Create another?</a> <a href="%3$s">View all Events</a>',
URL . '/symphony/blueprints/events/new/',
URL . '/symphony/blueprints/components/'
$isEditing = ($readonly ? true : false);
$fields = array();
$sectionManager = new SectionManager($this->_Parent);
if($this->_context[0] == 'edit' || $this->_context[0] == 'info'){
$isEditing = true;
$handle = $this->_context[1];
$EventManager = new EventManager($this->_Parent);
$existing =& $EventManager->create($handle);
$about = $existing->about();
$fields['name'] = $about['name'];
$fields['source'] = $existing->getSource();
$fields['filters'] = $existing->eParamFILTERS;
if(isset($_POST['fields'])) $fields = $_POST['fields'];
$this->setTitle(__(($isEditing ? '%1$s &ndash; %2$s &ndash; %3$s' : '%1$s &ndash; %2$s'), array(__('Symphony'), __('Events'), $about['name'])));
$this->appendSubheading(($isEditing ? $about['name'] : __('Untitled')));
$fieldset = new XMLElement('fieldset');
$fieldset->setAttribute('class', 'settings');
$fieldset->appendChild(new XMLElement('legend', __('Essentials')));
$div = new XMLElement('div');
$div->setAttribute('class', 'group');
$label = Widget::Label(__('Name'));
$label->appendChild(Widget::Input('fields[name]', General::sanitize($fields['name'])));
if(isset($this->_errors['name'])) $div->appendChild(Widget::wrapFormElementWithError($label, $this->_errors['name']));
else $div->appendChild($label);
$label = Widget::Label(__('Source'));
$sections = $sectionManager->fetch(NULL, 'ASC', 'name');
$options = array();
if(is_array($sections) && !empty($sections)){
foreach($sections as $s) $options[] = array($s->get('id'), ($fields['source'] == $s->get('id')), $s->get('name'));
$label->appendChild(Widget::Select('fields[source]', $options, array('id' => 'context')));
$label = Widget::Label(__('Filter Rules'));
$options = array(
array('admin-only', @in_array('admin-only', $fields['filters']), __('Admin Only')),
array('send-email', @in_array('send-email', $fields['filters']), __('Send Email')),
array('expect-multiple', @in_array('expect-multiple', $fields['filters']), __('Allow Multiple')),
# Delegate: AppendEventFilter
# Description: Allows adding of new filter rules to the Event filter rule select box. A reference to the $options array is provided, and selected filters
$this->_Parent->ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('AppendEventFilter', '/blueprints/events/' . $this->_context[0] . '/', array('selected' => $fields['filters'], 'options' => &$options));
$label->appendChild(Widget::Select('fields[filters][]', $options, array('multiple' => 'multiple')));
$fieldset->appendChild(new XMLElement('p', __('This event will not be processed if any of these rules return true.'), array('class' => 'help')));
$fieldset = new XMLElement('fieldset');
$fieldset->setAttribute('class', 'settings');
$doc = $existing->documentation();
$fieldset->setValue('<legend>' . __('Description') . '</legend>' . self::CRLF . General::tabsToSpaces((is_object($doc) ? $doc->generate(true) : $doc), 2));
$div = new XMLElement('div');
$div->setAttribute('class', 'actions');
$div->appendChild(Widget::Input('action[save]', ($isEditing ? __('Save Changes') : __('Create Event')), 'submit', array('accesskey' => 's')));
$button = new XMLElement('button', __('Delete'));
$button->setAttributeArray(array('name' => 'action[delete]', 'class' => 'confirm delete', 'title' => __('Delete this event')));
if(!$readonly) $this->Form->appendChild($div);
function __actionNew(){
if(array_key_exists('save', $_POST['action'])) return $this->__formAction();
function __actionEdit(){
if(array_key_exists('save', $_POST['action'])) return $this->__formAction();
elseif(array_key_exists('delete', $_POST['action'])){
## TODO: Fix Me
# Delegate: Delete
# Description: Prior to deleting the event file. Target file path is provided.
#$ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('Delete', getCurrentPage(), array("file" => EVENTS . "/event." . $_REQUEST['file'] . ".php"));
if(!General::deleteFile(EVENTS . '/event.' . $this->_context[1] . '.php'))
$this->pageAlert(__('Failed to delete <code>%s</code>. Please check permissions.', array($this->_context[1])), Alert::ERROR);
else redirect(URL . '/symphony/blueprints/components/');
function __formAction(){
$fields = $_POST['fields'];
$this->_errors = array();
if(trim($fields['name']) == '') $this->_errors['name'] = __('This is a required field');
$classname = Lang::createHandle($fields['name'], NULL, '_', false, true, array('@^[^a-z]+@i' => '', '/[^\w-\.]/i' => ''));
$rootelement = str_replace('_', '-', $classname);
$file = EVENTS . '/event.' . $classname . '.php';
$isDuplicate = false;
$queueForDeletion = NULL;
if($this->_context[0] == 'new' && @is_file($file)) $isDuplicate = true;
elseif($this->_context[0] == 'edit'){
$existing_handle = $this->_context[1];
if($classname != $existing_handle && @is_file($file)) $isDuplicate = true;
elseif($classname != $existing_handle) $queueForDeletion = EVENTS . '/event.' . $existing_handle . '.php';
if($isDuplicate) $this->_errors['name'] = __('An Event with the name <code>%s</code> name already exists', array($classname));
$multiple = @in_array('expect-multiple', $fields['filters']);
$eventShell = file_get_contents(TEMPLATE . '/event.tpl');
$about = array(
'name' => $fields['name'],
'version' => '1.0',
'release date' => DateTimeObj::getGMT('c'),
'author name' => $this->_Parent->Author->getFullName(),
'author website' => URL,
'author email' => $this->_Parent->Author->get('email'),
'trigger condition' => $rootelement
$source = $fields['source'];
$filter = NULL;
$elements = NULL;
$this->__injectAboutInformation($eventShell, $about);
$this->__injectFilters($eventShell, $fields['filters']);
$documentation = NULL;
$documentation_parts = array();
$documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('h3', __('Success and Failure XML Examples'));
$documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('When saved successfully, the following XML will be returned:'));
$code = new XMLElement($rootelement);
$entry = new XMLElement('entry', NULL, array('index' => '0', 'result' => 'success' , 'type' => 'create | edit'));
$entry->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Entry [created | edited] successfully.')));
$code = new XMLElement($rootelement, NULL, array('result' => 'success' , 'type' => 'create | edit'));
$code->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Entry [created | edited] successfully.')));
$documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode($code);
$documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('When an error occurs during saving, due to either missing or invalid fields, the following XML will be returned') . ($multiple ? __(' (<b>Notice that it is possible to get mixtures of success and failure messages when using the "Allow Multiple" option</b>)') : NULL) . ':');
$code = new XMLElement($rootelement);
$entry = new XMLElement('entry', NULL, array('index' => '0', 'result' => 'error'));
$entry->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Entry encountered errors when saving.')));
$entry->appendChild(new XMLElement('field-name', NULL, array('type' => 'invalid | missing')));
$entry = new XMLElement('entry', NULL, array('index' => '1', 'result' => 'success' , 'type' => 'create | edit'));
$entry->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Entry [created | edited] successfully.')));
$code = new XMLElement($rootelement, NULL, array('result' => 'error'));
$code->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Entry encountered errors when saving.')));
$code->appendChild(new XMLElement('field-name', NULL, array('type' => 'invalid | missing')));
$code->setValue('...', false);
$documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode($code);
if(is_array($fields['filters']) && !empty($fields['filters'])){
$documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('The following is an example of what is returned if any filters fail:'));
$code = new XMLElement($rootelement, NULL, array('result' => 'error'));
$code->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Entry encountered errors when saving.')));
$code->appendChild(new XMLElement('filter', NULL, array('name' => 'admin-only', 'status' => 'failed')));
$code->appendChild(new XMLElement('filter', __('Recipient username was invalid'), array('name' => 'send-email', 'status' => 'failed')));
$code->setValue('...', false);
$documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode($code);
$documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('h3', __('Example Front-end Form Markup'));
$documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('This is an example of the form markup you can use on your frontend:'));
$container = new XMLElement('form', NULL, array('method' => 'post', 'action' => '', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'));
$container->appendChild(Widget::Input('MAX_FILE_SIZE', $this->_Parent->Configuration->get('max_upload_size', 'admin'), 'hidden'));
$sectionManager = new SectionManager($this->_Parent);
$section = $sectionManager->fetch($fields['source']);
$markup = NULL;
foreach($section->fetchFields() as $f){
if ($f->getExampleFormMarkup()) $container->appendChild($f->getExampleFormMarkup());
$container->appendChild(Widget::Input('action['.$rootelement.']', __('Submit'), 'submit'));
$code = $container->generate(true);
$documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode(($multiple ? str_replace('fields[', 'fields[0][', $code) : $code));
$documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('To edit an existing entry, include the entry ID value of the entry in the form. This is best as a hidden field like so:'));
$documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode(Widget::Input('id' . ($multiple ? '[0]' : NULL), 23, 'hidden'));
$documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('To redirect to a different location upon a successful save, include the redirect location in the form. This is best as a hidden field like so, where the value is the URL to redirect to:'));
$documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode(Widget::Input('redirect', URL.'/success/', 'hidden'));
if(@in_array('send-email', $fields['filters'])){
$documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('h3', __('Send Email Filter'));
$documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('The send email filter, upon the event successfully saving the entry, takes input from the form and send an email to the desired recipient. <b>This filter currently does not work with the "Allow Multiple" option.</b> The following are the recognised fields:'));
$documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode(
'send-email[subject] // '.__('Optional').self::CRLF.
'send-email[recipient] // '.__('list of comma author usernames.'));
$documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('All of these fields can be set dynamically using the exact field name of another field in the form as shown below in the example form:'));
$documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode('<form action="" method="post">
<label>'.__('Name').' <input type="text" name="fields[author]" value="" /></label>
<label>'.__('Email').' <input type="text" name="fields[email]" value="" /></label>
<label>'.__('Message').' <textarea name="fields[message]" rows="5" cols="21"></textarea></label>
<input name="send-email[from]" value="fields[email]" type="hidden" />
<input name="send-email[subject]" value="You are being contacted" type="hidden" />
<input name="send-email[body]" value="fields[message]" type="hidden" />
<input name="send-email[recipient]" value="fred" type="hidden" />
<input id="submit" type="submit" name="action[save-contact-form]" value="Send" />
# Delegate: AppendEventFilterDocumentation
# Description: Allows adding documentation for new filters. A reference to the $documentation array is provided, along with selected filters
$this->_Parent->ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('AppendEventFilterDocumentation', '/blueprints/events/' . $this->_context[0] . '/', array('selected' => $fields['filters'], 'documentation' => &$documentation_parts));
$documentation = join(self::CRLF, array_map(create_function('$x', 'return rtrim($x->generate(true, 4));'), $documentation_parts));
$documentation = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $documentation);
$eventShell = str_replace('<!-- CLASS NAME -->', $classname, $eventShell);
$eventShell = str_replace('<!-- SOURCE -->', $source, $eventShell);
$eventShell = str_replace('<!-- DOCUMENTATION -->', General::tabsToSpaces($documentation, 2), $eventShell);
$eventShell = str_replace('<!-- ROOT ELEMENT -->', $rootelement, $eventShell);
## Remove left over placeholders
$eventShell = preg_replace(array('/<!--[\w ]++-->/'), '', $eventShell);
##Write the file
if(!is_writable(dirname($file)) || !$write = General::writeFile($file, $eventShell, $this->_Parent->Configuration->get('write_mode', 'file')))
$this->pageAlert(__('Failed to write Event to <code>%s</code>. Please check permissions.', array(EVENTS)), Alert::ERROR);
##Write Successful, add record to the database
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `tbl_pages` WHERE `events` REGEXP '[[:<:]]".$existing_handle."[[:>:]]' ";
$pages = $this->_Parent->Database->fetch($sql);
if(is_array($pages) && !empty($pages)){
foreach($pages as $page){
$page['events'] = preg_replace('/\b'.$existing_handle.'\b/i', $classname, $page['events']);
$this->_Parent->Database->update($page, 'tbl_pages', "`id` = '".$page['id']."'");
### TODO: Fix me
# Delegate: Create
# Description: After saving the event, the file path is provided and an array
# of variables set by the editor
#$ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('Create', getCurrentPage(), array('file' => $file, 'defines' => $defines, 'var' => $var));
redirect(URL . '/symphony/blueprints/events/edit/'.$classname.'/'.($this->_context[0] == 'new' ? 'created' : 'saved') . '/');
public static function processDocumentationCode($code){
return new XMLElement('pre', '<code>' . str_replace('<', '&lt;', str_replace('&', '&amp;', trim((is_object($code) ? $code->generate(true) : $code)))) . '</code>', array('class' => 'XML'));
function __injectFilters(&$shell, $elements){
if(!is_array($elements) || empty($elements)) return;
$shell = str_replace('<!-- FILTERS -->', "'" . implode("'," . self::CRLF . "\t\t\t\t'", $elements) . "'", $shell);
function __injectAboutInformation(&$shell, $details){
if(!is_array($details) || empty($details)) return;
foreach($details as $key => $val) $shell = str_replace('<!-- ' . strtoupper($key) . ' -->', addslashes($val), $shell);
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