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Last active November 28, 2017 05:57
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Setting up philkr's fork of supertuxkart on a fresh Ubuntu installation

(tested on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS running on a VirtualBox)

Update and install dependencies (many suggested by the supertuxkart GitHub readme)

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install git python3-pip build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev cmake libbluetooth-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libfreetype6-dev libfribidi-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libjpeg-dev libogg-dev libopenal-dev libpng-dev libvorbis-dev libxrandr-dev mesa-common-dev pkg-config zlib1g-dev python3-venv python3-tk

Create a virtualenv and install more dependencies

python3 -m venv nn
source nn/bin/activate
pip install tensorflow jupyter matplotlib

Clone the repository and get into pykart, where we'll be editing a file involved in CMake (I honestly don't really know how it all works but the error messages and StackOverflow were clear enough)

git clone
cd supertuxkart/pykart/

Find out where numpy is (while still in your virtualenv - check with which python and which pip)

python -c "import numpy; print(numpy.__file__)"

You'll get something like


That's where your virtualenv's Python executable (which python) looks for numpy when you import it.

FindNumPy.cmake is trying to set PYTHON_NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIR. If you do not follow the next step, cmake will fail to find this variable and terminate.

After line 31 of FindNumPy.cmake add a line like:

set(PYTHON_NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIR "/home/rainier/Desktop/nn/lib/python3.5/site-packages/numpy/core/include")

Go back to the supertuxkart root, make a build dir and build

cd ..
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j9

Put the supertuxkart binary in build/bin in the pykart working directory

cp bin/supertuxkart ../pykart

And race

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pykart* not pytux right? other instructions worked perfectly, thanks! (physical Ubuntu 16.04 machine)

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fixed, thank you!

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