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Created March 4, 2013 00:16
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Covering gap in #perl6 IRC log 3/2/2013 noon thru 3/3/2013 7am
[2013-03-02 07:00:30] -!- mberends [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[2013-03-02 07:04:57] <moritz> r: say (1, 2, 3).Array.[0] = 42
[2013-03-02 07:04:59] <p6eval> rakudo 40069f: OUTPUT«42␤»
[2013-03-02 07:06:43] <FROGGS> jnthn: I thought I pulled before that, sorry for the accusation :o)
[2013-03-02 07:07:51] -!- _ilbot [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[2013-03-02 07:08:53] <jnthn> FROGGS: np :)
[2013-03-02 07:09:45] -!- kaare__ [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 07:09:48] -!- moritz [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[2013-03-02 07:12:43] -!- moritz [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 07:13:36] -!- kivutar [] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
[2013-03-02 07:15:31] <moritz> # my first summary of the container/assignment/binding stuff we discussed three days ago
[2013-03-02 07:16:54] <moritz> feedback welcome
[2013-03-02 07:17:23] <moritz> I left out the detour about closures, because it doesn't add much to this topic
[2013-03-02 07:23:28] -!- PacoAir [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[2013-03-02 07:24:08] -!- PacoAir [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 07:25:21] <moritz> nr: my @a = 1, 2, 3; @a[0] := my $x; $x = 23; say @a
[2013-03-02 07:25:26] <p6eval> rakudo 40069f, niecza v24-24-gbdc3343: OUTPUT«23 2 3␤»
[2013-03-02 07:25:40] -!- SamuraiJack [~nickolay@] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 07:26:35] <FROGGS> moritz: will read it after lunch
[2013-03-02 07:29:23] -!- pmurias [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[2013-03-02 07:34:58] <Ulti> moritz it reads well
[2013-03-02 07:39:43] -!- denisboyun_ [~quassel@] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 07:42:01] -!- pmurias [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 07:47:22] <diakopter> moritz++
[2013-03-02 07:47:36] <dalek> rakudo/nom: ec1c81a | jnthn++ | src/ (2 files):
[2013-03-02 07:47:37] <dalek> rakudo/nom: Toss dead code.
[2013-03-02 07:47:37] <dalek> rakudo/nom: review:
[2013-03-02 07:49:24] <colomon> rn: grammar A { token this-is-a-test { "hello" }; };
[2013-03-02 07:49:27] <p6eval> rakudo 40069f, niecza v24-24-gbdc3343: ( no output )
[2013-03-02 07:51:26] -!- gcole [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 07:52:07] <colomon> rn: grammar A { token this-is-a-test { "hello" }; }; say A.parse("hello", A)
[2013-03-02 07:52:10] <p6eval> rakudo 40069f: OUTPUT«Too many positional parameters passed; got 3 but expected 2␤ in method parse at src/gen/CORE.setting:10788␤ in block at /tmp/6Xb_Q6rzon:1␤␤»
[2013-03-02 07:52:11] <p6eval> ..niecza v24-24-gbdc3343: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Excess arguments to Grammar.parse, used 2 of 3 positionals␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 0 (Grammar.parse @ 1) ␤ at /tmp/feIbmftmoS line 1 (mainline @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4233 (ANON @ 3)…
[2013-03-02 07:52:32] <colomon> rn: grammar A { token this-is-a-test { "hello" }; }; say A.parse("hello", :rule<A>)
[2013-03-02 07:52:35] <p6eval> niecza v24-24-gbdc3343: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Unable to resolve method A in type A␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 2924 (Grammar.parse @ 5) ␤ at /tmp/WHrpX46a7Y line 1 (mainline @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4233 (ANON @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval…
[2013-03-02 07:52:35] <p6eval> ..rakudo 40069f: OUTPUT«No such method 'A' for invocant of type 'A'␤ in method parse at src/gen/CORE.setting:10791␤ in block at /tmp/0YBPgVBwub:1␤␤»
[2013-03-02 07:52:46] <colomon> rn: grammar A { token this-is-a-test { "hello" }; }; say A.parse("hello", :rule<this-is-a-test>)
[2013-03-02 07:52:49] <p6eval> rakudo 40069f, niecza v24-24-gbdc3343: OUTPUT«「hello」␤␤»
[2013-03-02 07:53:36] * colomon wonders how long he has been unnecessarily using underscores instead of dashes in grammars
[2013-03-02 07:56:31] <FROGGS> t/spec/S05-metasyntax/charset.rakudo (Wstat: 0 Tests: 36 Failed: 0)
[2013-03-02 07:56:31] <FROGGS> TODO passed: 10
[2013-03-02 07:56:31] <FROGGS> Files=724, Tests=26827, 625 wallclock secs ( 8.91 usr 1.41 sys + 2089.19 cusr 135.13 csys = 2234.64 CPU)
[2013-03-02 07:56:31] <FROGGS> Result: PASS
[2013-03-02 07:56:33] <FROGGS> \o/
[2013-03-02 07:56:40] <FROGGS> my patch is working, finally
[2013-03-02 08:00:40] -!- gcole [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[2013-03-02 08:00:41] -!- ObseLeTe [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 08:03:40] <jnthn> FROGGS: that the cclass one?
[2013-03-02 08:08:36] <pmurias> jnthn: bootint in qast_6model.t taking a :named('type') is an error?
[2013-03-02 08:08:55] <pmurias> s/error/mistake/
[2013-03-02 08:10:44] <jnthn> pmurias: It just means it's being passed as a named parameter type to the surrounding call, iirc
[2013-03-02 08:14:29] -!- PacoAir [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[2013-03-02 08:14:52] -!- PacoAir [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 08:25:27] -!- moritz [] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
[2013-03-02 08:25:52] <FROGGS> jnthn: it is
[2013-03-02 08:27:26] -!- gcole [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 08:27:46] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: ccb441b | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/runtime/ (2 files):
[2013-03-02 08:27:46] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: Further gutting of invokeInternal.
[2013-03-02 08:27:46] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: review:
[2013-03-02 08:27:46] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: f000cc7 | jnthn++ | / (4 files):
[2013-03-02 08:27:46] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: Move unwind logic out of invokeInternal.
[2013-03-02 08:27:46] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: review:
[2013-03-02 08:33:00] -!- moritz [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 08:33:59] <diakopter> I wish gist.github had a "turn on word wrap" option
[2013-03-02 08:34:31] -!- drKreso [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 08:34:35] -!- arnsholt [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 08:34:50] <diakopter> that, if edited by the gist owner would set the default for anyone else to view it, but then others can toggle it too if they want for themselves. </wish>
[2013-03-02 08:37:30] -!- gcole [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[2013-03-02 08:38:53] * timotimo builds nqp-jvm-prep to have a look-see what's new
[2013-03-02 08:39:11] <jnthn> diakopter: If it's just text, then set the filename to be or so
[2013-03-02 08:39:20] <jnthn> diakopter: And it will treat it as markdown and wrap paragraphs etc.
[2013-03-02 08:39:24] <timotimo> is there a make target to create a full nqp as a jvm thingie yet?
[2013-03-02 08:40:14] -!- drKreso_ [59a4cdfd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 08:40:21] <timotimo> oh, it seems like it's already doing that
[2013-03-02 08:40:22] -!- drKreso_ [59a4cdfd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
[2013-03-02 08:41:48] <timotimo> oh, so many files
[2013-03-02 08:45:14] <timotimo> hm, can't make selftest: Error: Could not find or load main class NQPJVM - what make target gives that? seems like that's missing from the dependencies of the selftest target
[2013-03-02 08:45:45] <jnthn> timotimo: In the Makefile try editing selftest and turning the : in there into ;
[2013-03-02 08:45:49] <jnthn> in the -cp argument
[2013-03-02 08:45:54] <timotimo> i'll try
[2013-03-02 08:46:10] <timotimo> ah, that works
[2013-03-02 08:46:20] <timotimo> it's the portability thing i read about recently?
[2013-03-02 08:47:06] -!- bowtie [~kevin@] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 08:48:26] -!- cogno [~cogno@] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 08:51:23] <timotimo> well, the tests all do succeed. pretty cool :)
[2013-03-02 08:51:32] -!- moritz [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[2013-03-02 08:53:49] -!- am0c [~am0c@] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 08:57:23] -!- ggoebel_ [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 08:59:15] <drKreso> Hi, is there a postgres DBIish adapter?
[2013-03-02 08:59:57] <ggoebel_> appears to be down... perl6 irc logs down with it
[2013-03-02 09:03:42] <jnthn> ggoebel_: Planned maint.
[2013-03-02 09:04:20] -!- gcole [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 09:04:59] <ggoebel_> thx
[2013-03-02 09:05:09] -!- cognominal [~cognomina@] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 09:09:49] -!- Eddward [~chatzilla@] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 09:10:38] <drKreso> Oh there is, 'Pg' … sorry
[2013-03-02 09:10:47] -!- cogno [~cogno@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[2013-03-02 09:12:20] -!- grondilu [~grondilu@unaffiliated/grondilu] has quit [Quit: leaving]
[2013-03-02 09:13:40] -!- moritz [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 09:15:12] -!- gcole [] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[2013-03-02 09:15:32] -!- PacoAir [] has quit [Quit: PacoAir]
[2013-03-02 09:15:51] -!- PacoAir [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 09:19:20] -!- cogno [~cogno@] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 09:21:54] -!- Psyche^ [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 09:25:23] -!- Patterner [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[2013-03-02 09:25:23] -!- Psyche^ is now known as Patterner
[2013-03-02 09:30:40] -!- LylePerl [4e56cff0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 09:31:31] -!- census [43533550@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 09:37:08] -!- cogno [~cogno@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[2013-03-02 09:38:45] -!- xinming [~xinming@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[2013-03-02 09:41:20] -!- gcole [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 09:41:35] -!- denisboyun__ [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 09:42:42] -!- denisboyun_ [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[2013-03-02 09:44:52] -!- raiph_ [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 09:44:52] -!- raiph_ [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 09:49:53] -!- moritz [] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
[2013-03-02 09:49:53] -!- moritz [] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
[2013-03-02 09:50:36] <drKreso> moritz: I got MySQL working with DBIish… Now when I try Pg, i Get No such method 'execute' for invocant of type 'Nil' on line lib/DBDish/Pg.pm6:379 (
[2013-03-02 09:50:36] <drKreso> moritz: I got MySQL working with DBIish… Now when I try Pg, i Get No such method 'execute' for invocant of type 'Nil' on line lib/DBDish/Pg.pm6:379 (
[2013-03-02 09:51:56] -!- gcole [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[2013-03-02 09:51:56] -!- gcole [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[2013-03-02 09:55:49] -!- cognominal [~cognomina@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[2013-03-02 09:55:50] -!- cognominal [~cognomina@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[2013-03-02 10:00:34] <FROGGS> execute is called on the return value of prepare, right?
[2013-03-02 10:00:34] <FROGGS> execute is called on the return value of prepare, right?
[2013-03-02 10:00:46] <FROGGS> drKreso: what if prepare failed?
[2013-03-02 10:00:46] <FROGGS> drKreso: what if prepare failed?
[2013-03-02 10:01:15] <drKreso> Yes it says prepared failed when i set raise error
[2013-03-02 10:01:15] <drKreso> Yes it says prepared failed when i set raise error
[2013-03-02 10:01:18] <drKreso> But why?
[2013-03-02 10:01:18] <drKreso> But why?
[2013-03-02 10:01:47] <drKreso> in method prepare at lib/DBDish/Pg.pm6:357 shell returned 1
[2013-03-02 10:01:47] <drKreso> in method prepare at lib/DBDish/Pg.pm6:357 shell returned 1
[2013-03-02 10:01:59] -!- raiph_ [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[2013-03-02 10:02:39] -!- raiph [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 10:03:40] -!- cognominal [~cognomina@] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 10:05:56] <FROGGS> because your sql statement is wrong somehow?
[2013-03-02 10:06:32] <drKreso> Nope i double checked, when it's wrong the error is different. even "select 1" fails the same way
[2013-03-02 10:06:32] <FROGGS> like not enough bind variables or so
[2013-03-02 10:06:41] <FROGGS> hmm
[2013-03-02 10:07:13] <drKreso> For example: ERROR: syntax error at or near "form" LINE 1: SELECT * form korisnici
[2013-03-02 10:07:38] <FROGGS> ya
[2013-03-02 10:07:43] <FROGGS> no idea
[2013-03-02 10:08:30] -!- Em_ [421fceb6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 10:08:39] -!- Em_ [421fceb6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #perl6
[2013-03-02 10:14:02] -!- cognominal [~cognomina@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[2013-03-02 10:18:30] -!- gcole [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 10:18:36] -!- SamuraiJack_ [~nickolay@] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 10:19:21] -!- cognominal [~cognomina@] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 10:19:43] -!- SamuraiJack [~nickolay@] has quit [Ping timeout: 257 seconds]
[2013-03-02 10:25:14] <nwc10> jnthn: the usual.
[2013-03-02 10:25:37] -!- xinming [~xinming@] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 10:27:27] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: da4616f | jnthn++ | / (3 files):
[2013-03-02 10:27:28] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: Prepare for handling callsite as arg, not field.
[2013-03-02 10:27:28] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: review:
[2013-03-02 10:27:28] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: 0408144 | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/jast2bc/
[2013-03-02 10:27:28] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: Better handling of arg names in assembler.
[2013-03-02 10:27:28] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: review:
[2013-03-02 10:27:28] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: 2159682 | jnthn++ | / (5 files):
[2013-03-02 10:27:29] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: Eliminate callsite field in CallFrame.
[2013-03-02 10:27:29] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: review:
[2013-03-02 10:28:41] -!- gcole [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[2013-03-02 10:29:04] <jnthn> nwc10: hah, timing win :)
[2013-03-02 10:30:31] <nwc10> bother. yes. *that* usual also :-)
[2013-03-02 10:34:41] -!- SunilJoshi [~om@] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 10:36:00] -!- grondilu [~grondilu@unaffiliated/grondilu] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 10:43:00] -!- drKreso [] has quit [Quit: drKreso]
[2013-03-02 10:44:01] <nwc10> jnthn: yes, that one *also* passes everything (except that one ICU test, when using parrot)
[2013-03-02 10:44:05] <nwc10> cue dalek...
[2013-03-02 10:44:32] * jnthn goes for a walk before it gets dark :)
[2013-03-02 10:44:33] <jnthn> bbiab
[2013-03-02 10:46:17] -!- cognominal [~cognomina@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[2013-03-02 10:48:02] -!- thou [~thou@] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 10:51:41] -!- X-Scale [email@2001:470:1f14:135b::2] has left #perl6
[2013-03-02 10:52:37] -!- thou [~thou@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[2013-03-02 10:53:51] -!- thou [~thou@] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 10:55:32] -!- gcole [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 11:07:11] -!- gcole [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[2013-03-02 11:09:52] -!- fgomez [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 11:12:46] -!- PacoAir [] has quit [Quit: PacoAir]
[2013-03-02 11:15:41] -!- ObseLeTe [] has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
[2013-03-02 11:32:49] -!- gcole [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 11:41:54] -!- mtk [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[2013-03-02 11:41:55] -!- thou [~thou@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[2013-03-02 11:43:20] -!- gcole [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[2013-03-02 11:45:07] -!- mtk [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 11:47:23] -!- denisboyun [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 11:47:48] -!- denisboyun__ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[2013-03-02 11:48:28] -!- SunilJoshi [~om@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[2013-03-02 11:56:58] -!- denisboyun [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[2013-03-02 11:59:49] -!- PacoAir [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 12:01:12] -!- stevan_ [~stevan@] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 12:09:03] <nwc10> jnthn: currently NQPJVM is about a factor of 10 faster than nqp at running that levenstein test code. Not to be sniffed at.
[2013-03-02 12:09:50] -!- gcole [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 12:12:09] <japhb> Is the irclog down?
[2013-03-02 12:12:29] <jnthn> japhb: Yes, for planned maint.
[2013-03-02 12:13:11] -!- gcole__ [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 12:13:11] -!- gcole [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[2013-03-02 12:13:40] <nwc10> og yes
[2013-03-02 12:13:44] <nwc10> Perl 4 - you're just Perl 3 with lipstick :-)
[2013-03-02 12:13:45] <japhb> jnthn, ah, thank you
[2013-03-02 12:14:13] * japhb backlogs the old fashioned way -- with the scrollbar.
[2013-03-02 12:17:45] -!- gcole__ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[2013-03-02 12:23:10] -!- uvtc [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 12:23:13] -!- ObseLeTe [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 12:23:32] <FROGGS> arrr! hunting a bug within my nqp-patch wich is a typo in a test file >.<
[2013-03-02 12:23:42] <FROGGS> 3 hours
[2013-03-02 12:23:48] * FROGGS cries
[2013-03-02 12:24:37] <uvtc> Hm. Unable to reach irc logs.
[2013-03-02 12:24:55] <FROGGS> uvtc: moritz does some maintenance
[2013-03-02 12:24:58] <geekosaur> [02 12:12] <japhb> Is the irclog down?
[2013-03-02 12:24:58] <geekosaur> [02 12:12] <jnthn> japhb: Yes, for planned maint.
[2013-03-02 12:25:17] <uvtc> Sorry. I'm probably the nth person to log on and bring it up. :)
[2013-03-02 12:26:20] <jnthn> We should just refer people to the l...oh, wait...
[2013-03-02 12:26:22] <jnthn> FROGGS: argh!
[2013-03-02 12:26:29] -!- arnsholt [] has quit [Quit: Ahoy!]
[2013-03-02 12:26:53] <FROGGS> my own typo of course
[2013-03-02 12:27:20] <FROGGS> commented out a test: is...
[2013-03-02 12:27:43] <FROGGS> commented it in, deleted the i by accident, the other tests are "ok" tests
[2013-03-02 12:27:48] <dalek> rakudo/nom: 0087ce6 | jnthn++ | src/Perl6/
[2013-03-02 12:27:48] <dalek> rakudo/nom: Remove redundant op mappings.
[2013-03-02 12:27:48] <dalek> rakudo/nom: review:
[2013-03-02 12:27:48] <dalek> rakudo/nom: 7de7725 | jnthn++ | src/ops/perl6.ops:
[2013-03-02 12:27:48] <dalek> rakudo/nom: Toss two dead ops.
[2013-03-02 12:27:48] <dalek> rakudo/nom: review:
[2013-03-02 12:27:49] <FROGGS> so typed o instead
[2013-03-02 12:28:07] <FROGGS> took a while to see that there is "os"
[2013-03-02 12:28:39] <jnthn> r: os
[2013-03-02 12:28:41] <p6eval> rakudo ec1c81: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Undeclared routine:␤ os used at line 1␤␤»
[2013-03-02 12:28:52] <jnthn> Did it not tell you what?
[2013-03-02 12:28:54] <jnthn> *that
[2013-03-02 12:29:16] <FROGGS> no
[2013-03-02 12:29:45] <FROGGS> t/spec/S05-modifier/perl5_5.rakudo (Wstat: 256 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
[2013-03-02 12:29:46] <FROGGS> Non-zero exit status: 1
[2013-03-02 12:29:46] <FROGGS> Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
[2013-03-02 12:29:53] <japhb> (from backlog) nwc10: I think jnthn is beginning to use your success reports as a reminder to push the next batch. :-)
[2013-03-02 12:30:16] <FROGGS> then I was running the test line itself and got the msg
[2013-03-02 12:30:42] <japhb> At least with all the people asking why the irclog is down, moritz can feel good that it is in heavy use. :-)
[2013-03-02 12:32:59] -!- uvtc [] has left #perl6 ["Leaving"]
[2013-03-02 12:33:37] -!- uvtc [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 12:51:06] <grondilu> how can I have NativeCall look for a library in the current directory?
[2013-03-02 12:51:56] <jnthn> It just passes whatever you write on to dlsym, adding an extension. So is native('./libmonkey') or so may work
[2013-03-02 12:52:04] <jnthn> er, not dlsym. dlload
[2013-03-02 12:54:43] <grondilu> worked! this module is amazing
[2013-03-02 12:55:39] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: d0c8319 | jnthn++ | / (3 files):
[2013-03-02 12:55:39] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: Start passing along CodeRef.
[2013-03-02 12:55:39] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep:
[2013-03-02 12:55:39] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: This is in preparation for moving CallFrame creation out of invoke.
[2013-03-02 12:55:39] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: review:
[2013-03-02 12:55:39] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: 1359b26 | jnthn++ | / (3 files):
[2013-03-02 12:55:39] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: Move CallFrame creation inside invokee.
[2013-03-02 12:55:40] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep:
[2013-03-02 12:55:40] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: This gets invokeInternal down to doing nothing once it settles on a
[2013-03-02 12:55:41] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: method handle to invoke; everything else is inside the method.
[2013-03-02 12:55:41] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: review:
[2013-03-02 12:55:51] <dalek> perl6-examples: 04215ab | (L. Grondin)++ | rosalind/lcs. (4 files):
[2013-03-02 12:55:51] <dalek> perl6-examples: adding C module for longuest common subsequence
[2013-03-02 12:55:51] <dalek> perl6-examples: review:
[2013-03-02 13:01:53] -!- am0c [~am0c@] has quit [Quit: Segmentation Fault]
[2013-03-02 13:02:02] -!- am0c [~am0c@] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 13:03:50] -!- wk [] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[2013-03-02 13:10:01] <grondilu> jnthn: I get a "Malformed UTF-8 string" with this code:
[2013-03-02 13:10:19] <grondilu> yet the code works with shorter strings
[2013-03-02 13:10:46] <grondilu> the C code is from rosettacode:
[2013-03-02 13:10:55] <FROGGS> can you gist the code of that library?
[2013-03-02 13:11:53] <grondilu> no ned for a gist, it's really the exact same as in RC:
[2013-03-02 13:14:13] <grondilu> compiled with: $ gcc -o lcs.o -fPIC -c lcs.c; gcc -shared -s -o lcs.o
[2013-03-02 13:18:01] -!- gcole [~wingfold@] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 13:18:01] <jnthn> grondilu: Odd. Does it happen when handling the return value? That is, does it make it into the C code?
[2013-03-02 13:18:29] <TimToady> does NativeCall have any access to the bitsizes of the actual C types of the calls its making, like off_t, size_t, or time_t? or is it just guessing?
[2013-03-02 13:19:40] <FROGGS> TimToady: you have to specify it in perl
[2013-03-02 13:19:47] <grondilu> jnthn: I guess compilation is fine since it ran well with shorter strings.
[2013-03-02 13:19:53] <TimToady> which means it will be wrong on a different machine...
[2013-03-02 13:20:31] <FROGGS> grondilu: there is a char bufr[40]
[2013-03-02 13:20:45] <TimToady> would be nice to have at least the level of portability provided by C itself...
[2013-03-02 13:20:56] <jnthn> int means "machine's native integer", so that one is already covered
[2013-03-02 13:20:58] <FROGGS> grondilu: maybe that not enough?
[2013-03-02 13:21:13] <jnthn> Yes, having a size_t available would be good too.
[2013-03-02 13:21:17] <TimToady> well, but if we don't know what type off_t maps to, we're kinda hosed
[2013-03-02 13:21:29] <uvtc> Oooh. Would be nice if the repl could remember what I typed in previous sessions, so I could up-arrow to reach longer passages without needing to re-type them.
[2013-03-02 13:21:32] * colomon has started using the github app to track what jnthn++ is doing on nqp-jvm when colomon is away from IRC
[2013-03-02 13:21:37] <TimToady> seems that info has to be out there somewhere
[2013-03-02 13:21:44] <TimToady> or debuggers wouldn't work
[2013-03-02 13:22:03] <grondilu> FROGGS: of course that's not enough. What's the point of using a C library if it's not for tough jobs
[2013-03-02 13:22:09] <grondilu> ?
[2013-03-02 13:23:22] <TimToady> the basic problem is that using a C library is only half the solution; using /usr/include is the other half
[2013-03-02 13:23:40] * grondilu really wonders where this 40 comes from.
[2013-03-02 13:24:29] <geekosaur> you can get it from the symbol table, but only to a point: you get the size, but not e.g. signed-ness unless it has debug symbold
[2013-03-02 13:24:31] <nwc10> jnthn: A: "works" on "my" machine
[2013-03-02 13:24:39] <nwc10> B: Time for that levenstein code was: time = 195.74100017547607
[2013-03-02 13:24:43] <geekosaur> and then you have to know how to parse the various kinds of debug symbols out there...
[2013-03-02 13:24:52] <nwc10> is now: time = 181.15300011634827
[2013-03-02 13:25:00] <TimToady> well, we can get signedness from the Perl end, if we can get the size from the C end
[2013-03-02 13:25:09] <nwc10> rn: say 181.15300011634827/ 195.74100017547607
[2013-03-02 13:25:13] <p6eval> rakudo 7de772: OUTPUT«0.925472946158188190␤»
[2013-03-02 13:25:13] <p6eval> ..niecza v24-24-gbdc3343: OUTPUT«0.9254729461581882␤»
[2013-03-02 13:25:22] <nwc10> 7.5% win!
[2013-03-02 13:25:38] <TimToady> now do that 100 more times :)
[2013-03-02 13:26:40] <TimToady> n: say 0.9254729461581882 ** 100
[2013-03-02 13:26:42] <p6eval> niecza v24-24-gbdc3343: OUTPUT«0.00043288524025064125␤»
[2013-03-02 13:26:50] <TimToady> yah, that's about right :)
[2013-03-02 13:27:08] <grondilu> FROGGS: oops sorry I hadn't realize the 40 was in lcs.c! silly of me.
[2013-03-02 13:27:27] <uvtc> Is there a built-in Perl 6 pretty-printer? Something to show larger data structures with things lined up a bit?
[2013-03-02 13:27:27] <grondilu> (I thought it was in NativeCall. I feel stupid now)
[2013-03-02 13:28:30] <FROGGS> uvtc: "say" that structure?
[2013-03-02 13:29:13] <FROGGS> uvtc: this calls .gist on it which should do the job (that is the one you can improve on you own classes)
[2013-03-02 13:29:47] <uvtc> FROGGS: Yes, that's that I'm currently doing. Works pretty well, though for nested data structures it would be nice to see things lined up vertically.
[2013-03-02 13:30:11] <uvtc> FROGGS: Thanks.
[2013-03-02 13:30:17] <FROGGS> uvts: than we should patch its .gist method
[2013-03-02 13:30:46] -!- uvtc [] has left #perl6 ["Leaving"]
[2013-03-02 13:32:01] <TimToady> uvtc: I think gist should do a better job of prettying up long things
[2013-03-02 13:32:22] <FROGGS> he has left
[2013-03-02 13:32:51] <FROGGS> I wanted to ask him to provide a sample structure and the output he would like to have
[2013-03-02 13:34:01] <FROGGS> since tweaking .gist should be fun
[2013-03-02 13:35:09] <dalek> perl6-examples: 52eed22 | (L. Grondin)++ | rosalind/
[2013-03-02 13:35:09] <dalek> perl6-examples: LCSQ with NativeCall
[2013-03-02 13:35:09] <dalek> perl6-examples: review:
[2013-03-02 13:36:10] -!- avi_ [~abez@] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 13:38:25] <dalek> perl6-examples: c3a73c8 | (L. Grondin)++ | rosalind/lcs (6 files):
[2013-03-02 13:38:25] <dalek> perl6-examples: renaming C functions
[2013-03-02 13:38:25] <dalek> perl6-examples: review:
[2013-03-02 13:39:06] -!- ObseLeTe [] has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
[2013-03-02 13:44:47] -!- Liz [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 13:45:09] -!- Liz is now known as lizmat
[2013-03-02 13:46:26] -!- SamuraiJack_ [~nickolay@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[2013-03-02 13:47:01] -!- Luketheduke_ [25e46b5a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 13:50:41] <dalek> nqp: 8fba6d4 | (Tobias Leich)++ | / (5 files):
[2013-03-02 13:50:42] <dalek> nqp: use node name instead of subtube to identify cclass codes
[2013-03-02 13:50:42] <dalek> nqp:
[2013-03-02 13:50:42] <dalek> nqp: This allows us to set zerowidth on character classes. This patch
[2013-03-02 13:50:42] <dalek> nqp: build the AST of cclass substractions in a way that make <[\w]-[\d]>
[2013-03-02 13:50:42] <dalek> nqp: work.
[2013-03-02 13:50:42] <dalek> nqp: review:
[2013-03-02 13:51:18] -!- Luketheduke_ [25e46b5a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[2013-03-02 13:53:02] <dalek> rakudo/nom: 82de32e | (Tobias Leich)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION:
[2013-03-02 13:53:02] <dalek> rakudo/nom: bump nqp rev for cclass subtractions
[2013-03-02 13:53:03] <dalek> rakudo/nom: review:
[2013-03-02 13:54:34] <jnthn> - %cclass_code<nl> := '.CCLASS_NEWLINE';
[2013-03-02 13:54:39] <jnthn> Was that bit needed?
[2013-03-02 13:55:13] <jnthn> It seems before n vs. nl was literal vs magical newline handling.
[2013-03-02 13:55:32] <FROGGS> but \n was always translated to nl
[2013-03-02 13:56:13] <FROGGS> nqp: say("\r\n" ~~ /\n/)
[2013-03-02 13:56:14] <p6eval> nqp: OUTPUT«
[2013-03-02 13:56:24] <FROGGS> r: say("\r\n" ~~ /\n/)
[2013-03-02 13:56:26] <p6eval> rakudo 7de772: OUTPUT«「
[2013-03-02 13:57:01] <jnthn> Also, it looks like the codegen isn't actually looking for zerowidth?
[2013-03-02 13:58:15] <FROGGS> jnthn: how can you say that you want literal or magical handling?
[2013-03-02 13:58:56] <jnthn> FROGGS: Hm, maybe there's not a way...I just suspect Pm had a reason for the distinction.
[2013-03-02 14:03:40] * jnthn away for dinner
[2013-03-02 14:06:43] <FROGGS> <jnthn> Also, it looks like the codegen isn't actually looking for zerowidth? <-- what do you mean?
[2013-03-02 14:09:03] -!- ObseLeTe [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 14:09:52] <FROGGS> jnthn: about \n, I'd say I open an issue with my commit attached, and ask pmichaud for guidance
[2013-03-02 14:10:57] <dalek> perl6-examples: 8eea355 | (L. Grondin)++ | rosalind/lcsq. (2 files):
[2013-03-02 14:10:57] <dalek> perl6-examples: removing binaries
[2013-03-02 14:10:57] <dalek> perl6-examples: review:
[2013-03-02 14:20:27] -!- gcole [~wingfold@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[2013-03-02 14:20:55] -!- gcole [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 14:22:49] -!- thundergnat [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 14:28:00] <colomon> "given" a match, is there a handy way to "when" on a subrule?
[2013-03-02 14:29:21] <colomon> so given something like token mode { <major> | <mixolydian> }, I'd like to say given $/<mode> { when .<major> { do something major } when .<mixolydian> { do something mixolydian } } . That syntax seems to compile but not actually work.
[2013-03-02 14:30:45] <jnthn> Remember that when does smartmatching.
[2013-03-02 14:31:02] <colomon> jnthn: yes, I remember.
[2013-03-02 14:31:09] <jnthn> So you're doing $_ ~~ $_<major>
[2013-03-02 14:31:26] <TimToady> try :major
[2013-03-02 14:31:38] <TimToady> no wait, that's a method call
[2013-03-02 14:31:43] <jnthn> that...yeah.
[2013-03-02 14:31:54] <colomon> pity, it looked so elegant
[2013-03-02 14:32:13] <TimToady> so, why not just use an 'if' instead?
[2013-03-02 14:32:43] <colomon> TimToady: there are actually nine different modes. above is vastly simplified
[2013-03-02 14:33:05] <TimToady> when so .<major>
[2013-03-02 14:33:21] <jnthn> ooh, that one should work...
[2013-03-02 14:33:37] <TimToady> though a Match is supposed to be like a Bool, by recent spec
[2013-03-02 14:33:40] <colomon> \o/
[2013-03-02 14:33:52] <TimToady> so when .<major> should work
[2013-03-02 14:33:58] <colomon> TimToady++
[2013-03-02 14:34:46] <TimToady> so 'when .<major>' should work
[2013-03-02 14:35:09] <TimToady> (just to be clear)
[2013-03-02 14:35:19] <colomon> understood the first time
[2013-03-02 14:39:03] <colomon> is there something wrong with this syntax? <accidental=["#" | "b"]>?
[2013-03-02 14:39:22] <colomon> it's parsing, but it doesn't seem to be working the way I expected it to.
[2013-03-02 14:40:17] * jnthn soulda expected $<accidental>=["#" | "b"]
[2013-03-02 14:40:25] <jnthn> *woulda
[2013-03-02 14:40:35] <jnthn> <[...]> is a char class
[2013-03-02 14:43:17] -!- kivutar [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 14:53:55] <nwc10> nqp-jvm doesn't work with nqp HEAD (8fba6d4d60b0795ec926a9384cb31cd8c75b917e)
[2013-03-02 14:54:31] <nwc10> nqp nqp-jvm-cc.nqp --no-regex-lib --target=classfile --output=NQPHLLJVM.class nqp-src/
[2013-03-02 14:54:34] <nwc10> Method 'panic' not found for invocant of class 'QAST::CompilerJAST'
[2013-03-02 14:54:41] * nwc10 snips 2 screenfuls of Java backtrace
[2013-03-02 14:54:52] <nwc10> it must get paid by the line. Enterprise!
[2013-03-02 14:55:29] <jnthn> oh
[2013-03-02 14:55:41] <jnthn> yeah, 'cus FROGGS just changed QAST...
[2013-03-02 14:56:47] <nwc10> yes, I see the string "panic" in his commit
[2013-03-02 14:56:56] -!- ObseLeTe [] has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
[2013-03-02 14:58:35] -!- stevan__ [~stevan@] has joined #perl6
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[2013-03-02 15:09:16] -!- uvtc [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 15:09:41] <FROGGS> what did I do? ó.ò
[2013-03-02 15:10:05] <FROGGS> ahh
[2013-03-02 15:10:26] <FROGGS> is it a big problem?
[2013-03-02 15:11:40] <FROGGS> nr: say "\r" ~~ /\n+/
[2013-03-02 15:11:44] <p6eval> rakudo 82de32, niecza v24-24-gbdc3343: OUTPUT«「
[2013-03-02 15:11:58] <FROGGS> weird :o)
[2013-03-02 15:13:06] <TimToady> thundergnat: I took the liberty of Unicodifying your bells :)
[2013-03-02 15:13:30] <thundergnat> :)
[2013-03-02 15:13:35] <thundergnat> Feel free
[2013-03-02 15:14:39] <jnthn> FROGGS: No, just means that the cross-comp needs syncing with the changes
[2013-03-02 15:16:55] <diakopter> you're a cross-comp
[2013-03-02 15:19:29] <FROGGS> nr: say "abc123def" ~~ /<[w]-[\d]>/
[2013-03-02 15:19:32] <p6eval> rakudo 82de32, niecza v24-24-gbdc3343: OUTPUT«#<failed match>␤»
[2013-03-02 15:19:42] <FROGGS> nr: say "abc123def" ~~ /<[\w]-[\d]>/ # -.-
[2013-03-02 15:19:45] <p6eval> rakudo 82de32, niecza v24-24-gbdc3343: OUTPUT«「a」␤␤»
[2013-03-02 15:19:52] <FROGGS> nr: say "abc123def" ~~ /<[\w]-[\d]>+/
[2013-03-02 15:19:56] <p6eval> rakudo 82de32, niecza v24-24-gbdc3343: OUTPUT«「abc」␤␤»
[2013-03-02 15:19:57] <FROGGS> nr: say "abc123def" ~~ /<[\w]-[a\d]>+/
[2013-03-02 15:20:01] <p6eval> niecza v24-24-gbdc3343: OUTPUT«「bc」␤␤»
[2013-03-02 15:20:01] <p6eval> ..rakudo 82de32: OUTPUT«「abc123def」␤␤»
[2013-03-02 15:20:08] <FROGGS> ?
[2013-03-02 15:20:51] <FROGGS> nqp: say("abc123def" ~~ /<[\w]-[a\d]>+/)
[2013-03-02 15:20:52] <p6eval> nqp: OUTPUT«abc123def␤»
[2013-03-02 15:23:30] -!- sevin [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 15:24:49] <FROGGS> it was working, I'm going nuts
[2013-03-02 15:30:17] <dalek> nqp: 4b23ff4 | (Tobias Leich)++ | src/QRegex/P6Regex/Actions.nqp:
[2013-03-02 15:30:17] <dalek> nqp: fix for the previous patch
[2013-03-02 15:30:17] <dalek> nqp:
[2013-03-02 15:30:17] <dalek> nqp: Now character class subtraction do work.
[2013-03-02 15:30:17] <dalek> nqp: review:
[2013-03-02 15:30:38] <diakopter> as soon as I get the nqp-jvm p6eval target up, I predict there will be around a googol**googol microbenchmark comparisons with nqp-parrot
[2013-03-02 15:31:34] <diakopter> (I'm not complaining, btw)
[2013-03-02 15:37:06] <pmurias> jnthn: how does box_s, work on an object with a KnowHOW repr?
[2013-03-02 15:37:40] -!- kivutar [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[2013-03-02 15:37:45] -!- mtk0 [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 15:38:09] <jnthn> pmurias: It doesn't
[2013-03-02 15:38:14] -!- mtk0 [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[2013-03-02 15:41:49] <dalek> rakudo/nom: 7a41b98 | (Tobias Leich)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION:
[2013-03-02 15:41:54] <dalek> rakudo/nom: bump nqp revision
[2013-03-02 15:41:54] <dalek> rakudo/nom: review:
[2013-03-02 15:42:47] <pmurias> jnthn: so how does the Boolification test in qast_6model.t work?
[2013-03-02 15:42:53] <dalek> roast: 5fd6f98 | (Tobias Leich)++ | S05-metasyntax/charset.t:
[2013-03-02 15:42:53] <dalek> roast: tests for subtraction of mixed cclasses
[2013-03-02 15:42:53] <dalek> roast: review:
[2013-03-02 15:43:26] <pmurias> it's seems to be an object with a P6opaque repr but it also seems to inherit a dummy set_str?
[2013-03-02 15:49:20] <jnthn> P6opaque knows what to do with set_str provided there is a box_target set on a native string attribute.
[2013-03-02 15:49:58] <jnthn> And yes, in that test the REPR of the type is P6opaque. The meta-object is a KnowHOW, with KnowHOWREPR. That REPR is purely for bootstrapping,'s useless for anything more than that.
[2013-03-02 15:50:20] <jnthn> Note that if you're looking at nqp-jvm, you won't see the set_str method in question 'cus it's generated.
[2013-03-02 15:52:08] <dalek> roast: 234af25 | (Tobias Leich)++ | S05-metasyntax/charset.t:
[2013-03-02 15:52:08] <dalek> roast: unfudge now passing test
[2013-03-02 15:52:08] <dalek> roast: review:
[2013-03-02 15:54:46] <pmurias> jnthn: that make sense, I found the place where the boxing methods are generated
[2013-03-02 15:56:45] -!- gcole__ [] has joined #perl6
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[2013-03-02 16:12:34] -!- gcole [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[2013-03-02 16:15:23] <uvtc> Does Perl 6 have a "pass" statement (analogous to Python's `pass`)?
[2013-03-02 16:15:35] -!- DrPete [~DrPete@unaffiliated/drpete] has left #perl6
[2013-03-02 16:16:10] <FROGGS> uvtc: in test files?
[2013-03-02 16:16:24] <geekosaur> ython's pass is a null statement
[2013-03-02 16:16:26] <uvtc> I mean a "do nothing" statement.
[2013-03-02 16:16:29] <tadzik> ;?
[2013-03-02 16:16:29] <uvtc> Right.
[2013-03-02 16:16:41] <tadzik> where would you need that?
[2013-03-02 16:16:41] <uvtc> if $test { pass } elsif {do this}
[2013-03-02 16:16:57] <tadzik> just leave it empty :)
[2013-03-02 16:17:36] <uvtc> Oh. That would work. :)
[2013-03-02 16:18:08] <diakopter> or you can put a semi if yoh want
[2013-03-02 16:18:15] <uvtc> Wait though. I think I recall p6 having some sort of "haven't gotten to this yet" stub-like statement...
[2013-03-02 16:18:24] <uvtc> Maybe `...`?
[2013-03-02 16:18:35] <diakopter> yes
[2013-03-02 16:19:09] <diakopter> thkugh that dies. ISTR a softer failure version
[2013-03-02 16:19:10] <geekosaur> doesn'tt hat throw a delayed exception?
[2013-03-02 16:19:37] <geekosaur> and I thought that was the soft one (the others being ??? and !!! for more severe kinds of failures)
[2013-03-02 16:19:51] <diakopter> oh...
[2013-03-02 16:20:36] <jnthn> ... fails, ??? warnings, !!! dies
[2013-03-02 16:20:45] <diakopter> r: say { ...}()
[2013-03-02 16:20:46] <p6eval> rakudo 82de32: OUTPUT«Stub code executed␤current instr.: 'throw' pc 333479 (src/gen/CORE.setting.pir:149685) (src/gen/CORE.setting:9303)␤called from Sub 'sink' pc 365376 (src/gen/CORE.setting.pir:162414) (src/gen/CORE.setting:10525)␤called from Sub 'MAIN' pc 381 (src/gen/perl6.pir:146) …
[2013-03-02 16:20:59] <diakopter> r: { ...}()
[2013-03-02 16:21:00] <p6eval> rakudo 82de32: OUTPUT«Stub code executed␤current instr.: 'throw' pc 333479 (src/gen/CORE.setting.pir:149685) (src/gen/CORE.setting:9303)␤called from Sub 'sink' pc 365376 (src/gen/CORE.setting.pir:162414) (src/gen/CORE.setting:10525)␤called from Sub 'MAIN' pc 381 (src/gen/perl6.pir:146) …
[2013-03-02 16:21:13] <diakopter> r: { ...}
[2013-03-02 16:21:15] <p6eval> rakudo 82de32: OUTPUT«Stub code executed␤current instr.: 'throw' pc 333479 (src/gen/CORE.setting.pir:149685) (src/gen/CORE.setting:9303)␤called from Sub 'sink' pc 365376 (src/gen/CORE.setting.pir:162414) (src/gen/CORE.setting:10525)␤called from Sub 'MAIN' pc 381 (src/gen/perl6.pir:146) …
[2013-03-02 16:21:36] <diakopter> r: try { ...}
[2013-03-02 16:21:38] <p6eval> rakudo 82de32: OUTPUT«Stub code executed␤current instr.: 'throw' pc 333479 (src/gen/CORE.setting.pir:149685) (src/gen/CORE.setting:9303)␤called from Sub 'sink' pc 365376 (src/gen/CORE.setting.pir:162414) (src/gen/CORE.setting:10525)␤called from Sub 'MAIN' pc 381 (src/gen/perl6.pir:146) …
[2013-03-02 16:22:02] <jnthn> It's returning a Failure, and then that's ending up in sink context.
[2013-03-02 16:22:09] <diakopter> I'll sink ykur MAIN
[2013-03-02 16:22:30] <uvtc> Argh maties!
[2013-03-02 16:22:35] <diakopter> commute for realz&
[2013-03-02 16:23:25] <uvtc> jnthn: thanks for the extra info (??? !!!)
[2013-03-02 16:25:00] -!- cognominal [~cognomina@] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 16:30:29] <FROGGS> nr: say "abc123def" ~~ /<[\w]-[a\d]>+/
[2013-03-02 16:30:33] <p6eval> rakudo 7a41b9, niecza v24-24-gbdc3343: OUTPUT«「bc」␤␤»
[2013-03-02 16:30:35] <FROGGS> yay
[2013-03-02 16:30:44] <FROGGS> nr: say "abc123def" ~~ /<[\w]-[a\D]>+/
[2013-03-02 16:30:47] <p6eval> rakudo 7a41b9, niecza v24-24-gbdc3343: OUTPUT«「123」␤␤»
[2013-03-02 16:30:51] <FROGGS> nr: say "abc123def" ~~ /<[\w]-[\D]>+/
[2013-03-02 16:30:55] <p6eval> rakudo 7a41b9, niecza v24-24-gbdc3343: OUTPUT«「123」␤␤»
[2013-03-02 16:31:09] <FROGGS> nr: say "abc123def" ~~ /<[\w]-[\D\n]>+/
[2013-03-02 16:31:12] <p6eval> niecza v24-24-gbdc3343: OUTPUT«「c123」␤␤»
[2013-03-02 16:31:12] <p6eval> ..rakudo 7a41b9: OUTPUT«「123」␤␤»
[2013-03-02 16:31:33] <FROGGS> ha!!
[2013-03-02 16:31:55] <FROGGS> we beat niecza on regexes!
[2013-03-02 16:32:05] <FROGGS> I've never dreamed that this will happen
[2013-03-02 16:32:39] <FROGGS> nr: say "abc123def" ~~ /<[\w]-[\D\n\h]>+/
[2013-03-02 16:32:42] <p6eval> niecza v24-24-gbdc3343: OUTPUT«「c123」␤␤»
[2013-03-02 16:32:42] <p6eval> ..rakudo 7a41b9: OUTPUT«#<failed match>␤»
[2013-03-02 16:32:48] <FROGGS> uhh
[2013-03-02 16:32:52] <FROGGS> nr: say "abc123def" ~~ /<[\w]-[\D\h]>+/
[2013-03-02 16:32:54] <p6eval> niecza v24-24-gbdc3343: OUTPUT«「123」␤␤»
[2013-03-02 16:32:55] <p6eval> ..rakudo 7a41b9: OUTPUT«#<failed match>␤»
[2013-03-02 16:32:58] <FROGGS> nr: say "abc123def" ~~ /<[\w]-[\h]>+/
[2013-03-02 16:33:01] <p6eval> rakudo 7a41b9, niecza v24-24-gbdc3343: OUTPUT«「abc123def」␤␤»
[2013-03-02 16:37:26] <uvtc> Hm. Can a given/when be used as an expression? As in, `my $x = given $something { when "foo" { 1 } when "bar" { 2 } when "baz" { 3 } };`? My experiments say "no"... If that's the case (no pun intended), why is that?
[2013-03-02 16:38:21] <moritz> just a parsing problem, easly circumvented with my $x = do given ...;
[2013-03-02 16:38:37] <uvtc> Oh, right. `do`. Thanks!
[2013-03-02 16:40:39] <FROGGS> nr: say "abc123def" ~~ /<[\w]-[\D\t]>+/
[2013-03-02 16:40:42] <p6eval> niecza v24-24-gbdc3343: OUTPUT«「123」␤␤»
[2013-03-02 16:40:42] <p6eval> ..rakudo 7a41b9: OUTPUT«#<failed match>␤»
[2013-03-02 16:40:47] <FROGGS> ó.ò
[2013-03-02 16:44:57] <uvtc> Has there been any recent work on a Perl 6 mode for Emacs? The one linked to from (jrockway/cperl-mode) looks like it hasn't been touched in a while.
[2013-03-02 16:46:51] <tadzik> maybe it's perfect :P
[2013-03-02 16:47:00] <FROGGS> hehe
[2013-03-02 16:47:04] <FROGGS> good one
[2013-03-02 16:47:06] <FROGGS> *g*
[2013-03-02 16:48:30] <uvtc> Would be nice to have a dedicated p6 mode, even if only simple comments and strings were highlighted.
[2013-03-02 16:49:14] <geekosaur> I don't think perl6 syntax has undergone any radical changes recently?
[2013-03-02 16:49:22] -!- Chillance [~Chillance@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[2013-03-02 16:50:01] <uvtc> So, that cperl mode is supposed to do double duty as p5 and p6?
[2013-03-02 16:52:39] <Juerd> geekosaur: Nah, I'm afraid to propose swapping infix : and => around.
[2013-03-02 16:52:53] -!- rindolf [~Shlomi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[2013-03-02 16:53:22] <geekosaur> point was more that I don't think an existing perl6 editor mode would have bitrotted much
[2013-03-02 16:57:28] <uvtc> geekosaur: right. Thanks.
[2013-03-02 16:57:35] -!- rindolf [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 17:00:53] -!- drKreso [] has joined #perl6
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[2013-03-02 17:14:09] -!- drKreso [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[2013-03-02 17:15:25] -!- drKreso [] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 17:17:42] <TimToady> r: Nil;
[2013-03-02 17:17:44] <p6eval> rakudo 7a41b9: ( no output )
[2013-03-02 17:17:52] <TimToady> ouif 0 { Nilyou could put that for "pass"
[2013-03-02 17:18:03] <TimToady> er...
[2013-03-02 17:18:13] <lue> I should really start creating my own P6 mode for emacs. I hate cperl.
[2013-03-02 17:21:46] -!- stevan__ [~stevan@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[2013-03-02 17:25:18] -!- drKreso [] has left #perl6
[2013-03-02 17:25:42] -!- drKreso [] has joined #perl6
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[2013-03-02 17:49:07] <drKreso> phenny, tell moritz "Any special reason why this example of traits is not working (fibonacci memorisation)"
[2013-03-02 17:49:07] <phenny> drKreso: I'll pass that on when moritz is around.
[2013-03-02 17:49:25] -!- drKreso [] has quit [Quit: drKreso]
[2013-03-02 17:49:41] -!- cognominal [~cognomina@] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 18:02:42] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: 1d30e11 | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/ (3 files):
[2013-03-02 18:02:42] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: Start passing arg list as a parameter.
[2013-03-02 18:02:42] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep:
[2013-03-02 18:02:42] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: This is first step in getting rid of the field for passing this.
[2013-03-02 18:02:42] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: review:
[2013-03-02 18:02:43] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: 02001c7 | jnthn++ | / (7 files):
[2013-03-02 18:02:43] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: Eliminate callframe args field.
[2013-03-02 18:02:44] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep:
[2013-03-02 18:02:44] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: This completes the refactors to argument passing that get things in a
[2013-03-02 18:02:45] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: state where, once code-gen can provide it, we can start to make use of
[2013-03-02 18:02:45] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: invokedynamic.
[2013-03-02 18:02:46] <dalek> nqp-jvm-prep: review:
[2013-03-02 18:03:05] -!- pmurias [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[2013-03-02 18:03:15] -!- Eddward [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[2013-03-02 18:19:56] <lue> S02:744 shouldn't that be Rational[int128,uint64] ? (uint64 instead of what it says, int64)
[2013-03-02 18:24:02] <TimToady> yeah, probably
[2013-03-02 18:25:05] <lue> I'll fix it then. (I thought maybe there was a reason for the switch)
[2013-03-02 18:25:06] <TimToady> no point to storing the sign in two bits
[2013-03-02 18:25:52] <TimToady> though I'm sure the JVM would be happier with signed types, sigh
[2013-03-02 18:28:26] <lue> Mathematically, you'd have to xor the high bits (-3/-5 = 3/5, not -3/5)
[2013-03-02 18:30:16] -!- Guest93749 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[2013-03-02 18:33:47] <dalek> specs: 2a706be | lue++ | S02-bits.pod:
[2013-03-02 18:33:47] <dalek> specs: [S02] equivalent Rational for rat64 should have unsigned denominator.
[2013-03-02 18:33:47] <dalek> specs:
[2013-03-02 18:33:47] <dalek> specs: Just like every other Rat and rat in Perl 6.
[2013-03-02 18:33:47] <dalek> specs: review:
[2013-03-02 18:34:44] <jnthn> 'night, #perl6
[2013-03-02 18:35:02] <colomon> jnthn++ # good night!
[2013-03-02 18:36:30] <colomon> phenny: tell member:drKreso Seems like I had that working just a few months ago. Can you tell me more about how it's failing?
[2013-03-02 18:36:31] <phenny> colomon: I'll pass that on when member:drKreso is around.
[2013-03-02 18:37:56] <FROGGS> colomon: will that work with "member:" ?
[2013-03-02 18:39:38] <colomon> FROGGS: probably not, good catch.
[2013-03-02 18:39:56] <colomon> phenny: tell drKreso Seems like I had that working just a few months ago. Can you tell me more about how it's failing?
[2013-03-02 18:39:56] <phenny> colomon: I'll pass that on when drKreso is around.
[2013-03-02 18:41:39] -!- cognominal__ [~cognomina@] has joined #perl6
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[2013-03-02 18:45:14] -!- quester [~quester@unaffiliated/quester] has joined #perl6
[2013-03-02 18:47:11] <dalek> rakudo/nom: 123dfa3 | (Tobias Leich)++ | src/Perl6/
[2013-03-02 18:47:11] <dalek> rakudo/nom: RT #116979 check for variable in regex assertions
[2013-03-02 18:47:11] <dalek> rakudo/nom: review:
[2013-03-02 18:48:05] <sjn> GlitchMr: "I would put a description, but who seriously cares?" >> I care, FWIW.
[2013-03-02 18:52:34] -!- cognominal [~cognomina@] has joined #perl6
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[2013-03-02 19:22:42] <colomon> phenny: tell drKreso To be more precise after experimentation, moritz's code still works for me.
[2013-03-02 19:22:43] <phenny> colomon: I'll pass that on when drKreso is around.
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