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Last active January 25, 2016 15:09
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Useful Meteor Packages
# Community Packages
kadira:blaze-layout # Layout Manager for Blaze (works well with FlowRouter)
kadira:flow-router # Carefully designed client side router for Meteor
meteorhacks:fast-render # Render your app before the DDP connection comes alive
alanning:roles # Authorization package for Meteor - user roles
aldeed:collection2 # Automatic validation of the collection operations
matb33:collection-hooks # Before/after hooks for insert/update/remove/find
accounts-password # Password support for the accounts
accounts-facebook # Login service for Facebook accounts
accounts-twitter # Login service for Twitter accounts
accounts-google # Login service for Google accounts
email # Send email messages via Meteor framework
reactive-var # Provides general-purpose reactive datatype
percolate:synced-cron # Run scheduled jobs across multiple servers
tap:i18n # Internationalization solution for Meteor
fourseven:scss # Sass and SCSS support for Meteor
momentjs:moment # Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates
meteorhacks:kadira # Performance monitoring for Meteor
datariot:ganalytics # Google Analytics integration for Meteor
spiderable # Makes the application crawlable to web spiders
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